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Korfball drills for technique general

  • The teacher sets out three areas of approximately equal size with pawns.
  • It is best to use the volleyball lines (see map).
  • There are three sections (see map):
  • Left: barons square (losers square)
  • Centre: princes section (neutral section)
  • Right: king of the court (winner section)
  • All students stand in the middle section.
  • With a signal from the teacher the game starts.
  • All pupils have to try to tap/strike the ball of another pupil out of the box.
  • If you succeed you move one square to the right.
  • If your ball is knocked away you move up one square to the left.
  • If you hit/tap someone's ball out of the box on the right you score a point.
  • If your ball is knocked out of the winner's box you lose all your points.
  • If your ball is knocked out of the left box nothing happens and you stay standing.
  • When the teacher gives the final signal the person with the most points is king of the court and he/she has won.


  • Make two teams.
  • The goal is to get the ball to the other side of the line.
  • You do this by standing in plank position and then pushing the ball to the other person who is standing further down in plank position.
  • Then you run to the front and stand in a holding position and wait for the ball to come.
  • The team that gets to the other side first wins.

Party with the whole group


  • With different tasks for the attackers or defenders.
  • For example:
    • forward defence
    • only forwards
    • paying attention to extra running into space and shooting from here.
  • 1 declarer throws the ball to the person in front of the basket
  • he then makes a shot when the ball is caught
  • under the basket he then goes inside
  • and takes a walkthrough ball
  • finally, he takes a short chance
    • you can play this like this, for example, who is the first to the 20
  • There are three players standing at a pole.
  • Player 1 starts with the ball and throws to 2, 3 runs first short and then long, then gets the ball from player 2 and shoots.
  • Player 1 catches and throws to player 2, player 2 throws to 3 and then player 1 runs the long line.
  • This is how the process repeats itself.


  • Instead of shooting, player 1 cuts in and throws number 3 in and comes for the through ball
  • Same as above, but then player 3 does not take a walkthrough ball but pulls player 1 away and takes a short chance
  • There are 3 posts placed in a triangle, pointing to the centre of the triangle.
  • The defenders try to prevent the attacker from scoring.
  • Do this until the attacker has scored twice or 1 minute has passed and then turn around.


  • Set out a course for relay where the children have to pass the ball on, so with
    • pawns,
    • running ladders,
    • benches
    • etc.
  • One person runs the course with the ball and then passes the ball to the next person.
  • 2 or 3 teams means 2x the course.
  • Pionnon at 2.5, 4 and 6 meter, first pawn hits 1 point, 3 and 5 points on the next one.
  • Shooter may choose where to shoot from. first 40 points
  • Passing balls from every pawn, always behind the post. Order of scoring 1-2-3-2-1
  • 1 pawn on the side, 3 meter next to the other 3. shoot from the move and hit the first 2 pawns, then change.

2 poles and 2 groups at each pole.

  • Place 9 hoops away from the basket.
  • The number 1 of each group shoots from 4 meters.
  • If he/she scores, he/she may place a hat in one of the hoops.
  • If he/she misses, it's the next group's turn.
  • This continues until one group has three in a row horizontally, diagonally or vertically.
  • Stand in a circle around a basket (4 children).
  • The child in front of the basket shoots the ball towards the basket,
  • the other three girls must try to catch the ball.
  • The child that catches the ball may then shoot.
  • After a while add an extra ball.
  • Goal: practise shooting and catching.
  • 4 near the basket. Play around. Cut with the ball.
  • make sure there is always someone at the back.
  • turn around to the back 7 score/make