Hockey drills
- This step is performed in different ways.
- The easiest way is to make a kind of sideways jump.
- It is also possible to make a cross pass, which brings you to the same height as the jump.
- Make sure that your left foot reaches the same height as the ball during your run-up
- You should place your foot about 30 cm away from the ball, so that you have enough space to place your stick near the ball
- At a high level, the drag flick is a common variant of the penalty corner.
- It is also the only variant where the ball can be played at high speed, high on the goal.
- Below, the basic technique of the sledge push is explained in 4 steps.
- Float along the outside of the square.
- Not only looking at the ball but also looking forward/around you.
- In the room are hoops.
- 2 teams play against each other.
- You can score a point by passing the ball 5 times and then putting the ball in a hoop.
- The other team can then take the ball.
- Push the ball to the right.
- play left
- slide
- lay down several hoops and per 3 players pass the ball 6 times at 1 hoop and then to the next hoop.
- Two teams with substitutes, substitutions are made when a goal is scored.
- Each person defends a goal, on each field there are 5 goals,
- so there are also 5 people who defend these goals.
- If a goal is scored in your goal, you have to sit on the sidelines and you become a substitute.
- A new player (substitute) from the side enters the field and will defend the goal.
- If a goal is scored, it is 1 point.
- The team that has the most points at the end of the game is the winner.
- Someone runs in from the red, takes the ball in the run and runs away strongly,
- he/she plays it to the other person who is standing near red.
- Green comes running in, takes the ball in the run and turns away strongly, playing to the other person who is standing near green.
Overplaying to score
- Two players continuously play the ball over
- until one of them is so close to the goal
- that he can score in the goal.
Variation 2-1 situation:
- Under pressure from the defender, the attackers must now play together and try to score.
- The defender can score a point by conquering the ball and then dribbling over the dead ball line.
- This is the short side without a goal.
- divide the team by 2 and run it.
- Sit on top and blow the whistle on any fouls called
- so they get used to it.
- A slalom exercise
- watch how the hands are holding the stick
- where they have the ball
- And if they use the stick properly when they run through the exercise!
- If it goes well, you can make a game of it and see if they master this. The team that has been through all the exercises first has won.
- Players divided into two groups on one side of the field.
- Two rows of cones next to each other.
- Players pass the ball back and forth while walking past the cones.
- Variations
- Individuals keep ball high along a row of cones, both groups independent of each other.
- Passing the ball two by two
- Individually dribble two balls at the same time, slalom through the cones
- Pass the ball and dribble a second ball at the same time (player says yes).
- Three of you play over 2 balls to the other side.