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Korfball drills for technique general

We put four cones/caps at 5 meter distance from each other. Then the trainer keeps track of how long they have to walk.

10 second sprint.
Rest 15 seconds.
10 second sprint.
15 second sprint.

15 second sprint.
Rest 20 seconds.
15 seconds sprint.
Rest 20 seconds.

20 seconds sprint.
25 seconds rest.
20 seconds sprint.
25 seconds to rest.

30 second sprint.

Start line-up
Two groups at the first two pawns.

The first one in line runs to the hoop and goes through the hoop from the bottom, so the hoop goes over their head. Then he goes through the defense posture to pawn two and turns around it 4 times. Finally, he runs to pawn 3 and scores before he can run back to pawn 1 and tap the next one in line.

Defensive stance:
Backwards and through the knees with your arm up.

Distance setup:
Hoop from pawn 1: 5 meter.
Pawn 2 from hoop: 5 meter.
Pawn 3 from pawn 2: 5 meter.
Pole from cone 3: 4 meter.


Starting situation

The game is played by 2 teams who play against each other between 2 baskets positioned about 15 metres apart. The two teams consist of four players or at least three players. Larger teams are not recommended due to the limited space available for free running.

Goal of the game

Which team scores the most goals? Try to conquer the ball to attack, try to get in scoring position by playing together and try to score.

Game rules

You are not allowed to run with the ball, you are not allowed to play alone, the ball is not allowed to be taken out of the hands of the opponent or team-mate. Other rules like defensive shooting or cutting can be omitted.


Divide the group into two parties of equal number of players. The trainer can play along with the side in possession of the ball to make sure the game runs smoothly. The participation of two trainers is stimulating for the players and gives them the opportunity to make corrections during the game.

In the course of the game, rules can be added which lead to the targeted practice of basic skills. Examples are:

  • You may only throw with one hand and goal attempts are always made with 2 hands
  • Players are assigned special tasks, players who help and players who try to score.

What can you see?

  • The novice player understands korfball immediately
  • There is a lot of opportunity to play korfball, so the basic skills like free running, attacking and defending are taught as well
  • While playing, korfball techniques are discussed
  • It can be read from the game what needs to be practised specifically in simplified game elements

2 teams; not too far apart; 1 ball per 2 teams

Throwing over the ball; ball on the ground; running around in a circle


- Right leg in front (throwing right=left leg in front; throwing left =right leg in front)

- Hold ball on hand with spread fingers

- Start holding ball as far back as possible

- Throw the ball with pointing

- Step forward while throwing

- not too hard and not too soft, but tight

- Aim at chest of fellow player

In short: nice shooting exercise with a lot of running.

Organisation: the baskets are placed in a circle. At each basket stands a server with a ball. The rest of the players stand in the middle of the circle (the middle must be clearly recognisable).

In the hall there is often a circle, on the field a pylon must be placed). The number of baskets is very precise: aim for 2 baskets per 5 players.

a ) The players in the centre circle are instructed to shoot through balls to one of the baskets, it doesn't matter which one. Since there are slightly more players in the circle than there are free baskets, it is important to find a free basket quickly. When you are not quick enough, you have to wait a bit. And when Johnny is already on his way to a basket, but is passed at the last moment by Marietje, who is running faster, Johnny has to go back to the centre circle and try again from there. Everyone catches his own ball. After the signal everyone runs through the centre circle or around the pylon to find a free basket again as soon as possible.

b ) As a., but now with the assignment: Who will score 10 goals first? Even the players who first thought: 'Never mind, he runs faster than me' will now try to be the first to get to the free basket. Make sure that the players do not 'cut off' by not going through the centre circle or around the pylon.

c ) Like b., but with the assignment: 'Who will be first to score a goal at each basket?

d ) Same as b., but with overhead walkthroughs.

e ) As b., but a 'takeover situation' follows: the runner from the centre circle, after having received the ball, plays the ball back to the declarer who started away from the post. The original declarer must try to score from this start. Who scores 5 goals first?

f ) As b., but the runner takes balls out of the way (left or right, distances not too great). The declarer also catches the shot. The runner runs to the basket and gets the ball from the receiver, who will hurry to try again from the centre, because: who has scored 5 times first?

g ) As f., but after the dodge no shot follows: the ball goes back to the receiver who started at the basket. He shoots with a quarter/half turn. The shooter runs back to the middle, the other person (of course) catches the ball. Variation: The exercise can also be done with defenders present. The defenders have a thankless task: the attacker has a choice of a large number of baskets. Which attacker will be first to score 10 walk-throughs or 5 goals from ducks?

Most korfball players find the above a nice relaxed exercise, which is very suitable to start a training session with, they can use as much energy as they need. When the time has come to really put everyone to work, the next step is to score a goal:

In short: exercises in following the opponent.

