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Korfball drills for technique attack / score

  • Put a basket in each corner of the field.
  • At each basket, one player stands with a ball.
  • The remaining four players stand in the middle of the field.
  • 1 player is attack, three players are defender.
  • The defenders must defend the four baskets together.
  • The attacker tries to score a goal within 25 seconds.
  • After every 25 seconds it is a new attacker's turn.
  • When there are more than 8 players, rotate through.
drawing Find the free basket
Per 3 players at the basket:

  • With pawns, divide the attacking area around the basket into 4.
  • There are players in 3 of these 4 areas.
  • When player white passes the ball to player blue, player white moves to the free area.
  • Player blue plays through to player red and then also fills the free area.
  • Give a signal on which may shoot. The other 2 go out of space to fill in the rebound.
  • Then play out again and repeat.
If feasible you can also implement a support in your exercise.
Let the players think for themselves who best fills this position.
drawing Filling free positions in round games
  • In threes or twos to the basket.
  • There is constantly 1 person working for 1 minute, ideally 2 people for the rebound.
  • There are pawns/slip dots in a square around the basket, about 4 meters apart.

  • Player 1 starts at the first pawn, walks in for a through ball.
  • Then walks out to the second pawn and takes the shot there.
  • Goes to the third pawn and makes another through ball there etc.
  • After 1 minute it is the next player's turn.
drawing Conditioning Exercise
  • Children learning to walk lines
drawing Up and down
  • Work with 3 or 4 teams per basket.
  • The players move in and out continuously from 5 meters.
  • The player with the ball chooses 1 of the outrunning people and throws the ball in tight.
  • The player who gets the ball shoots, the declarer catches off.
  • The ball is played out and the others make in/out moves again. Now another is played on, who shoots immediately.
Goal of the exercise is: continuous movement, being ready to shoot and tight passing.
  • 2 players in front of the basket
  • Player 1 plays the ball to player 2
  • Player 1 immediately goes after the ball to set up a pointer
  • Possibly with defender and feint
  • Also possible with rebound
drawing Indicate over belly side put
  • Half of the group is attacker, blue, and the other half is defender, red.
  • The attackers stand on the sideline and the defenders stand about 1 meter in front of them.
  • The attackers run forward and try to get past the defender at half speed.
  • The defender follows the attacker's every move while running backwards with them.
  • Once across, the attackers and defenders switch roles.
drawing Defensively running backwards
Building up to offensive positions to fall back on when creativity fails for a while.
Blue = static starting positions

  • Pass deep from front field
  • Pass laterally into backfield + rebound run in
  • Pass deep from backfield + run in support
  • Pass passed to incoming support + attacking action by both strikers
  • Support plays free striker + runs out into space
  • Offloaded striker shoots
Once static has been mastered, move to dynamic. Agreement is that support follows immediately after rebound. The rest can be filled in freely with the variations below:
  • Support runs around the block instead of cutting into it.
  • Support does not shoot, but plays shadow striker to shoot. 7a.
  • Offloaded striker does not shoot, but plays run-out striker to shoot. 7b.
  • Played run-out support does not shoot, but shadow striker runs into support and takes over function + attack action strikers and shoot. 8.
  • Played run-out support does not shoot, striker runs into support and takes over function + shadow striker connects with run-out support + strikers attack action and shoot. 9.
  • ... innumerable variations to think of
drawing System building attack - foundation to fall back on
Building up to offensive positions to fall back on when creativity fails for a while.
Blue = static starting positions

  • Pass deep from front field
  • Pass laterally into backfield + rebound run in
  • Pass deep from backfield + run in support
  • Pass passed to incoming support + attacking action by both strikers
  • Support plays free striker + runs out into space
  • Offloaded striker shoots
Once static has been mastered, move to dynamic. Agreement is that support follows immediately after rebound. The rest can be filled in freely with the variations below:
  • Support runs around the block instead of cutting into it.
  • Support does not shoot, but plays shadow striker to shoot. 7a.
  • Offloaded striker does not shoot, but plays run-out striker to shoot. 7b.
  • Played run-out support does not shoot, but shadow striker runs into support and takes over function + attack action strikers and shoot. 8.
  • Played run-out support does not shoot, striker runs into support and takes over function + shadow striker connects with run-out support + strikers attack action and shoot. 9.
  • ... innumerable variations to think of
drawing System building attack - foundation to fall back on
  • Player 3 picks up the ball and throws it to player 1.
  • Player 3 runs to the post.
  • Player 4 goes over block, player 3 to the pointer.
  • Player 1 throws the ball to player 2.
  • Player 2 throws the ball to player 3 who enters the give way.
  • Player 3 dodges and gets the ball moving, behind the post, and shoots.
  • Player 4 connects, next to player 3.
  • Player 1 runs to the front of the post and keeps the player engaged until shot.
  • Player 2 takes player 1's position and after the shot goes to the post for the double-catch, ball over the basket.
drawing Capture when dynamically attacking
  • Build up to offensive positions to fall back on when creativity fails.
drawing System building attack - foundation to fall back on
  • Setup is that someone stands under the post and the 3 others stand in a triangle relative to the post.
  • The player with the ball plays deep or wide and takes the pole position.
  • If the ball is played deep, the player at the post moves backwards. If the ball is played wide, the player on that side runs with it.
  • If the ball goes deep, the forward player takes the filling-in player's spot. If the ball goes wide, the back player takes that spot.
  • The player who fills in from the side takes the shot. The caught ball goes back to the middle player and play can begin again.
  • If everything is filled in on time, you have the catch out of space. If the intended shooter is blocked with a jump, he/she has 2 points of attack for a breakthrough.
  1. Score 10x via moving to the right.
  2. score 10x via moving to the left.
  3. score 10x via a through ball on a flying defender.
drawing Always 2 supports