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Hockey drills

  • 2 pawns face each other,
    • at a random distance (depends on whether you want to push or flatten, for example).
  • Player 1 and 3 stand with pawn A.
  • Player 2 stands at pawn B.
  • 1 plays the ball to player 2,
  • 2 receives the ball.
  • After player 1 passes the ball, he runs after his ball towards pion B.
  • When player 2 has passed again he runs in the direction of pion A.
  • etc. etcde
  • You can play this exercise with minimum 3 players, maximum 5 otherwise the intensity will be very low.

Overplaying to score

  • Two players continuously play the ball over
  • until one of them is so close to the goal
  • that he can score in the goal.

Variation 2-1 situation:

  • Under pressure from the defender, the attackers must now play together and try to score.
  • The defender can score a point by conquering the ball and then dribbling over the dead ball line.
  • This is the short side without a goal.

:As an attack is to get the most out of your attackAs a
defense is to defend smartly.


  • The field is up to the dotted line.
  • The attackers take the ball from somewhere on the dotted line and must try to score.
  • The defenders must try to defend the ball from the outside.
  • The attackers score 3 points when they score; 2 points when they force a corner and 1 point when they have a good scoring chance.
  • The defenders get 3 points when they defend the ball by playing in between the pawns; 2 points when they get a free hit and 1 point when they manage to play the ball over the touchline.
    NB When defenders score, the ball does not have to be run between the pawns or accepted behind the pawns.



  • Adjust the size of those teams according to the amount of players available. You can also have one team on the sidelines and play a 2 to 3 minute game each time. That way there is a break and the players have time to discuss and analyse.
  • The scoring pawns for the defenders can also be made smaller.
  • You can play with a 'chameleon' and thus give the attackers an overtal when scoring is not going well.

Points of attention:

  • Make sure it is clear who is picking up which man.
  • As defenders, try to keep a low profile and prevent fouls.
  • As the attackers, try to actively look for a foot.
  • Look for opportunities to double-team When you, as the defender, realise that your man is not being active enough in the attack, help your buddy defend and push the attacker into a corner
  • As the attacker, look for the backhand of your opponent. A right-wing attack is therefore often easier to execute than the other way around

  • divide the team by 2 and run it.
  • Sit on top and blow the whistle on any fouls called
  • so they get used to it.


  • A slalom exercise
  • watch how the hands are holding the stick
  • where they have the ball
  • And if they use the stick properly when they run through the exercise!
  • If it goes well, you can make a game of it and see if they master this. The team that has been through all the exercises first has won.
  • Two players stand behind each other. Around them 4 pawns in an angle: 3 next to them/2 behind them
  • The ball is passed to the player in front.
  • She runs around the pawn in front, turns left and plays the second player between the pawns.
  • The second player rebounds between the cones.
  • This repeats itself, then the first player finishes on goal.
  • Players divided into two groups on one side of the field.
  • Two rows of cones next to each other.
  • Players pass the ball back and forth while walking past the cones.
  • Variations
    • Individuals keep ball high along a row of cones, both groups independent of each other.
    • Passing the ball two by two
    • Individually dribble two balls at the same time, slalom through the cones
    • Pass the ball and dribble a second ball at the same time (player says yes).
    • Three of you play over 2 balls to the other side.

There is a square just outside the 23 in the middle.
3 teams between 4 and 6 players.

  • Team A starts attacking from the right, trying to score;
  • Pay attention to scoring positions (guard, spot, 2nd pole);
  • If team A scores, the coach throws in a bonus ball
  • If the ball goes out, it is for team B(defence)
    • Team B's task is to play into team C's position;
    • Team C then moves the ball to the right and starts attacking.
    • Team A then goes to defend

:To be able to quickly switch between offense and defense.

:The field between the 23m line and the halfway line is divided into two parts. There are three teams of 3 players. Two teams play against each other, the remaining team has a break.