Organization: Pairs are lined up along one long side of the hall or field. On the court mark out an area of approximately 50 by 20 metres. One of the two is attacking, the other is defending.

a ) The attacking players run at a slow pace to the other side of the hall or the field. The defenders' task is to stay as close as possible to the attackers. They must keep both feet on the ground as much as possible (the so-called 'shoving'). As soon as everyone is on the other side, the tasks are changed and the players walk (shift) back.

b ) The attackers run faster, but it is not yet a sprint. The defenders cannot 'slide' any more, but must now run 'normally' with cross passes, the face and upper body remaining directed towards the attacker.

c ) The attackers try to pass the defenders alternately left and right. They are still not allowed to run at sprinting speed and must continue to run forwards. The defenders must always turn, but they must not turn around: they must face the attacker. You will hear the expression 'change the front leg'.

d ) As c., but the attackers also change their walking pace. They also stop every now and then, and then suddenly start again, which makes it much more difficult for the defenders to keep up. The running tempo of the attackers is still not maximum and the movements are exclusively forwards and backwards.

e ) As d, but the attackers make every effort to pass the defenders. Give the following instructions:
the attackers
try to pass the defender on the side where she has her front foot (some trainers say: walk on the back side).

f )As d., but now also with sideways movements. The walking pace does not yet reach sprint speed.

g )As f., but the attackers may also try to pass at sprint speed. We have reached the real 1-1 duel, but without the ball. The course is continued with the exercises described below in the 1-1 duel.

In brief: exercise in free running with foursomes.

Organization: Foursomes each get a square area of about 20 by 20 meters. This area is divided into four equal squares. One player stands in each square. Per foursome one ball.

a ) The players play the ball to each other in random order. They each stay in their own square. The ball may not come on the ground. Before receiving the ball, they must have made a running-around move.

b )The ball is played around. Before receiving the ball, the players must have made a neighbourhood move (in-out move), with the last move going in the direction of the player with the ball.

c ) The ball is played around the other side. Now you have to throw with the other hand as well. To whom shall I throw now?

d ) Like b., but now the players walk away from the ball after the move to the side (in space). Also this in the other direction.

e ) In each square comes a defender. The attackers must pass the ball to each other and are not allowed to leave their own section. The defenders only make passing the ball difficult, they allow the ball to be passed to them. After a few minutes the players change tasks.

f ) As e., but now the defenders can work 100 % to try to intercept.

g ) As e., but now the attackers may only place the ball on fellow players who run into the space.

h ) As e., but the attackers may only play to players who are coming towards the ball.

i ) Like e., but now the attackers get a point if they can play 10 times together. When the defenders intercept the ball, it's their turn.

In short: various games where playing together in a certain direction is very important.

Organisation: Form two teams (number of players can vary from 3 to 8). There is a playing field of at least 20 by 12, preferably 40 by 20 meters (a micro court). At the place where the baskets are in indoor korfball, there is now a 'fortress', formed for example by a pylon. Around the castle a circle is drawn with a diameter of about 4 meters.

The players play with a korfball. If this is the first time this exercise is done in a group, it is advisable to set out a number of squares with pawns or something similar.

The numbers 1 and 3 can of course play the ball to each other for a while, and number 2 can run to and fro, but that is of course not the intention. If necessary, limit the number of times that two players can throw the ball to and fro. The exercise is suitable to hammer home the point that korfball players must always have two points of contact. But I think the above exercise is seen by most trainers (and players, not to forget) as a suitable condition exercise. Of course, small variations can be made, such as with the command to play everything with one hand.

Where to? Where to? The idea is that the players hit the 'fortress' of the other team. They have to play together, because walking with the ball in their hands is prohibited. None of the players, including the defenders, is allowed to enter the circle. In fact, castle ball is just mono-basketball, where the basket has been replaced by a pylon on the ground. It is an ideal game to practice playing together and running free.


1 ) The pylon can be replaced by all kinds of objects. It is very obvious to place a loose basket on the ground, where the goal is to aim the ball into the basket.

2 ) To make scoring more difficult, a goalkeeper can be appointed, who is allowed to enter the circle.

3 ) Pole ball. The castle is now replaced by a korfball pole. A defender stands in the circle just like in variation 2. The ball must be thrown against the post. Make sure you don't throw the ball too hard, because the poles might fall over.

4 ) When the group is rather large, make 2 squares. The game should be played just like indoor korfball, with a change after two points.

5 ) Handball, where dribbling with the ball is forbidden. At both ends of the field two goals are made, with a goalkeeper in them. There is a semi-circle about 8 meters from the goal, in which the other players are not allowed to enter.

6 ) Burchtball with rugby rules. A variant suitable for a nice weekend, a sports afternoon, or when the weather is terrible and 'serious training' is out of the question. Even when it was raining and snowing, this game - where you can kick the ball, grab your opponents and you can walk with the ball - could keep us warm at my old club. This game is less suitable for children.

In short: three players have to pass the ball to each other in a square. That's tricky, because one player is missing all the time...

Organisation: Three players stand in an imaginary square about eight metres from each other. One corner remains unoccupied. The middle player (number 2) of the three has the ball.

