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Hockey drills

  • A starts with the ball
  • B comes for the ball, puts his/her stick down
  • A plays a hard aimed push to B
  • B elevators the ball over the bar
  • Turns away and drives the ball into the circle and rounds off
drawing Elevator assumption
  • A starts with the ball
  • The player floats with the ball to the pawn in front of him/her
  • The player drives around it with her/his forehand
  • A gives a push out of the run to the in-running B
  • B runs in and takes the ball
  • Pushes into the circle and rounds on goal
drawing Forehand take up from the barrel
Three color game

  • The trainer has three colors of pawns in his hand. Red, white and blue.
  • Player blue A takes his turn.
  • Trainer first puts color pawn 1 in the air --> For example, pawn white.
  • Player blue A starts running towards the edge of the circle and receives the ball from player blue ->.
  • The latter then plays the ball through the white gate as the trainer thus puts the white pawn in the air.
  • Player A takes the ball through the gate and rounds on goal.
  • After his shot, he takes over the spot of the player who passed the ball to him.
  • The trainer puts a new color pawn in the air for the next player etc.
drawing Exercise on target
  • head --> hitting
  • head --> short and then flats
  • at once short and then flush
  • header --> right shear, runs through at the level of the penalty spot hand off to the person who came in from the left side of the header.
  • Can't play it off himself trying to score.
drawing Penalty corner
  • A plays the ball to B
  • B plays the ball to C
  • then begins the 3 against 2, D and E defend
drawing 3 vs. 2
  • Jump 3 times
  • Sideways to the first pawn
  • Sideways back to the back line
  • Sprint to the second pawn
  • Slow dribble back
  • Start at common pace after instruction from trainer
drawing Condition
Attack down the right with a tip-in.

  • Teach players to execute the attack over the right side.
  • Focus on using a tip-in as a finishing technique.
  • Important to recognize the timing and position of the tip-in.
  • Players should also learn when to take the ball and turn away from the goalkeeper.
drawing Attack
  • Position play 0 against 0
  • Then 3 against 1
drawing positional play 3 against 0 and 3 against 1
Basic techniques -> Push pass out of the run.
  • The trainer makes 3-pairs -if you can't work out the numbers of 4-pairs-; 2 players on one side of the playing field, 1 on the other side.
  • The side of the pair always starts with the ball.
  • Player 1 starts by floating to the other side.
  • Halfway across the playing field he gives a push pass to player 2 on the opposite side.
  • Player 2 takes the ball and does the same as Player 1 and gives the ball with a push pass to Player 3 etc.
  • The player who passed the ball first runs on to Player 2's spot, Player 2 to Player 3's spot etc.
Points of attention:
  • Drive the ball well in front of your body -i.e. not next to it or behind it- -> Look well over the ball.
  • Drive the ball well outside with your left elbow.
  • The exercise must be performed technically well before you can increase speed.
drawing Exercise without purpose
  • A starts with the ball
  • A gives 2 passing options
  • A plays the ball to B
  • B takes the ball
  • C runs wide and gets the ball from B
  • Now a 3:2 starts
drawing 3 vs. 2
  • A push the ball to B.
  • B takes the ball and push the ball back to the wide running A.
  • A takes the ball and push it through to the in-running C.
  • C takes the ball and push/flats the ball deep to D.
  • D takes the ball and and runs across the back line.
  • D gives a 90-degree pass to the run-through B.
  • B takes the ball and hits on goal.
drawing Adoption in the loop
  • Divide your team into 2 groups
  • Have them both stand at a row
  • Have them practice elevator passes over the pawns several times first
  • Float over the last pawn and push the ball to the next in line
Once they have all done it once or twice, you can make it a relay.

drawing Elevator pass exercise