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Hockey drills

  • A starts with the ball.
  • B runs in towards A.
  • A gives a hard aimed pass to B.
  • B takes the ball with a lift and takes it with him.
  • B gives a deep ball to C who is ready to receive the ball and can at once take the ball to the back line.
  • C receives the ball and accelerates over the back line to give a 90 degree pass to A who has run on to the front circle. 
  • Set up exercise on 2 sides.
drawing Block 2 exercise 1 controlling lift with 90 degree pass
  • A 5 v 3.
  • A shifts the ball to B, B shifts the ball to C. 
  • When C has controlled the ball the 5 against 3 begins. 
  • Tips attackers:
    • Keep speed.
    • Always return the ball.
    • Pass over the backhand side of the opponent.
    • Keep the field wide and long.
    • Communicate with each other.
    • Using in-out to receive the ball.
  • Tips Defenders:
    • Close the shaft.
    • Close down pass lines to the front. (make sure they have to keep playing backwards)
    • Communicate with each other.
    • Keep them outside the circle. (when they come into the circle it is pressure on the ball)
    • If it is too difficult for the defenders let a tackle back runner join in.
drawing Block 1 exercise 2 5 v 3 with change of direction
  • A is ready with the ball.
  • B runs in towards the ball. 
  • A passes the ball to B. B receives the ball.
  • A runs through getting the ball back from B. 
  • A takes the ball on the pass. 
  • He touches the ball only 2 times. 
  • A takes the ball again, B runs through into the depth and gets the ball back from A.
  • A also touches the ball only twice, accepts and plays on.
  • B takes the ball in the depth and runs into the circle and rounds to goal. 
  • Set up exercise on 2 sides. 
  • If it goes well, put 1 defender in between who will put pressure on the ball when they intercept, they can score in the little goal on their side. 
drawing block 1 exercise 1 pass tempo 2 touch
  • Penalty corner 4.
  • A passes the ball to B.
  • B takes the ball outside the circle and gives a hard aimed flat to the first post.
  • A has run through to the first post and tips the ball into the goal.
  • C= runs towards the dot to be ready for the rebound.
  • D= runs to the second post to be ready for the tip or rebound.
  • E and F= run to the circle edge to be ready for the rebound.
  • G= runs a bit into the circle to be ready for the rebound.
drawing penalty corner 4
  • Penalty corner 3.
  • A passes the ball to B.
  • B takes the ball and passes it to the right.
  • C has run into the circle a bit and takes the ball and passes it back to B.
  • B has run on and gets the ball back from C and finishes the ball on target. (may be done at once if it goes well, otherwise first accept and then shoot).
  • A= passes to the first post for the tip or the rebound.
  • D= runs through to the second post for the tip or the rebound.
  • E and F= walk to the circle edge and stand ready for the rebound.
  • G= walks into the circle at the level of the dot and stands there ready for the rebound.

drawing penalty corner 3
  • Penalty corner 2.
  • A gives a directed pass to B.
  • B takes the ball outside the circle and passes to the right.
  • C has run into the circle and takes the ball and shoots at goal.
  • A= runs through to the far post and is ready to tip the ball or rebound.
  • B= runs into the circle for a rebound.
  • D= runs to the 2nd post to get the ball for the tip or the rebound.
  • E and F= both run to the circle edge to be ready for the rebound.
  • G= runs behind the given ball from A and stands at the height of the dot for the rebound.

drawing Penalty corner 2
  • This is penalty corner 1.
  • We always stand with 7 people at the attacking penalty corner. In the way that you see below.
  • A gives a good aimed ball to B.
  • B takes the ball outside the circle and finishes on goal. 
  • These are the tasks of the other players.
  • A= after giving the ball, goes to the post and stands ready for the tip or rebound.
  • C= walks towards the dot and is also ready for the rebound.
  • D= walks to the second post to be able to get the ball there for the tip or rebound.
  • E and F= both run to the circle edge and stand there ready to get the ball back.
  • G= walks behind ball that A gives along and also stands at the height of the dot and is ready for the rebound.

drawing penalty corner 1
  • B comes running in towards the circle at speed. 
  • He gets the ball from A who gives a directed push for B so he can take him easily.
  • From then on the 2v1 starts. B and C against the defender. 
  • When the defender has taken the ball away he can score by driving the ball through the orange gate. 
  • Tips attackers
    • Create speed.
    • Playing over the backhand side of the defender.
    • Make eye contact with teammates.
    • Use the in-out running.
  • Tips for the defender
    • Close the shaft.
    • Stand between the pass line of the attackers.
    • Let the attacker make the mistake.
    • Set up exercise on two sides.
drawing block 1 exercise 2 2 vs 1 with a variation
  • Practice the clean passing of a ball the proper acceptance of a ball. 
  • Then the player finishes on target and runs to an action he has made. 
  • A pushes the ball to B. (look, aim and hit the forehand of your teammate)
  • B takes the ball. (hands apart, standing actively, feet apart stick to the ground)
  • B pushes the ball to C who accepts the ball and takes it straight to the other side.
  • Take on the ball. ( ball on stick, hands apart, ball slightly in front of you)
  • Lines up the ball and finishes on the goal. 
  • D pushes the ball when B has played the ball to C right away. 
  • B must therefore turn around immediately and pay attention. 
  • B takes the ball and makes a forehand pass
  • B passes the ball to E. 
  • E takes the ball and gives another pass towards the 2nd post. 
  • C runs into the ball E gives and changes its direction.

drawing Block 1 exercise 1 controling the ball and finishing on target
  • The ball starts centrally.
  • Is passed to the back.
  • The winger runs in with a defender in his back.
  • The winger gets the ball from the back and passes it to the cdm.
  • After this it is a 5 against 4. 
  • (Strikers, cam, cdm and winger against 4 defenders).
drawing Build up 1
  • Bigger finishing exercise with lots of meters.
  • Turn over
    • 1-2-3-4-1
drawing Give & Go 3
  • On a quarter of a field, set out several exercises,
  • The players can start directly after each other.
    • From slalom,
    • dummy,
    • herring trick
    • to a walk you can set out.
  • So that during the warming up they can focus on all the techniques.
drawing Ball control warming up