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Korfball drills for technique attack / score

  • Make a circle at the level of your head on the wall (with sidewalk chalk)
  • Make the circle about the same size as a basket.
  • Now stand 3 or 4 meters away from the circle.
  • Now throw the ball with your left against the wall and catch it with your right hand.
  • Do this for one minute.
  • The ball must not bounce on the ground.
  • If it is too easy, stand further away or try to throw the ball faster. If the exercise is too difficult, try to catch the ball with two hands, but still throw with one hand
    • Or stand a little closer to the wall. (Outdoors exercise)
  • You have two attackers on the side in the middle between two baskets.
  • The attacker must try to score with the help of the two players.
  • At an interception, the defender becomes the attacker.
  • When a goal is scored, the attacker gets a bonus and is allowed to keep attacking, only now he has to attack the other basket.
  • When three goals have been scored, the winning attacker is rested and exchanged with a declarer.
drawing Attacking with double touch on the side

In short: practicing various shooting variants in a fun competition form.

  • Organization: per group a basket and a ball, the baskets are preferably (but not necessary) arranged in a circle or rectangle.
  • The number of persons per group is less important (but all groups are about the same size).
  • The first assignment for the groups is: score 10 goals.
  • When you have completed this assignment, the person who scored the last goal runs to the trainer to pick up the next assignment.
  • Which group completed all assignments first?
  • The trainer walks around, encouraging, or correcting.
  • He has a piece of paper with him with a row of assignments on it.
  • When someone comes to pick up the next assignment, first ask which one has just been done (this can vary considerably over time) and then hand out the next assignment.
  • An example list: 10 walk-through balls, 15 penalty shots, 5 8-meter shots, 10 walk-through balls from behind the basket, 5 dodge balls next to the pole, 10 6-meter shots.
  • Everything is possible of course, a lot of momentum is gained if the number of goals to be scored is kept small.
  • 10 walk-through balls
  • 20 small oppertunities
  • 6 remote shots
  • 10 penalty throws
  • 1 backwards

  • 4 against 4.
  • Pay attention to the basic set-up, to the ball pace and to the movement of the players, so that there is not just one attacker moving.
  • Make the game more surprising by moving the ball, pulling the ball away, throwing it deep, etc.
  • In pairs, carry the ball across the field by throwing it into the run of the other player.
  • Variation with 1 defender, with 2 defenders.
  • 3 baskets
  • 1 attacker
  • 2 defenders
  • And per basket one attacker with ball
  • Score as many goals as possible within 1 minute

You will play matches with even numbers, but instead of earning points by scoring, you can also earn points by catching the ball.

  • Goal is worth 1 point
  • Catching the ball after a shot(rebounding) 2 points

(3:1) There is play. There are always 4 of the 5 positions filled. So everybody has to keep moving. There are no 3 persons next to each other etc.running-lines

  • Make a square around the basket with two people in front and two in the back (in a triple team, one person in the back).
  • Play around the basket.
  • As soon as the ball is played from the front to the back, the thrower immediately fills in the rebound.
  • In front the vacant spot is filled in by the other player who was in front.
  • He now receives the ball from behind and shoots.
drawing Working towards 3-1
  • Number 1 is going to take penalties until 10 have been scored.
  • In the meantime number 2 does running exercises.
  • As soon as number 1 has scored 10, there is a change of function.
  • Formation 2 on the line, 1 left 1 right in the field.
  • Release ball whereby 2 on the line go towards the basket and left and right on the line pick up the ball.
  • Long ball and score
  • 1 declarer
  • 1 Attacker
  • 1 defender

  • In front of the basket, attacker and defender walk towards each other.
  • Attacker decides when to start for the walkthrough.