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Hockey drills

  • Make groups of 2.
  • No. 1 must try to hit the ball of
  • no. 2, staying in a designated area. How often does No. 1 succeed? After some time, switch around and No. 2 may try to hit the ball of No.1.


  • The tagger should try to tap as many children as possible.
  • If you are in danger of getting tapped you can call a television show and then the tagger is not allowed to tap you.
  • You have to stand with your legs wide.
  • The rest can be relieved by crawling between your legs.
  • When you are tapped, you stand by the trainer.


  • 2 players give each other a hand and start tapping together (don't let go).
  • Player who is tapped gives a 3rd hand and when another player is tapped they form another twin pair.

    (each group of four splits).


  • Groups of 2 in a row.
  • There is one tagger and one runner.
  • The one who has to run away, because otherwise he will be tapped, will quickly stand in front of 2.
  • The last one of these two has to run away quickly in order not to be tapped, because 3 is too much! If you get tapped, you become the tagger.


  • 1 or 2 taggers.
  • On the spot where you are tapped, the tagger must hold his hand, for example, a hand on his shoulder.
  • With the other hand another has to be tapped.


  • There are 3 or 4 gates in the indicated area.
  • To score a point you have to pass the ball to a team-mate through a gate.
  • After scoring, the other player can score if they are in possession of the ball.


  • Run with the ball and pass the pylo, then play the ball to your fellow player.
  • Take the ball on the forehand and run to the pylon and pass.
  • At the end of the exercise run back to the beginning
  • Change sides after every turn.


  • defense intercepts the ball
  • the ball is played to the right back
  • the middle right pulls in so that the flank is open
  • the back right plays the ball into the depths to the striker 
  • the striker pulls out to take the ball along the line
  • The purpose of the exercise is to make players understand that you have to step in front of your opponent
  • and the quick passing of a ball is essential in an attack
drawing building up an attack from midfield
  • Have 5 attackers practice with the penalty corners
  • goalkeeper in goal
  • vary with declarers
  • different variants
  • At the end of the session, discuss 3 variants that can be used in the competition
  • The group is divided into 2 groups ( try boys who have to play together in the game across the board (far-mid or all defenders; all midfielders,...))

Playing field : 1/4 of the field over the entire width of the field.

  • Exercise : The toss determines which team has ball possession.
  • This group tries to visit all the houses on the playing field, after each visit the group has to get a key from the goalkeeper who is standing in a box in the middle of the field.
  • You get the key by playing the goalkeeper and he has to kick the ball back to a member of the group.
  • The house has to be approached by at least 3 people.
  • Then a group member may stand in the house and receive the ball and play it back.
  • The team may NOT have someone in the house in advance. 
  • Everything goes on time.
  • After group 1, group 2 starts. 
  • Group 2 has to improve the time of group 1...
  • The second version is with defense by the other group. 
  • Who scores the most houses in 10 minutes. 
  • Scoop is allowed in free space... houses may not be defended by a team...  A house = a square with 4 pilons...

  • This is a good exercise for conditioning: 
  • The group has to stand in a row and you let them start dribbling. 
  • As soon as the trainer blows his whistle, the last one of the row should run forwards. 
  • You do this until everyone has been there and then you let them finish running the track.