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Korfball drills for technique attack / score

Only the square and not the diamond is used in this form of training. The primary training objectives here are:
  • Keeping space in the box, through running lines in a square
  • Timely replenishment of vacant position, timing running moments.
  • Passing ball at pace to next player.
Note: the square must be smaller because the diamond is not used initially. Player must be at a distance they can throw.

For the exercise, there is an inside and outside square marked by pawns. So players are not allowed to go outside that path and therefore not make the square smaller than that:
  • Player 1 plays to 2 -> runs after own ball at reasonable pace;
  • Player 2 plays directly to 3 -> runs at reasonable pace after own ball;
  • etc.
  • The ball pace goes up slowly.
  • When the children have this under control, the ball goes the other way.
The ball should be passed quickly and passed faster and faster.
Eventually, players should always be able to get to the empty spot just in time, because the pace of the ball is almost faster than that of the players.

Playing tight balls is a requirement here.
drawing Introduction to the square -complementing each other-.
Play 4-on-3:
  • The three defenders try to defend every shot within 5 meters.
  • Only at greater distance is the defender allowed to hang.
  • The offense plays around until there is a free shot opportunity within the 5 meters and a defender is on the way to defend that shot.
  • The free player makes sure to intercept.
  • After 3 goals or 3 interceptions we get a new defense.
Play 4-on-3:
  • The three defenders try to defend every shot within 5 meters.
  • Only at greater distance is the defender allowed to hang.
  • The offense plays around until there is a free shot opportunity within the 5 meters and a defender is on the way to defend that shot.
  • The free player makes sure to intercept.
  • After 3 goals or 3 interceptions we get a new defense.
  • Offender stands under the post.
  • Attacker at 8 meters in front of the post runs to the left.
  • Receives ball on outside hand.
  • Immediately plays in with outer hand.
  • Then goes to the right.
  • Repeat the same thing.
  • On the 5th back and forth, attacker goes inside.
  • For a DLB or short chance in front of or behind the basket.
Play with 4 players around the post.

  • 1 player grabs the catch.
  • Next player to pass the ball, takes the hand-off.
  • Ball is played in to the handler, handler passes back out to the person from whom he/she got the ball.
  • Player takes a shot.
Important is to keep high ball tempo, fill in fast, fill in correct persons and throw correct hand.
drawing 4-0 quick fill in
Play with 4 players around the post.

  • 1 player grabs the catch.
  • Next player to pass the ball, takes the hand-off.
  • Ball is played in to the handler, handler passes back out to the person from whom he/she got the ball.
  • Player takes a shot.
Important is to keep high ball tempo, fill in fast, fill in correct persons and throw correct hand.
drawing 4-0 quick fill in
We play 4:4, with 3 attackers playing in the service of 1 striker.
  • The goal of the exercise is to free the striker in such a way that she will score. This can be done in many ways, but see what her defender's weakness is and play that out.
  • You can also take advantage of the attacker's real quality.
  • Shooter at 6 yards always free after a breakthrough. Coming from deep after a shot from another.
  • Each attacker gets a turn.
As a quieter exercise in between:
  • 2-tal shoot under the post until the 11
  • then the 11 again and back to 0.
To make it more difficult you can subtract 1 per miss or per time the ball falls to the ground.
By 3 at a basket.
Step 1:
  • Player Red defends Player Blue.
  • Player Blue has the ball and then throws it to Player White and runs deep and shoots.
Step 2:
  • Follow Step 1 and after Player Blue runs deep, Player White rushes in for a giveaway.
  • Player Blue goes for a pass through Blue.
  • Player Red continues to defend, but allows the through ball.
Take the goal attempts as calmly as possible
drawing Walking Deep Lines
Circuit training where one station is rotated through every 2 minutes.
Possibly adjust assignments to number of players.
At each station, shoot from a different spot to score. Per 2-team.

Examples for distances:
  • 2.5 meters in front of the post.
  • 2.5 meters behind the post.
  • Distance shot.
  • Side shots.
  • Top-handed through-balls.
  • Underhanded through-balls.
  • Player A starts with the ball 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post. Player B also stands 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post.
  • Player A throws the ball to player B and player B throws it back. Thus they bring the ball up to about 8 meters in front of the post.
  • From there, player B starts for a through ball from the space indicated by player A.
  • However, instead of player B taking the through ball, it now enters the declarer and player A comes in for a clearance ball. Player B catches the ball.
A variation on this:
Only throw the ball when player B runs next to/behind the basket and player B immediately makes a shot. Player A immediately runs in to catch the ball.

There are more variations on this, such as:
  • Most goals in a time frame of, say, 10 minutes
  • Who scores 10 goals first
  • Make it more difficult by deducting a point for each ball on the ground.
  • Possibly with a 3rd player to rotate and keep a slightly slower pace.

drawing Shooting from space
  • Player A starts with the ball 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post.
  • Player B also stands 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post.
  • Player A throws the ball to player B and player B throws it back.
  • Thus they bring the ball up to about 8 meters in front of the post.
  • From there player B starts for a through ball from the space indicated by player A.
  • Player A also runs in after it to catch the ball before it bounces on the ground.
- Most goals in a 10-minute time frame.
- Whoever gets to 10 goals first.
- Make it harder by taking a point off every ball on the ground.
- Possibly with a 3rd person there to rotate through and keep a slightly slower pace.
drawing Walk-through ball from space