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Korfball drills for technique general

  • 4 against 4 on 1 basket!
  • First 4 against 3 then change of section
  • Last 10 minutes
    • 4 against 4 and
    • 3 against 3

A pole with a hat behind it about 2 meters away.

  • There are two people standing near the hat,
    • an attacker and a defender.
  • Under the basket is a declarer and in front of the basket is a shooter.
  • The attacker has to make sure that he blocks the defender from the hat.
  • The archer keeps on shooting (indicated by the declarer) until the defender catches the ball, then the ball is exchanged.

  • 2 teams of 3 players.
  • One team throws to each other by running free.
  • Defenders try to intercept.
  • At 2,5 meter distance from the post stands a pawn.
  • From there the players make an underhand penalty throw.
  • First practice a few times and then see who scored 10 first.

Different exercises with the ball:

  • Throwing the ball up and catching it again,
  • Wrap the ball around your belly,
  • Throwing with 1 hand and catching with 2 hands,
  • Throwing from front to back or back to front.

After the game, have everyone take 2 penalty throws.

Play a game and pay attention to free running.

There are 3 players per basket with 1 ball. 1 player shoots the ball, the other two stand under the basket and try to catch the ball. The one who first reaches a certain number of points exchanges with the shooter.

This game is played with the whole group.
The group stands behind each other, behind a pawn at 5 meters distance from the pole.
There are two balls, the one in front shoots the ball. The person behind it shoots the ball and if he scores before the person in front of him scores, the person in front of him goes out and so on.

Explain who should stand where, when you get a free ball and show how to do it. Do this on a basket so that everyone can see how to do it and how not to do it

What's your name and how old are you?
What do you like to do most, attack or defend?
What would you like to learn?
What things would you like to do on a training course?
Do you want to know more about us?

We put four cones/caps at 5 meter distance from each other. Then the trainer keeps track of how long they have to walk.

10 second sprint.
Rest 15 seconds.
10 second sprint.
15 second sprint.

15 second sprint.
Rest 20 seconds.
15 seconds sprint.
Rest 20 seconds.

20 seconds sprint.
25 seconds rest.
20 seconds sprint.
25 seconds to rest.

30 second sprint.