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Korfball drills for technique defense

  • Indicate from space.
  • Player walks to pilon and makes sideways move to left or right.
  • Clearly makes 3 passes sideways facing the basket.
  • Then follows a through ball.
  • Defender follows and tries to give as much pressure as possible.

Goal: defend your own basket but score at another. Whoever remains last wins.
Minimum 3 groups of 2.
Maximum 5 groups of 3 or 4 groups of 4.

  • Each group has a basket.
  • Number of balls depends on how many groups. For example, 3 groups 2 balls.
  • Make easier by fewer balls and larger groups.

  • This exercise is designed to let the players choose for themselves what they want to improve on.
  • Which (improvement) goal, which they have set for themselves, do they want to improve here.
  • As a trainer you can steer this by guiding the choice.
  • For example: the exercise must have something to do with passing/shooting/attacking/looking etc.
  • Playing together and scoring on your own basket
  • Or play together and prevent the opposing team from scoring as few goals as possible
  • Two teams in threes against each other (can also be played in fours)
  • Around the basket there is a section where the defending side has a defender. The defender is only allowed to move in that section while defending. If the team is attacking, this player is allowed to join the attack. In this way there is always a surplus in the attack.
  • Korfball rules are in force
drawing 3 against 3 on two baskets
1 attacker, 1 defender and 2 assistants.
  • As assistants, try to pass as many balls as possible under the basket or next to the attacker without allowing the defender to interfere with the passing.
  • Keep eye contact.
  • Pass the attacker freely by directing non-verbally or verbally.
  • Keep the ball up high to be able to play faster and better.
  • Swap after 4 good chances.

Sponsors may also pass the ball between themselves to free the attacker.
The aim is always to play within shooting distance, so that every pass or action is targeted.
drawing 1 against 1 with double assist
Per 6 at the basket:
  • 2 attackers with one defender each and 2 free attackers.
  • The attackers must try to get the ball into the basket.
  • This may only be done by an attacker with a defender.
  • After the attacker has stood up, the other attackers may go for the shot + 2nd chance.
  • How do I take away the support line?
  • What is the correct way to do this?

drawing Removal of aid
  • 4 posts in a square.
  • 4 attackers.
  • 1 attacker.
  • 3 defenders.
  • The attacker must find the free post.
  • The defenders must therefore make it as difficult as possible and communicate.
  • Variants:
    • Only through balls.
    • Only shots.
    • x number of goals etc.
drawing 1 Attacker, 3 Defenders
  • 2 posts, under each post there is 1 declarator.
  • In the middle stands an attacker and a defender.
  • Attacker can score on both posts.
  • Player 1 starts at 6 meters from the basket.
  • Player 2 stands between player 1 and the basket at 2 metres from player 1.
  • Player 1 starts running for a through ball.
  • Player 2 has to prevent the through ball.
  • So player 2 must bend his knees to be able to move immediately.
  • Also, the player must move immediately when player 1 starts to run.
  • If this is not done, you are too late and you will never catch up with player 1.
  • The goal is to prevent the walkthrough ball.


Set up attacks in overtime situations


  • Make sure the offense always has 1 more person than the defense (3-2, 4-3, 4-2 etc.)
  • Gives the offense a task:
    • E.g. score within 5 passes, score after setting up an action, score from the rebound.
  • Gives the defense a task:
    • E.g. intercept the ball within 5 passes, defend in front.
  • Decide if you can go for a defensive goal.
  • Indicate with cones where the lines are.
  • Agree when offense switches with defense:
    • After X minutes, after X goals, after X interceptions.
  • Play 4:4 and defend 1 on 1, trying to see as many fellow players as possible.
  • When there is a shot you join the steal.
  • In the game you take care of the catch and try to double through the outlet support.
  • Run into the free space for a through ball.
  • 2 baskets opposite each other at about 10 meters.
  • Start with 3 against 3 or 4 against 4.
  • Depending on the numbers.
  • Task is for the defenders.
  • Try to intercept the ball.
  • No counter play is allowed.
    • Swap when one of the teams has intercepted 5 times the ball.
    • Play on time and which team has the most interceptions.