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Korfball drills for technique attack / score

  • 4 v 4 on badminton court with post in middle
  • Practice the passing exercise but now have choice of which way, still need to make contact first
  • If you have a shot, take it, if not pass to someone else, include long diagonal, emphasise contact first
  • If there is a shot going up and you are nearest, get to post to collect, shooter to follow shot in
  • After a shot, reset and go again, swap roles after three shots or five minutes which ever comes first
The ball is under the post in the support.
Two players in the front of the box.
The fourth player wanders somewhere in the back box.

  • The support throws the ball out to the left or right and runs in the direction it was thrown.
  • The ball is played back to the out runner.
  • The player on the other front is constantly moving and breaks through at the moment the ball is played back to the out runner.
  • The out runner hands the ball over and this through ball is scored.
Score 20x over left and 20x over right.

drawing Breakthrough from space
Per 3- or 4-team at a basket.
Step 1:
  • Player Red defends Player Blue.
  • Player Blue has the ball and then throws it to Player White and runs deep and shoots.
Step 2:
  • Follow Step 1 and after Player Blue runs deep, Player White rushes in for a giveaway.
  • Player Blue goes for a pass through Blue.
  • Player Red continues to defend, but allows the through ball.
> Take the goal attempts as calmly as possible
> If by 4 put down a rebound.
drawing Running deep lines
  • The ball enters the box in a 4-0 formation.
  • The player on the other side -for- cuts in for support.
  • At the moment the ball is played to the diagonal player makes a breakthrough or lateral move, gets the ball played to him and gets to the shot.
  • If no goal is scored, the support can shift attention to the other back, where breakthroughs or clearances can be made for the shot.
Note: The player on the side of the ball can also run in instead of the player in front. The action then comes from the other side of the box.

  • Score 5 through balls over left and over right
  • Score 5 clearance balls from the left and right.
drawing Action from rear
  • Put a basket in each corner of the field.
  • At each basket, one player stands with a ball.
  • The remaining four players stand in the middle of the field.
  • 1 player is attack, three players are defender.
  • The defenders must defend the four baskets together.
  • The attacker tries to score a goal within 25 seconds.
  • After every 25 seconds it is a new attacker's turn.
  • When there are more than 8 players, rotate through.
drawing Find the free basket
Per 3 or 4 at the basket:
  • Using pawns, divide the attacking area around the basket into 4.
  • There are players in 3 of these 4 areas.
  • If 4 players, set up a rebound.

  • The moment player white passes the ball to player blue, player white moves to the free area. Player blue plays on to player red, and then also starts filling in the free space.
  • Note: do not let players run away too quickly, make sure they remain playable. The idea is that they make a timely attack. Walk towards the ball.
  • Give a signal to shoot, the other 2 will fill in the rebound from space.
  • Then play again and repeat.
- If it goes well, also try it with a defender -> let the pass be given, but then make it more difficult to get free.
- If feasible, you can also implement a support in the exercise.
Let the players think for themselves who best fills this position.
drawing Filling free positions in round games
  • Put a basket in each corner of the field.
  • At each basket, one player stands with a ball.
  • The remaining four players stand in the middle of the field.
  • 1 player is attack, three players are defender.
  • The defenders must defend the four baskets together.
  • The attacker tries to score a goal within 25 seconds.
  • After every 25 seconds it is a new attacker's turn.
  • When there are more than 8 players, rotate through.
drawing Find the free basket
Per 3 players at the basket:

  • With pawns, divide the attacking area around the basket into 4.
  • There are players in 3 of these 4 areas.
  • When player white passes the ball to player blue, player white moves to the free area.
  • Player blue plays through to player red and then also fills the free area.
  • Give a signal on which may shoot. The other 2 go out of space to fill in the rebound.
  • Then play out again and repeat.
If feasible you can also implement a support in your exercise.
Let the players think for themselves who best fills this position.
drawing Filling free positions in round games
  • In threes or twos to the basket.
  • There is constantly 1 person working for 1 minute, ideally 2 people for the rebound.
  • There are pawns/slip dots in a square around the basket, about 4 meters apart.

  • Player 1 starts at the first pawn, walks in for a through ball.
  • Then walks out to the second pawn and takes the shot there.
  • Goes to the third pawn and makes another through ball there etc.
  • After 1 minute it is the next player's turn.
drawing Conditioning Exercise
  • Children learning to walk lines
drawing Up and down
  • Work with 3 or 4 teams per basket.
  • The players move in and out continuously from 5 meters.
  • The player with the ball chooses 1 of the outrunning people and throws the ball in tight.
  • The player who gets the ball shoots, the declarer catches off.
  • The ball is played out and the others make in/out moves again. Now another is played on, who shoots immediately.
Goal of the exercise is: continuous movement, being ready to shoot and tight passing.
  • 2 players in front of the basket
  • Player 1 plays the ball to player 2
  • Player 1 immediately goes after the ball to set up a pointer
  • Possibly with defender and feint
  • Also possible with rebound
drawing Indicate over belly side put