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Korfball drills for technique attack / score

  • 1 forward under the post,
  • 1 attacker and
  • 1 defender in front of the post.
    • Attacker starts 5-6 m from the post,
    • attacker gets 3 goal attempts to score a goal.
    • If he fails to do so, he stays put and gets another defender.
    • This is rotated until the attacker scores.
  • Player A throws the ball deep and player 2 scores a pass
  • It depends on how they participate, but they have to make 7 and they have a period of 10 minutes for this.
  • If they don't make 7 in the 10 minutes, we will run for 7 minutes.
  • Player A throws the ball deep and
  • player 2 scores a pass

You play the old fashioned game of loafing. You play in the formation shown below. One pylon is always empty. The attackers have to occupy the empty pylon by running free. In the middle stands the loafer. He tries to intercept the ball by making a smart move. It is not allowed to cross at an angle.

  • Two teams play against each other between two baskets.
  • Winner moves up.
  • At 2 goals the game stops.
  • If the score is tied, the team that scored first wins.

  • The children stand in a square around the pole.
  • They pass the ball around by walking in and out and coming up next to the person with the ball.


  • The person in the middle stands as a catcher and the person behind the post as a passer.
  • The two in front start moving, the ball is thrown out or passed.

You have 3 children per pole. 1 is the attacker, 1 the defender and 1 the attacker/catcher. the attacker must try to score and the defender must prevent this. change when the attacker has scored.

Trio at the basket. A passer, defender and attacker. The defender starts with a light pressure and allows the shot. The attacker moves on the crossbar and shoots. When scoring twice, the attacker switches functions. The pressure from the defender can be increased further and further until there is a 1v1 situation in which the attacker can only shoot.

When the defence has intercepted the ball, they first pass it back to the trainers.

When practising 1:1 duels for the attacker, the role of the defender is very important. By his actions, he forces the attacker to perform a certain action Dose the defenders so that the attacker learns the technique and especially the timing in stages

Staying on the ball is not so difficult when the attacker is bigger than the defender, the ball can easily be played high up It is more difficult when the attacker is smaller, passing is often a curved ball which is placed behind the attacker By moving in the wide line in front of the basket, the attacker has to get loose.

The organisation is in threes or fours with a fixed division of functions, 1 or 2 attackers, an attacker and a defender. The duration of each exercise is 45 seconds.

Exercise 1

The attacker makes as many shots as possible, any kind of shot is allowed. The defender follows alone, he does not block the shots or the passing.

Exercise 2

The defender tries to block all distance shots. The attacker can take through balls. If the defender does not approach sufficiently, the shot may still be taken.

Exercise 3

The defender will make the through ball impossible by keeping a safe distance. The attacker will shoot more.

The attacker will move further and further away from the basket, causing the quality of his shots to deteriorate. The attacker will have to look for his opponent first and make an evasive move when the distance is small enough. Looking for the opponent is easiest by pretending to take a walk-through ball, i.e. high walking pace.

Exercise 4

The attacker plays together with the attacker(s) and can patiently look for the right opportunity. Within the time allowed, the attacker may create three chances. The attacker learns that not every chance must be taken.

Exercise 5

The attacker is instructed to score twice in 45 seconds, in any form.

In the preceding exercises, the defender has limited himself to preventing shooting. The exercises can be repeated with the defender obstructing the approach. The attacker must now react and make an effort to be and remain passable After receiving the ball, there is often space for a shot

The penalty throw is often a starting exercise for the through ball. In this folder, we deviate from that and treat the through ball separately. The Penalty Throw is the only goal opportunity that does not depend on the position of the opponent and always has the same starting position. Only at outdoor matches, the weather conditions can influence the way the penalty throw is taken.

Starting Position

A slight stance with knees slightly bent and body weight on the front leg. The ball is held with both hands in front of the body at hip height. The hands hold the ball as described for the distance shot.