The aim is to play the ball along the lines of the imaginary square. Number 2 plays the ball either to number 1 or to number 3, for the sake of explanation: to number 3. Now the players have to make sure that number 3 also has two 'easy' passing points (along the lines of the square). In this case, number 1 must take care of that, she must sprint to the empty corner of the square as soon as she sees that number 3 receives the ball. Now it is number 3's turn to play (the situation is now as in the second figure). Suppose that she chooses number 1. Number 2 has to sprint to the place where number 1 just came from, so that number 1 has two points of play again. At the moment that number 1 has received the ball, the situation is (if number 2 has indeed run hard) as in Fig. 3. Suppose number 1 plays the ball back to number 3. Then it is number 2's turn to run again, etc.

In short: exercise with the emphasis on turning away from the opponent.

Organisation: One ball per foursome. There are two regular referees who stand about 12 metres apart. One of the handlers has the ball.

a ) Attacker A stands somewhere between the two declarers. Defender V is playing against her. A plays continuously with the two declarators who stand still. A is allowed to play several times in a row to the same declarer. V tries to intercept the ball. After about 45 seconds the players change functions.

b ) As a., but now the attacker is not allowed to play to the same declarer twice in a row. The defender tries to intercept again, but when A has received the ball, she lets A play the ball easily to the next declarer. The essence of this exercise is that A must try to get free in a relatively small space from the defender who is constantly following her. Explain that the attacker must not run at the same pace, and that she must suddenly change her direction of play in order to become free (cut and run).

c ) The exercise is the same as in a., but the line-up is changed (see figure). The attacker must stay behind the line, which is 5 metres from the attackers. To free herself she may run in any direction.

Variation: Exercise c. is actually quite difficult for many. To make it easier for the attacker, you can give both declarers a ball. Or: let both declarators play together, the defender then does not know how she can position herself best, because she does not know who has the ball.

d ) Lay out another line, parallel to the other one with three metres in between. Continue as c., but now the attacker has only a three-metre-wide space which she is not allowed to leave. It is now very important to make good sharp moves, to change the pace etc. A deep ball is now impossible! A deep ball is now impossible! The defender lets the attacker play the ball to the attacker (because this exercise is about free running).

e ) As d., but now the defender also makes it difficult for the attacker to pass the ball to the declarer. The attacker can -in order to play the ball well- choose between an overhand sling throw, a pivoting throw, etc.

In short: a very well-known game in which playing together and running free is central.

Organisation: Two teams of three to five players in a space delimited by pylons of about 20 by 20 metres (on the field somewhat larger). Ten-ball is a game of which I have the idea, that it is more popular with Party 1 has the ball and has to try to play 10 times together than with players: sitting in front without the other party intercepting the ball. If it fails, then most korfball players are not enough, it is party 2's turn. If they do succeed in playing 10 times together, then they get the challenge. Make the challenge therefore play together, then party 1 gets a point and party 2 may try to play 10 times together, etc. Which side gets the most points? make it more difficult with for example the following variations:

1 ) If the ball is touched by the defending side, then the attacking side is also 'off'.

2 ) Make the playing field small: combining in an area of 10 by 10 is significantly more difficult than playing together in an area of 30 by 30 meters.

3 ) Increase the number of times to combine: for seniors, 50 times should not be a problem either (it usually is, by the way!).

4 ) Just ten ball, with the understanding that the ball may not be played back to the person from whom it was received.

Inshort: simple exercises in playing together, where it is all about handling the ball in the run and running well.

Organisation: Groups of approximately 4 persons have a ball and are allocated a part of the hall or the field.

a ) The players are instructed to throw the ball to each other in random order. Everyone is constantly in motion: the ball must be caught in the run and passed back as quickly as possible. The ball may not fall on the ground once!

b ) One of the players is the 'worker' for 30 seconds: she has to run at high speed, and all balls are passed back to her continuously. After 30 seconds it's the next player's turn. In which group the ball won't be dropped once?

c ) Like exercise a., but now the ball may only be played to players who come running to the ball with a small sprint. Make it clear to the players that when they run like this, defenders have little chance of intercepting the ball. Unless there is forwards defending, but for that there is part d:

d ) The players play together again, but now they may only throw to players who are moving away from the ball and therefore into free space. Also an individual skill: taking a penalty throw.

e ) Alternating part c. and d.: it is only allowed to throw to players who are either clearly moving towards the ball or who want to play, otherwise many balls will not arrive in free space. It is even so, that the exercise is probably better.

f ) As d., but now there must be a sweep: the players will move towards the one with the ball first if there is a slight threat from a defender! run, but after a few passes they stop, and run the other way, into free space.


1 ) All parts can of course also be performed with opponents. You can then choose between 'play along' and 'try to intercept as many balls as possible'.

2 ) The parts a. up to e. but now without each group having its own area: all players are mixed up, so you have to be careful!

Free running: condition for playing together