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Korfball drills for technique attack / score

  • For each box, the focus is on one-on-one attacks.
  • There are two attackers, one attacker and one defender.
  • Each attacker gets 1.5 minutes to attack full time.
  • Only one throw on the support under the post is allowed per shot attempt.
  • Especially offer support from the side.
  • Walk-through and shot are both allowed.
  • 3 players in front.
  • 1 player at tackle/catch position.
  • In front, one throw is made to each side.
  • As soon as the ball is back to the middle person, the two outside ones run to the player in catching position.
  • The player in catching position pulls away, but only when the player in front actually reaches the defender of the player under the post.
drawing Tosti
  • Player 1 stands by the pawn
  • Player 2 comes to offer next to player 1 and doubles once
  • Player 2 then runs deep
  • Player 1 goes after his own ball and makes a handover
  • Player 2 takes a through ball
  • Exchange after X chances
  • Scoring a total of X goals
drawing Passing, running with through ball and deep line
  • There are 4 pawns in a square well around the basket.
  • There is already someone imaginary standing as a rebound, so there are 3 men in the front field at a pawn.
  • The players must always connect so that there is someone playable on 2 sides.
  • After 3/4 passes someone is sent deep and the 3rd person comes in front of the rebound and a through ball is taken.
  • Player 1 keeps moving in the meantime and gets the ball to shoot.
drawing 3-1 to chance
2 players at 1 basket. The goal of the game is to create chances for attack.

  • Player 1 stands a few feet in front of the basket, Player 2 stands a few feet next to the basket.
  • Player 1 throws the ball to Player 2 and immediately runs in for the pointer.
  • Player 2 throws the ball to Player 1 and immediately comes in for a pass.
Multiple variations possible.
After each exercise do a quick double and switch positions.
drawing Cutting inside for walk-through
  • Player 2 stands with the ball behind player 1 at 6 meters in front of the basket.
  • Player 2 throws the ball over player 1 into space.
  • Player 1 grabs the ball, now player 2 must move to the side of player 1 to receive the pass.
  • Player 1 advances further toward the basket to score.
Players must be able to judge where best to offer themselves in order to receive the pass.
drawing Offering side
Which team brings in most gold pieces/ pits?
  • 1 bank & one-against-all
  • 2-4 gangs of thieves
  • 1-2 guards.
Game consists of 4 rounds of play:

Game Round 1:
  • Thief - attacker: per post only 1 active & 1 gold piece at a time try to steal from bank.
  • Collect in own vault -hoop-.
  • Guard - defender- may only defend outside the bank.
  • If the thief is caught so tapped, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.
  • Which team was able to steal most gold pieces?
Game Round 2:
  • Divide gold pieces equally among the thieves.
  • Thieves: safely move your gold pieces 1-for-1 to other safe -from one hoop to another.
  • Thief -attacker: walk around your cone without the guard catching you.
  • Agent -defender: in this case may only defend inside the bank.
  • If the thief is caught -attacked, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.
  • Which team was able to transfer most gold pieces safely?

Game Round 3:
  • Thieves: for x time, steal as many gold pieces as possible from other safe.
  • Thief -attacker: mandatory back & forth through bank = watch for guard inside bank.
  • Guard may only defend inside bank.
  • If the thief is caught so tapped, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.

Game round 4:
Same as game round 3, but with double guard 1 guard outside & 1 guard inside the bank.

Which team will have the most gold pieces in their possession after 4 rounds of play?

drawing Rapacious thieves game
  • The first ball is played deep from the front pocket.
  • Then the other front comes in and passes the ball.
  • The first passer runs over the block to the catch.
  • The back player runs on the ball side for a through ball to the post.
  • Alternatively, the ball is passed directly back for the distance shot.
  • The player under the post steps out as soon as the rebound is taken over from the front and ensures that the player with the ball has two points of attack.
drawing Rebound from the front over a block
Attacker uses feints to get past the defender.
  • There are 6 players between the pawns.
  • There must be 1 hole per row of pawns.
  • The other players try to use feints to find the hole.
  • The defenders may only defend widthwise and try to tap the attackers.
  • If you get tapped, you have to start over.
  • If the attackers reach the other side, they get 1 point.
  • After 5 points, the game is switched.
  • The game can be made easier by adding fewer defenders.
drawing Feint attack
  • When a catch stands and the support is predefended.
  • Stays the catch and pulls the predefended support away through the backside of the defender.
  • Gets the ball and takes a short chance.
drawing Solution if support is predefended
  • When a catch stands and the support is predefended.
  • Stays the catch and pulls the predefended support away through the backside of the defender.
  • Gets the ball and takes a short chance.
drawing Solution if support is predefended
  • 1 player takes an out-of-bounds ball in front of the basket.
  • And rebounds the ball inside.
  • Then goes the same way to the outside.
  • The player shoots only after he/she goes outside.
  • The exercise can be extended to include a through ball.
  • It is important to pass continuously with the outside hand.