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Hockey drills

  • Use in a relay race; dribble around the hoops and dribble back in one go.
  • through the hoop
  • hoop on a pilon and play through it (hold the hoop and play or crawl through it


  • Place all the hoops in the room (islands).
  • On the outer side of the square, dribble with the ball to the left, dribble to a hoop and stand in it with the ball.
  • Dribble around the corner to the right
  • On the trainer's sign, dribble inside the square around 5 different hoops, counterclockwise.
  • change the number of hoops
  • always go to a different color hoop


  • Dribble the ball and pass it when you pass the hoop to a fellow player who does the same.
  • Expand the number of hoops (length and width)
  • score on a target at the end of the exercise


  • All children dribble with the ball in a designated area.
  • The trainer is 'mother/ father'.
  • Regularly the children ask: "Mother what time is it?"
  • If the mother mentions a random time, the kids just keep driving the ball.
  • But when mother answers, "It's bedtime", all the children try to get out of the area as quickly as possible before they are tagged by the mother.


Place 15 to 20 pilons over a distance of about 40 metres from the back line towards the middle line, in a straight line. The spacing between them at the basic form should be 2 meters.

Make 2 rows of players that are positioned behind the back line. The players do their exercise on both sides of the pilons at the same time towards the end of the series of pilons. There they turn and dribble with a wide curve back to the beginning. When the first two are at the fourth pilon, the next two can start.

Put players with an equal physical capacity next to each other. You can put players next to each other based on their positions (defender versus defender, attacker versus attacker).


1. On the signal the front 2 players start.

2. Sprint 2 pilons forward and then 1 pylon backward.

3. Keep your face forward, so don't turn during the exercise.

4. The intensity is 90% of the player's maximum speed. Especially the forward runs (starting) have to be explosive and with short steps.

5. At the end of the series of pilons you turn with a wide bend and dribble back slowly to the starting point.

6. Repeat this exercise once.


1. Identical to the basic form, but now with the pilons in a different pattern: between the first 2 pilons is 1 meter, between the next pilons 2 meters, then 3 meters, 4 meters and finally 5 meters. After this you reduce distances again (respectively 4, 3, 2 and 1 meter space between the pilons). In total you will have 18 pilons.

2. Identical to the basic form, but now with a different pattern: between the first 3 pilons 1 meter, the next 2 pilons 5 meter, then again 3 pilons with 1 meter, 2 pilons with 5 meter. After this, place the same pattern again (4 times the same pattern in 1 line, with a total of 18 pilons).

3. Identical to variation 3, but now you don't place the pilons in a straight line, but in curves.

4. You make a straight line of pilons and arrange them as you see fit. Make sure there is a lot of variation.

5. Identical to variation 4, but now with curves.

Intensity of the exercise

The intensity is 90% of the maximum effort. Panting, should be present in the forward runs, because they are highly explosive. Good body control and athletic posture should be maintained, EMI 7/8.

  • Play the ball hard and attackers in the circle look for the scoring zones and try to score creatively.
  • The aim when passing the ball in is to play hard and not to pass to a player.
drawing scoring from inside the scoringzones
  • You start with 3 teams, A, B and C. 
  • The game will be played on about half a field, 
  • the ball divider/referee is in the centre of the field in a marked square, 
  • this square can't be played through. 
  • There is a goalkeeper in the goal and two goals on the half way line. 
  • Team A starts defending, 
  • team B is attacking, 
  • team C is divided over the 2 small goals.
  • Team A has to make sure the ball reaches team C. 
  • At this moment team B is defending and attacking team C.
  • Put the pilons as shown in the figure
  • Spread the balls over pilons C and D.
  • In this exercise you place a player at pilons C and D.
  • The rest of the team will line up at pilon A.
  • From A onwards, the player walks around the pilon
  • From the post, the player makes a sideways movement facing the ball (facing C).
  • Player C plays the ball in the forehand of A
  • A takes the ball and turns right open
  • A runs in the direction of the circle and finishes at goal. 
  • From here he runs to D and receives another ball. 
  • The player turns open to the left and finishes on goal again.



Passing and scoring

  • Each pilon has a player on it.
  • Player A plays wide to the left to player B and chases the ball.
  • Player B plays the ball diagonally to the right to player C and chases the ball
  • Player C plays wide to the left to player D and chases the ball
  • Player D plays diagonally to the right the ball to player E and chases after the ball
  • Player E takes on and scores with flat / stroke
  • Player E continues to the left around the extra pilons (out of practice) back to position A



  • Balls start on the left from position B (pilon/position A is omitted), before that a pilon is added to the edge circle (position F).
  • player 1 plays the ball from position B diagonally to the right to player 2 at position C and chases the ball
  • Player on C plays wide to left to player in position D and chases after the ball
  • Player in position D plays the ball diagonally to the right to player E and chases after the ball
  • Player in position E plays wide to the left to player in position F and chases the ball
  • Player in position F takes on the fh or high bh and scores with a (backhand) stroke and
  • Runs outside the exercise to start position (B)

Variation 2:

  • 2 rows of players behind pilons A and B
  • Player 1 plays the ball wide to the left and runs straight to position C
  • player 2 takes the ball and plays player 1 diagonally to the right in the fh while running (towards position C) and runs straight ahead towards position D.
  • player 1 takes the ball in the fh around position C and plays the ball wide / backwards back to player 2 (towards position D) and runs to position E
  • player 2 takes the ball (preferably with fh) and with foot position in direction E and plays the ball diagonally forward back to player 1 (direction E: rather just in the circle / edge circle than behind player 1)
  • player 1 takes on and strikes / fats as fast as possible towards goal (do not bring the ball back) and runs outside exercise back to position B

Variation on 2:

  • After that player 2 has delivered the ball to player 1 the 2nd time / last time, he / she becomes (passive) defender at the next set
  • the defender is not allowed to go into the circle (or rather not even behind the line (position C/D) from where he/she started (position D)
  • takes off the ball then floats over a line between position A and B.
  • The 2 players that come up stay inside the box (width of pass lines) but are free in construction, they may also cross behind, cross over but no passes in the air (no lifts).
  • the No. 1 scores and, just like the defender, runs outside back to another position. The No. 2 becomes defender


  • hands apart while controlling
  • foot positioning open
  • control it for a follow-up pass or even a quick bounce back
  • Score after 2 contacts (control, max 1 other touch) 
    • see hands/feet position/distance from the ball at hitting and flats accents
  • Player 1 plays the ball to player 2
  • Player 2 plays the ball to player 3
  • Player 3 plays the ball to player 4
  • Player 4 finishes on target
  • Everyone runs to where he passes and when you've shot at goal you start at Player 1's spot
drawing Square
  • Player 1 runs with the ball to the circle and shoots
  • Player 4 plays the ball to the left where player 2 and defender 1 are running in (2v1)
  • Player 4 plays the ball to the right where player 3 and defender 2 come running in (3v2)
  • Player 4 runs with a ball into the circle and finishes off the attack (4v2)
  • receive the ball either forehand or backhand,
  • receive with a forehand and turn quickly to your left side.
  • receive with a backhand and turn quickly to your right side.
  • While under pressure:
    • receive on the side were the defender is positioned, turn away quickly and speed up
drawing reverse forehand and backhand