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Hockey drills

Relay 4
  • Players blue and red start at the same time with the ball
  • Slalom around the 5 pawns --> cross --> around the green pawn and finish on goal.
  • If you score, you may immediately choose the shortest path to tap your next teammate.
  • If you miss; wide, post or the ball does not reach the goal, you make a detour via the red or blue pawn/triangle.
    • Players blue run back via the blue pawn and players red via the red.
  • When you have been, you sit on the ground.
  • The team that has all players on the ground first wins the relay.
  • Depending on the number of players, you may choose to have all players take their turn twice.
  • Switch sides halfway through the exercise.
drawing Exercise on target
Rats versus Ravens
  • Players red; the rats and players blue; the ravens all have a ball and stand with their backs to each other.
  • Trainer says r(rrrr)atten: all red players drift with ball toward the pawn line; players blue leave their ball and try to tap players red for the line.
  • The trainer says r(rrrr)aven: all blue players drive ball toward the pawn line; players red leave their ball and try to tap players blue for the line.
  • Reach the line without being tapped, you get a point.
  • Tap the player red/ blue before the line you get a point.
  • Change opponents frequently.
drawing Exercise without purpose
  • Player blue 1 plays the ball with a controlled push or flats diagonally onto the forehand of player red 2.
  • Player red 2 takes the ball on the forehand and rounds on goal.
  • Player red 1 plays the ball with a controlled push or flats diagonally onto the backhand of player blue 2.
  • Player blue 2 takes the ball on the backhand and rounds on goal.
Points of focus:
  • The focus in this exercise is on the approach.
  • Make yourself small when making the approach.
  • Try to pick up the pace of the ball.
  • Let the ball roll past you and take the ball as late as possible.
  • Make sure that the ball does not rise when taking it on. So keep your stick straight and not angled.
drawing Assumption
  • All players start with a ball in the square and dribble/drive around in it.
  • The trainer determines the moment to call stop!
  • At that moment, all players make sure the ball is stopped as quickly as possible.
  • Does the ball roll on. So does the player not have control of the ball he is off.
  • When you are off, you wait by the side.
  • The trainer may point to a waiting player to call stop!
  • As a trainer, at some point you may indicate that the players should dribble faster.
  • This makes it more difficult to stop the ball.
Note: the ball must be really still, so it should not roll a little bit.
drawing Stop!
  • Except for one player -red-, all players -blue- have one ball.
  • The red defender tries to work all balls out of the box.
  • If a blue player loses his/her ball and it has been played out of the box, she/he stands with her/his legs apart.
  • The player can be redeemed by another blue player; This one plays the ball through the legs -panna- and blue has a player back in the box.
  • Continue until all players are off.
Points of attention:
  • If it takes too long or you notice in advance that one defender is too little, appoint an extra defender.
drawing Game format: redeem by a panna.
Three-color game

  • Players all have a ball and dribble through the box of pawns.
  • Scattered through the box are pawns of three different colors; at least 4 of each color.
  • Trainer has in hand of all three colors -i.e. in the example red, blue and white.
  • Trainer puts e.g. a blue pawn in the air --> All players try to drive around all blue pawns as quickly as possible.
  • The first two players who have driven around all blue pawns get a point.
  • Then a new round begins and the trainer chooses another color pawn -or the same color.
  • Etc.
drawing Exercise without purpose
Basic techniques -> Push pass out of the run.
  • The trainer makes 3-pairs -if you can't work out the numbers of 4-pairs-; 2 players on one side of the playing field, 1 on the other side.
  • The side of the pair always starts with the ball.
  • Player 1 starts by floating to the other side.
  • Halfway across the playing field he gives a push pass to player 2 on the opposite side.
  • Player 2 takes the ball and does the same as Player 1 and gives the ball with a push pass to Player 3 etc.
  • The player who passed the ball first runs on to Player 2's spot, Player 2 to Player 3's spot etc.
Points of attention:
  • Drive the ball well in front of your body -i.e. not next to it or behind it- -> Look well over the ball.
  • Drive the ball well outside with your left elbow.
  • The exercise must be performed technically well before you can increase speed.
drawing Exercise without purpose
  • As trainers, create two equal teams.
  • Start the relay at the trainer's signal.
  • The players slalom around the pawns. Both ball and body around the pawns. And rounds on goal; push or flatten.
  • If the player scores, he may immediately sprint back and tap the next player.
  • If the player misses, he must take a detour via the blue pawn at the side of the field and then sprint back and tap the next player.
  • When it's your turn, you sit on the floor.
    • Depending on the number of players, you can also choose to have all players take 2 or 3 turns.
  • The next player may not start until he is tapped by the player in front of him.
  • The team that has all players on the ground first wins the relay.
  • There are different types of slalom to apply in this exercise:
    • Normal slalom
    • Slalom in which the player's body and ball are to the left or right of the pawn line
    • Slalom where the ball is to the left of the row of pawns and the body is to the right
drawing Exercise on target
Two touches
  • Player red pushes the ball to player blue, player blue to player white and player red 2. Players may touch the ball a maximum of two times.
  • Player red 2 takes the ball and rounds on goal. Preferably a flat.
  • After your pass, move on to the next pawn. The player who rounded on goal joins the back of the line again.
Points of attention:
  • Because the player is allowed to touch the ball a maximum of two times, the ball must be right at once when taking it on. So make sure the player concentrates extra well on the takeover.
drawing Exercise on target
  • Set out the exercises two or three times depending on the number of players.
  • Make pairs and place the pawns closer and closer together.
  • Players red and blue stand close together and tap the ball up and down between the pawns.
  • You start with a 2-touch so assume -> pass, maximum 2 touches.
  • If the ball hits a pawn, a pawn is skipped or a player touches the ball more than 2 times, you are out.
  • If you are finished, start the exercise again.
  • If you have made it to the end of the pawn row a number of times, try everything in 1-touch -no more than 1 touch, that is.
  • Is this also successful, you can keep track of time -> Improve your record each time.
drawing Tiktak
  • The trainer makes two equal teams and divides them into two rows.
  • The first player on each team starts with a slalom around the green pawns.
  • Then he drives a lap around the blue pawns -right around.
  • He puts the ball on the orange pawn and sprints back to the row of players.
  • There he taps the next player.
  • This one does exactly the same thing only without ball and stick.
  • He picks up the ball from the cone and sprints back to the row.
  • There he puts the ball ready for the next player, who travels the route again with ball and stick, and so on.
  • The team that first, has all its players finish twice, is the winner of the game.
drawing Relay
Two touches
  • Player red pushes the ball to player blue, player blue to player white and player red 2. Players may touch the ball a maximum of two times.
  • Player red 2 takes the ball and rounds on goal, preferably a flats.
  • After your pass, move on to the next pawn.
  • The player who rounded on goal rejoins the back of the line.
Points of attention:
  • Because the player is allowed to touch the ball a maximum of two times, the ball must be right at once when taking it on. So make sure the player concentrates extra well on the takeover.
drawing Exercise on target