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Korfball drills for technique attack / score

  • Per person, everyone must score 10 through balls, this goes in groups of 3 or 4.
  • In case of a miss, the whole group goes to the other side of the field on pace run and back.
  • The one who missed takes the chance again.
  • Until 10 are scored per player.
drawing Walk-through ball with condition
Goal: defend your own basket but score at another. Whoever remains last wins.
Minimum 3 groups of 2.
Maximum 5 groups of 3 or 4 groups of 4.

  • Each group has a basket.
  • Number of balls depends on how many groups. For example, 3 groups 2 balls.
  • Make easier by fewer balls and larger groups.

  1. the back player cuts in to the support as the ball enters the field and gets it played.
  2. the passer simultaneously runs across the support to the rebound and takes over.
  3. the support passes the ball to the diagonal player in the break and takes the shot
  4. If that is not successful, the ball can be passed to the outgoing first rebounder
At that point, there can be doubles/ breakthroughs from both the first and second players and you get opportunities again if the then standing rebounder steps out again or the earlier support makes an action without the ball.
drawing Attack variations in the 3-1
  • The first ball is played deep from the front pocket.
  • Then the other front comes in and passes the ball.
  • The first passer runs across the block to the catch.
  • The adjuster runs on the ball side for a through ball to the post.
    Alternatively, the ball is played back directly for the distance shot.
  • The player under the post steps out as soon as the rebound is taken over from the front and ensures that the player with the ball has two points of attack.
drawing Rebound from the front over a block
  • This exercise is designed to let the players choose for themselves what they want to improve on.
  • Which (improvement) goal, which they have set for themselves, do they want to improve here.
  • As a trainer you can steer this by guiding the choice.
  • For example: the exercise must have something to do with passing/shooting/attacking/looking etc.

A small square around the basket. In this square, 2 players must continuously attack and pass. After each pass the player is in motion.

  • 2 Run after passing. After 4 ball touches the shot follows and the other one catches it (shoot to score, not because you are free).
  • 3 Crossing after passing.
  • After each pass, the thrower crosses with the player who did not receive the ball and they swap positions. After crossing, the ball goes to one of the two and the other one catches it.
  • 3/1 Same as above but make sure that, as soon as you receive the ball, you are ready to shoot. If you are in a good position and have caught the ball well, you may shoot, otherwise you play on and the next player shoots.
  • 4 All of the above actions but now with a good rebound, but this one does not stay in position.

6 at the basket:

  • Defenders give pressure, but allow the shot.
  • By moving and playing together as close to the basket as possible, the players create a good opportunity.
  • Rotation is done when: a goal is scored or the defender has the ball.

Change positions after 2 attacks, any other players take penalties on another post. Then swap often.


  • Move well after passing, free movement prevails over rebound --> dynamic
  • Turn in time for the shot.
  • Emphasize that every pass should result in an opportunity, so no pointless doubling.
  • Shoot to score, do not throw to throw
  • Prepare good shots, also close to the basket (do not take short chances nonchalantly).

After a while, make it more difficult:

  • After each pass you must cross with the other player who is not in possession of the ball.
  • Afterwards, you can leave the crossing out, and give the opportunity to run in support from the space.

5 players at the basket:

  • By moving and playing together as close to the basket as possible to get a good opportunity
  • Rotation is done when: a goal is scored, the defender has the ball or when the ball bounces.

Move forward in sequence A-A-A-V-V. The remaining players take short chances at a different post. Alternate often.


  • Move well after passing, free movement prevails over rebound --> dynamic
  • Turn in time before shooting
  • Shoot to score, do not throw to throw
  • Finish your shot preparations well, also close to the basket (do not take short chances).

After a while, make it more difficult:

  • After each pass you must cross with the other player who is not in possession of the ball

4 players at a basket:

  • Move and play together as close to the basket as possible in order to create a good chance.
  • After each pass you must cross with the other player who is not in possession of the ball
  • Rotation is done when: a goal is scored, the defender has the ball or when the ball collides.

Cross over in order A-A-A-V. The remaining players take free throws at a different post. Alternate often.


  • Move well after passing, free movement prevails over rebounding --> keep dynamic
  • Turn in time before shooting
  • Shoot to score, do not throw to throw
  • Finish your shot preparations well, also near the basket (do not take short chances).

2 attackers and 1 defender per basket:

  • By moving and playing together as close to the basket as possible to get a good opportunity
  • Rotation is completed when: a goal has been scored, the defender has the ball

Move forward in order A-A-V. At 4 the defender gets a rest turn.


  • Move well after passing, free movement prevails over rebound --> dynamic
  • Turn in time for the shot
  • Shoot to score, do not throw to throw

Possibly make it more difficult by also stopping the attack when the ball bounces.

  1. Players stand in line in front of the basket.
  2. Player 1 throws the ball to player 2 and player 1 runs after it halfway and inside.
  3. Player 2 throws the ball at the moment he/she thinks the other player can make a good run through.
  4. Player 1 finishes it. (and start again at step 1)
  • Playing together and scoring on your own basket
  • Or play together and prevent the opposing team from scoring as few goals as possible
  • Two teams in threes against each other (can also be played in fours)
  • Around the basket there is a section where the defending side has a defender. The defender is only allowed to move in that section while defending. If the team is attacking, this player is allowed to join the attack. In this way there is always a surplus in the attack.
  • Korfball rules are in force
drawing 3 against 3 on two baskets