The movement is started by stretching the front leg and bending the body forward at the same time, thus moving the body towards the basket. The back leg functions as a swinging leg. The smoothly extended arms are raised and guide the ball in its trajectory towards the basket for as long as possible to increase accuracy. Landing on the swing leg, arms and fingers point the ball after.

Penalty throw

Common mistakes

  • Arms not stretched enough, so the ball is not guided long enough.
  • Offset is too powerful, resulting in a loss of shooting balance.
  • Arms are not stretched out with the same force
  • The back foot hits the ground before the ball has left the hands, because the push-off movement is too short (breach of the walking rule)
  • Body weight is not kept sufficiently on the front leg during the initial stance, the tendency to move the front foot is also a violation of the gait rule.

Exercise 1

The penalty throw can be practiced immediately in its entirety. The pressure of having to score at the penalty throw can be imitated in different ways: scoring ten in a row and counting again if the throw is missed. Which group has the highest

the highest series of penalty throw scored, score 2 points and miss 1 point â'¬ who has 20 points first, which player scores the most in 10 attempts. This exercise is all about technique. Also in the match only the technique is decisive whether or not a score is made. There is no time factor or defender. Set up the exercises so that it is not the time but the efficiency that is important.

Starting situation

The game is played with two teams of four ladies and four gentlemen each. The field is divided into two sections of 20 by 20 metres each (adapted for pupils, 15 by 15).

Goal of the game

Which team will score the most goals? Attacking (scoring and playing together to score) is separated from defending (preventing the ball from being scored, disturbing the build-up and intercepting the ball) by the division of the field into sections.


Do not run with the ball, do not play alone, only attempt goals from free position. Change after two goals or after five minutes.


The trainer gives instructions all the time. Points of attention for coaching are

  • Targeted free running in the attack to score or to help play the ball towards the goalpost (build up and/or catch). There can already be a first division of tasks. A distribution of tasks in the box implies a distribution of positions, which can change after each action. In korfball terminology: free running in the post zone, attacking at shot distance, supporting (indicating) at the post, catching (taking rebound) under the post.
  • Free running in the attacking zone to receive the ball from the defensive zone. The problem is that all players want to get to the line (to the ball). Only continuous coaching helps here. Again, there may be a division of labour. Who will pick up the ball and who will run free in the post area?
  • Running free in the defence to transport the ball to the attacking team after an interception. Central instructions are: don't throw the ball too far and aim at a teammate.

throw to a team-mate who is free and closer to the attacking zone. Do not throw towards the basket in the defensive zone.

  • When defending, the coach coaches the defenders to prevent them from scoring goals by having them follow their opponents. At the same time he coaches them on intercepting the ball by having them follow the ball. Goal avoidance and interception should be learned in combination by the young player.
  • The trainer influences the use of good technique. In particular, he gives instructions on the correct execution of the overhead stretch on a stationary and moving player. Pay attention to the use of the right hand in combination with the standing leg in relation to the direction of play.
  • The techniques, the means by which a fun game can be created are:
  • Distance shot, walkthrough ball and penalty throw
  • Overhanded stretching throw, in free position and with a defender
  • Two-handed catch, stationary and in the run

The skill is only really mastered, when the techniques in the game situation are applied correctly and at the right time.

  • In the game, special rules can be introduced, which are aimed at technique improvement or at division of labour, such as:
  • Playing together is only allowed with one hand
  • If a team drops the ball, it goes to the other team
  • Players are assigned special tasks: supporting, catching, attacking.
  • The trainer remains the trainer, even when he takes part in the game. During the game he can also give directions

What can you see?

  • In the beginning the players play close to each other, 'clumps of basket ball'.
  • Bringing the ball up in the direction of the attacking box after an interception is often done by throwing wildly in that direction instead of aiming at a team-mate.
  • The attackers stand and wait for the ball at the line.
  • Many technique errors due to pressure from the opponent.