  1. Team 1 and 2 play against each other. Goal of team 1 is to score, goal of team 2 is to get the ball to team 3.
  2. When one team scores, the other team has to start the next game as defender. E.g. Team 1 scores against team 2, then team 2 plays as defensive team against team 3.
  3. When team 2 has taken possession of the ball, they play it to team 3. Team 3 starts attacking team 1 as soon as they receive the ball. Team 1 must then switch from attack to defence. Team two now takes the place of team 2 and awaits the play between 3 and 1.



  • The number of players per team can be adjusted.
  • The field can be made narrower.

Points of attention:

  • The game should continue as much as possible. To do this, it is useful to have a lot of balls with you as a coach so you can throw them into the exercise.

: To get warm through a combination of passing, running, and picking up in the run and from standstill.

:This exercise is also known from volleyball. The pawns are not exactly in a triangle. It is possible, depending on the number of players, to set up a multiple of the exercise.

  1. The player at A passes the ball straight to the player at B.
  2. The player at B plays the ball to the player at C and runs towards point A.
  3. The player at C receives the ball at point D and passes it to point A.
  4. For the changeover, A runs to B, B via D to C and C to A.



  • Variations can be made in terms of stroke. (hit, push, flats)
  • The distances can be made larger or smaller to adjust the level of difficulty.
  • Pawns can be placed to play in between. This is to increase the purity. When you make the cones smaller, the degree of difficulty increases.
  • To play the ball from C to D there can be bounced.
  • To play the ball from D to A you can play bounce.
  • You can also place point C on the other side so that you reverse backhand and forehand.
  • When you place point C at 90 degrees from point B, you can do the same exercise, only then you will hit point D from a different angle.
  • When you set up different situations, you can rotate the exercise. Situation A is the standard, in situation B the exercise is mirrored, in situation C the exercise is set up so that point B and C are at 90 degrees from each other and situation D is a mirror of situation C.

Points of attention:

  • As a trainer you can take a good look at the different techniques of your players.
  • Sit low at the take-off.
  • When playing the ball from C to D, the ball may not shoot too far in the direction of A. The intention is that the player coming from B should take the ball at right angles.
  • Play the ball on the forehand where possible.
  • Stand ready to receive the ball. (low to the ground, stick on the ground)

: Various technical forms to warm up.

:The exercise can be set up one-sided or two-sided. This depends on the number of players in the training.

  1. At point A, the player makes a drag and passes the pawns. Then he passes to the player at point B.
  2. The player at point B takes the ball and dribbles to point C. From there he passes to the player at point C.
  3. The player receives the ball and turns towards the goal, completing the pass
  4. Before turning, you run after the ball. Point D rejoins point A again.



  • You can set up the exercise single-sided and double-sided.
  • You can also choose to warm up the goalkeeper in this way.
  • At C, you can switch sides. If you are coming from the right, play the ball to the right, so that you can practise from both sides.

Points of attention:

  • This is a good time to look at different techniques of your players and polish them.
  • When turning and dribbling, the ball must stay on the stick.
  • There is only one point at C, so players should not get in each other's way and look for the next ball to enter play.
  • All balls are played into the forehand of the teammates.

:To increase ball skills by alternating between playing without and with the ball, floating, hitting and bouncing.

:A square just outside the circle is set up

  1. The player outside the square plays the ball into the square.
  2. The ball is accepted by player 1. He takes the ball and drives around the pawn to point C.
  3. At point C he plays the ball into the square to player 2 and runs on to point D.
  4. Player 2 plays the ball to point D so player 1 can pick up the ball there.
  5. Player 1 walks to the edge of the circle and shoots at the goal from inside the circle.
  6. Before turning, player 1 takes the place of player 2; Player 2 goes to play the ball; The player who played the ball in becomes player 1.



  • Instead of shooting at the goal, you can also tip the ball in.
  • Player 2 can play and pass instead of taking the ball.
  • The exercise can also be played from the other side.

Points of attention:

  • The ball stays on the stick. When the ball is attached to the stick it is almost impossible to take it away without a foul.
  • Player 2 must play the ball in the right direction.
  • To make sure the exercise runs smoothly, there must always be a reserve player at points F and G.