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Korfball drills for technique attack / score

  • 4 players play around the post.
  • One player takes the rebound.
  • The other three keep a triangle around the post and keep playing around with the three of them.
  • The rebound player moves to the side where the ball is, gets the ball and shoots.
  • Variant
    • The rebound player steps out to the near post, receives the ball and passes to the far post.
    • Both can also be combined, with the rebound player opting to pull away and pass on the ball.
    • Other players must recognise their choice and make the right decision


  • Earn a point by catching the ball over the line.


  • A party starts from behind the line with the ball.
  • Intercepted ball is ball first to your own line and then to the other side for a point.
  • Balls out count.
  • When a point is gained, the opponent gets the ball from there.

Points of attention:

  • For defending.
  • Play on the side by moving on one leg.
  • Play at tempo.
  • Watch each other and your opponents place.

drawing bring the ball over the line
  • Divide the team into equal groups of 3 at most
  • As many poles as groups
  • Everyone can defend everyone
  • Can score on any pole
  • Which 4 team is first to score 3x.
    • Other players shoot a threesome. (to max 10x scoring)
  • With pairs shoot from distance 3x scoring pp.
  • Open game as attacker you may only shoot when you haven't played in the ball.
  • Which team will be first to score 3x.
    • Other players shoot a threesome. (to max 10x scoring)
  • With pairs shoot from distance 3x scoring pp.
  • 2 designated people may only shoot from the support position, the other two may shoot if there is a catch.
    • Other players shoot a threesome. (till max 10x scoring)
  • Pairs of players shoot from a distance 3x points pp.
  • Now only distance shots are allowed.
  • Play in 1:1 with a defender.
  • The defender goes for it and tries to defend everything.
  • As attacker, create 3 chances and make the most of them.
  • Every player is 2x attacker/defender/forward.
  • 3 persons per pole with 1 ball
  • 1 person under the post is a passer (close to the post)
  • In front is an attacker with defender who runs from left to right at about 5 to 6 metres
  • Attacker plays the ball to the attacker (defender makes this difficult)
  • Attacker throws the ball back to the attacker and moves widthways again (you can move right twice as long as you stay at 5/6 meter from the post)
  • Team captain plays the ball to the attacker again
  • Defender chooses whether to block the shot or not
  • Attacker has to make the (right) choice to shoot himself or play the ball to the back-rower for a shot (if the ball is played to the back-rower, the defender tries to hinder this as well as possible)
  • Possible sequel: when the attacker plays the ball to the moving reinforcer, he does not shoot but the attacker makes a walkthrough ball
  • A possible 4th person can also defend the defender
  • The ball starts under the basket and is thrown to the child in front of the basket.
  • The child under the basket then runs after the ball to defend.
  • It is important that the attacker is central. With too much defensive pressure, the attacker cannot practice.

  • Keep moving and make sure the pass comes from the space.
  • There is always room for a break-through or a shot.
  • The third player takes care of the catch and plays the ball again.
  • Make sure you are always on the move and keep space for your teammates
  • There is always one of the 4 (diagonal to the ball) who sinks to the post to be able to catch a shot
  • Try to get each other in a shooting position at a maximum of 6 metres, or indicate from the space that you want to break through because the opponent is biting.
  • In the 1:1 you try to score 2x in 1 minute.
  • The defender makes choices which ball she defends.
  • The attacker and the passer play this out together.
  • attack, defend and pass each 3x 1 minute.
  • 4 defenders stand at the post and look at their opponent who stands at a hat. (Hats in the corners of the box)
  • From the centre line, the ball is placed in a corner.
  • The foursome in the corners try to score as quickly as possible and use the (temporary) overtal situation.
  • The defender of the player who gets the ball makes a circle from the basket before he may defend.
  • The three other defenders try to prevent scoring.
  • Be careful not to infringe, as there is always a lady free. (This exercise is about insight and overview).
  • Variant on shot movement triangle
    • Instead of a shot
    • Start rebounding away for a short chance
    • Front player remains in play-off position
    • Indicates position of rebound (1/5)
  • Variant 2:
    • Frontline player runs one back (space)
    • Ball diagonal and throwing player comes next to it
drawing Variant of triangle shot movement