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Korfball drills for technique general

  • Player A starts with the ball 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post. Player B also stands 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post.
  • Player A throws the ball to player B and player B throws it back. Thus they bring the ball up to about 8 meters in front of the post.
  • From there, player B starts for a through ball from the space indicated by player A.
  • However, instead of player B taking the through ball, it now enters the declarer and player A comes in for a clearance ball. Player B catches the ball.
A variation on this:
Only throw the ball when player B runs next to/behind the basket and player B immediately makes a shot. Player A immediately runs in to catch the ball.

There are more variations on this, such as:
  • Most goals in a time frame of, say, 10 minutes
  • Who scores 10 goals first
  • Make it more difficult by deducting a point for each ball on the ground.
  • Possibly with a 3rd player to rotate and keep a slightly slower pace.

drawing Shooting from space
Line up Y shape
  • In front throw ball over.
  • The one behind the post chooses a side.
  • Gets the ball -> throws it back to the one who comes connected.
  • The one who did not throw the ball comes for support.
  • Ball is played in.
  • Action and shot.
drawing Y shape attack
  • This exercise is designed to let the players choose for themselves what they want to improve on.
  • Which (improvement) goal, which they have set for themselves, do they want to improve here.
  • As a trainer you can steer this by guiding the choice.
  • For example: the exercise must have something to do with passing/shooting/attacking/looking etc.
  • Divide the team into 2 equal groups
  • 4 poles
  • Per group 2 poles to defend
  • May score on the 2 poles of the other group
  • 4 posts in a square.
  • 4 attackers.
  • 1 attacker.
  • 3 defenders.
  • The attacker must find the free post.
  • The defenders must therefore make it as difficult as possible and communicate.
  • Variants:
    • Only through balls.
    • Only shots.
    • x number of goals etc.
drawing 1 Attacker, 3 Defenders
  • 2 poles opposite each other.
  • Each pole has its own 2/3 team.
  • The two players who are going for a walk-through walk towards the other pole.
  • In the middle they circle each other.
  • The players sprint back to their own goalposts and make a turnover.


  • Instead of a through ball, a dodge ball.
  • Instead of a through ball, a pull-away ball behind the post.
  • If necessary, post to post, whoever scores X number of goals first.
  • You work in pairs in this circuit.
  • Score 5 penalties per person with a tennis ball.
  • Place a hoop at 10 meters.
  • Roll the ball from the starting point into the hoop.
  • The ball must stay in the hoop.
  • You can continue when you both have scored.
  • Throw the ball from the starting point into the hoop which is still at 10 meters.
  • You score when the ball falls into the hoop.
  • The ball must not touch the ground in front of the hoop.
  • Place the hoop 3 metres from the basket, jump out of the hoop and get the ball in the jump.
  • Score both 2x. (If this is too difficult, you can have the player with the ball jump out of the hoop and then shoot in the jump).
  • Score from sitting position at 4 metres.
  • Each player gets his own pipsack.
  • They are told an action by the trainer, which they perform.
  • This can be touching your head, sitting down and standing up quickly, etcetera.
  • As soon as Yes is called (or another action word), the piping bag can be taken.
  • Left foot in the ladder, right foot next to it (touch all squares)
  • Left hopscotch (beside the ladder/in the ladder/slanting forward beside the ladder and then to the side)
  • Skiers (right beside the ladder, then left in the ladder and diagonally forwards beside the ladder, then right in the ladder and diagonally forwards beside the ladder then left again)
  • Cross pass (sideways through the ladder and put the left leg over the right one, then the right leg to the back and then left again.)
  • Hopping (with slightly spread legs left outside, right in the ladder to right outside and left in the ladder, then 1 to the front and then left again, at the end of the ladder you take a pass ball)
  • Score with pairs from 3 and 5 meter each 5x (depending on the group being trained, this may take a maximum of 7-10 times).
  • 1 attacker and 1 defender.
  • The attacker stands a few metres away. (A distance where you practice to shoot far)
  • The defender stands at the basket.
  • As soon as the attacker throws the ball to the defender, the defender can run and try to defend.
  • Make two rows at 10 metres opposite each other and about 3 metres apart.
  • The players face each other one by one.
  • Face each other with both hands and do not drop the ball.
  • Make a series as high as possible in 1 minute.
  • Play with the outer hand on the outer hand of your opponent, with one hand throw and catch (right), make a series as high as possible without dropping the ball.
  • Play with the outside hand on the outside hand of your opponent, with one hand throw and catch (left), make a series as high as possible without dropping the ball.
  • Run into each other, jump and catch and throw the ball in the air with two hands.
drawing Train throw and catch