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Hockey drills

  • A starts with the ball and runs up
  • Encounters an opponent.
  • B runs into the deep and gets a ball of A in the run
  • C runs in and gets the ball from B in the run
  • C takes the ball and runs towards the circle
  • a player encounters an opponent there and passes the ball wide to the run-through A
  • A walks in the direction of the circle and makes a choice or makes an action themselves
  • Passes the pawns on the left and finishes on goal
  • Or they choose to give the ball wide to the right to the run-through C
  • Then C shoots at goal 

drawing Block 3 exercise 1 standing in front of your opponent and making choices
  • Technique exercise
  • Learning the chop (if we don't have a water field we do another passing movement)
  • You walk towards the bar
  • Step over it yourself and tap the ball with your stick
  • Because of this it goes in the air and therefore over the tray
  • Then through the slalom and round off on goal
  • Do the exercise several times 
drawing Block 3 exercise 2 learning to chop
  • A starts with the ball
  • B runs towards the ball and gets a targeted pass from A on the forehand
  • B picks up the ball in the run and just takes his turn over the backhand side
  • Accelerate towards the circle and finish with the backhand or forehand
  • do exercise 2 times
drawing Block 3 exercise 1: take the ball while running followed by action over backhand
  • A gives a hard pass to B
  • B slaloms between pawns with the ball A slaloms between pawns  WITHOUT the ball
  • B gives a hard pass at the end towards A who takes the ball in the run 
  • A aligns the ball and finishes with the backhand on goal
drawing Block 2 exercise 2 long pass and aiming with backhand
  • A pushes the ball to B
  • B takes the ball and passes (2 touch)
  • B pushes the ball through to C who takes the ball closed
  • Who then turns left or right and finishes on goal
  • Same on the other side 
  • You stay with B and A once
  • First you give the ball and then  you receive the ball and then you pass through

drawing Block 2 training 1 closed receiving
  • aim pass at each other's forehand 
  • run  to the ball you passed
  • shoot at goal 
drawing Block 2 exercise 1 braiding
  • B comes running into the ball and gets a hard pass from A 
  • B takes the ball while running and takes the ball at the stick into the circle 
  • And finish with the backhand on goal
  • The same on both sides
drawing Block 2 exercise 1 round up with backhand
  • Exercise on doubling your opponent
  • A 1 to 2. 
  • A is the attacker and starts with the ball and wants to score in the goal on the other side. 
  • B and C are going to double the opponent so that he cannot start scoring. 
  • Tips: 
    • Push them to the outside
    • If they are on the outside put pressure backwards

drawing Block 2 exercise 3 doubling your opponent
  • Exercise with different lift passes.
  • A runs to the bar and passes over the bar and gives a pass to B.
  • B runs towards the ball and gives a lift pass to A. 
  • A has gone through to take the ball from B.
  • A gives a hard flat towards C. 
  • C comes in front of the bar and lifts the ball in a movement over the beam bar accelerates towards the circle.
  • C ball on the stick enters the circle.
  • Aligning ball and shooting at goal 
drawing Block 2: exercise 1 lift pass
  • Exercising the pressure.
  • How do you do this and why do we do it like this?
  • A, B and C are going to try to score in the small goal on the centre line.
  • The other three are going to put up the pressure
  • Explaining how to stand.
  • How to do this to make sure they can't go back.
  • You can double them to conquer the ball 
  • Once they have taken away the ball, they can shoot at the goal 
drawing Block 2 exercise 2: Putting up a press
  • The ball starts at A
  • B runs towards the circle 
  • A gives a lift pass over the bar towards B
  • B takes the ball in front of him so he can take the ball and runs towards the circle 
  • B aligns the ball en finishes on goal
drawing Block 2 exercise 1 lift pass on fellow player

pass-to-the-right-before-passing-to-the-left pass-to-the-right-before-passing-to-the-left 

The pass to the right goes diagonally forward and over the backhand side of the defender, the pass to the left you play wide and goes over the forehand side of the defender.

Therefore the pass to the right is preferred over the pass to the left.