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Hockey drills

  • A starts with the ball and gives a directional push to B
  • B takes the ball and gives a push to C
  • C takes the ball, drives with the ball on the stick to left side pawn row, makes a drag from left to right, accelerates and rounds on goal.
drawing Building, passing & rounding up
  • A pushes the ball to B
  • B takes the ball closed, then B turns open to his forehand and pushes the ball to C
  • A continues after the pass to position B, B continues after the pass to C
drawing Opening up after pass
Course with:

  • drag (fetching ball from left to right)
  • slalom
  • v-drag (exit left, retrieve accelerate over right)
  • dummy

finish with a shot on target
drawing Course technique dribbling
In this exercise, we are only going to flop!
  • The ball starts on the 23-meter line.
  • Goes wide to player 2, then deep to player 3 and then to head circle, to player 4.
  • Player 4 also rounds off with a flat.
Coach points:
  • Hands together during the flats.
  • Hands low to the ground during the flats.
  • Stick well upright so ball does not go up.
drawing Practicing the flats
  • Squares are laid out where a 1 versus 1 takes place.
  • Attacker, red, attacks on the goal while defender, blue, defends.
  • The focus here is that the defender defends accompanying and keeps the attacker constantly on the forehand.
  • Turning through: attacker becomes defender and vice versa.
Focus points:
  • Keep stick still when defending -guided.
  • Wait for the right moment.
  • Try to guide the attacker into the corner.
  • Keep the attacker constant on the forehand.
drawing Accompanying defense 1 vs.
A dribble/drive course is laid out for the players to follow.
The goal is to get the ball from orange pawn to the green pawn.

The course:
  • a slalom
  • a mine field
  • a round the hoop
  • a sprint to the finish line
So the picture below sets out 2/3 times!

Let the players try the course once first, then you may turn it into a race.
For example, give each team 15 balls and the goal: who first brought all the balls from the pawn to the green hat.

drawing Float and dribble course
  • Practicing Dummy and the Turn.
  • Red pushes the ball to blue,
  • Blue first does a dummy and then a turn.
  • Blue rounds.
drawing Dummy & Turn
  • Overplaying and attacking
drawing Attacks
  • Three pairs.
  • Player 1 plays player 2 in the run.
  • Quick turn over forehand.
  • Sprint around pawn with ball on stick.
  • In the stick adjust on player 1.
  • Player 1 does the same.
drawing Play-in warm-up
  • The blue and red players play hard across
  • The red player runs in and gets the ball from the blue player
  • The red player rounds on the goal with a stroke
drawing Running in with stroke
  • The white player passes the blue triangular player in
  • The blue triangular player passes the ball to the red triangular player
  • Meanwhile, the red round player begins to offer around the pawns
  • The triangular red player passes to the round red player
  • This one runs into the circle and duels with the blue round defender
  • Then the red round player rounds on the goal 10 seconds while in circle
drawing get in front of your defender
Red player starts with the ball and begins drifting to the next pot and then pushes the ball to the blue player.
The blue player takes open around the pot and then also drifts to the next pot and then pushes to red again!

  • T: Give as many passes as possible within 1 minute.
  • R: /
  • A: Making the square bigger
  • D: Passive defender
drawing Assumptions and push in a square