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Hockey drills

  • Walking out.
  • Rest.
  • Width of field.
  • Diagonal half-field build-up.
  • Speed from 60% to 100%.
drawing Steigerung
  • A starts with the ball and push the ball to B.
  • A is going to defend and B is going to try to score in the goalmouth.
  • Pay attention to the defender's stance, how to stand. Explain this.
  • Explain exercise multiple times.
drawing 1:1 defending right shoulder
  • A starts with the ball and floats the ball a bit forward and hits the ball to B.
  • B accepts the ball and floats a bit forward and hits the ball to C.
  • C takes the ball on and floats a bit forward and hits the ball to D.
  • D takes the ball on it floats towards the circle and hits the ball on goal.
drawing Striking out of the barrel
  • A starts with a ball and does an elevator pass at all the pawns.
  • When A gets to the end, he plays a 1-on-1 against B.
  • When A gets past B he rounds off with a hit on goal.
drawing Elevator passing practice
Passing through the bar

  • Divide the group into 4 groups
  • Each group works on 1 side of the field
  • Put 2/ 3 players at the back line -blue triangle- 2 meters from the bar
  • Put 2/ 3 players at the middle line -red three corners- 2 meters from the bar
  • The balls are with the players on the center line
  • The player with the ball plays to the player on the back line, through the bar
  • The player on the back line takes up and plays the ball back to the player on the middle line, via the bar
  • The player on the center line picks up, drives the ball to the circle and scores
  • The blue player moves to the red player's spot and the red player moves to the blue player's spot
  • The red player first takes the ball out of the goal and brings it back where the other balls are
Points of attention:
  • Playing hard on the bar
  • Make sure you have a good sharp angle so the ball arrives at the other player as well
drawing Practice with the beam
  • A starts with the ball and takes a self pass
  • B starts running as A starts running and gets the ball from A in the run
  • B takes the ball and drives at speed around the pawns
  • C has to start judging when to run to get the 90-degree pass from B
  • B passes the ball
  • C hits the ball on goal
drawing Attack over right without pressure
1 vs. 1: rounding at goal for attack and how to defend for defense
  • Defense: Defending to the outside
  • Attack: Clear feint and acceleration
drawing 1 vs.
  • Taking the ball and passing it straight back
  • Crossing diagonally with warm-up exercise
drawing Ball playing and crossing
  1. A starts with the ball.
  2. A runs with the ball toward the box and does a passing move around B.
  3. A passes it and goes around the pawn and does the same at C.
  4. A drives around the pawns and accelerates to the circle.
  5. A hits the ball on goal.
drawing Passing opponent
- Divide the group in half.
- Start with each group on the right side of the goal.
- Place 5 pylons on each side 1 meter from the bar.

  • On both sides, one player starts with the ball.
  • Who floats to 1st pylon and bounces the ball on the beam and takes the ball back after the pylon.
  • The player does this at all pylons.
  • After the last pylon, the player drifts the ball to the circle and scores.
  • The player takes the ball a connects at the other end.
- When drifting, keep ball on stick.
- When rebounding, turn in with the body so the ball makes a sharp angle.
drawing Handball on the beam
Warm up three exercises
Exercise 1: Overplay
Exercise 2: Run and play.
Exercise 3: Run to the left and play.

Exercise 1: Overplay.
  • Two players face each other, both near the bar with 1 ball.
  • They play the ball to each other on the forehand.
- They must keep the stick low when attacking the ball and the ball must be pushed.

Exercise 2: Run and play.
  • Groups of 3 or 4 players.
  • 2 players on one side of the bar with ball, the others on the opposite side.
  • One player with ball starts walking to the other side.
  • Halfway, the player passes the ball to a player on the other side.
  • That player takes the ball and now runs to the middle himself and then passes the ball on.
  • Once the ball is played, the player continues to run across to the other side.
- They must keep the stick low when taking the ball.
- Left elbow forward as you run with the ball.
- Walk in when the ball is played to you.

Exercise 3: Run to the left and play.
  • Groups of 3 or 4 players.
  • 2 players on one side of the bar with ball, the others on the opposite side.
  • Same as exercise 2 but now the player does not run straight ahead with the ball but in an arc to the left and then plays the ball.
  • When the ball is played, the player continues walking to the other side.
- Stick low when taking the ball.
- Ball stays to the right of the player as he/she runs the arch to the left.
- Walk in when the ball is played to.
drawing Warming up
Put out as many times as there are players:
  • Each player has their own pawn.
  • They play 1-1 with the person opposite them.
  • The ball is in the middle.
  • At the whistle, they start trying to tap the other person's pawn.
  • After a certain time, blow the whistle.
  • Player who won moves one space to the right on the loser 1 to the left.
  • In case of a tie; stone paper scissors.
drawing 1 vs. 1 mini