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Korfball drills for technique passing / attack

Throw and catch in a little train.
  • Duration: 15 minutes.
  • Distance between each other about 5 meters and expand this if necessary. You run after your ball.
  1. Everything with 2 hands.
  2. Everything with the right.
  3. Everything with the left.
Variant: run with pawns from left to right and get the ball back.
  • Make a 2-team and stand about 3 meters apart.
  • Start the exercise with 2 hands, then throw with 1 hand and finish by throwing with the "wrong hand.
  • When the throwing and catching is going well, the trainer names a number that the players must achieve.
    • This number must be achieved without the ball hitting the ground. If the ball does hit the ground, 1 point is deducted.
  • At the moment that one pair has reached this number, they may increase the throw distance by 1 meter. Everyone starts counting from 0 again.
  • We do this up to 5 meters, so that the ball can still be thrown without falling.
  • Each player is given a number, 1 through X.
  • You all walk into a box cordoned off with 4 hats.
  • 1 throws to 2, 2 to 3, X to 1.
  • Initially with 2 balls, expand with left and right, throw one hand or add extra ball.
  • Keep moving well together and do not stand still.
  • Possibly count how many passes succeed without the ball touching the ground and set a goal for that.
Players are in pairs at a basket.
  1. 1 person starts in front of the basket
  2. 1 person starts under the basket
Two pawns diagonally in front of the basket.
  1. The attacker gets the ball at one of the pawns.
  2. The attacker picks up the ball with the outside hand.
  3. The attacker runs after it for a through ball.
  4. The attacker goes back outside to the other pawn.
Extend to shot, left and right.
At e.g. 5 goals call yes and then switch
Pace and ball handling slowly up, throw left and right, rounding can also be done with variations.
  • You make a 2-team.
  • To begin the exercise, stand side by side on the sideline, one runner and one with the ball.
  • The idea is to throw a long ball into the hands of your teammate.
  • One player stands with the ball and the other player runs in depth. The runner runs about 4 to 5 yards and then the ball is thrown.
  • The ball is thrown as tightly as possible in the run to the fellow player.
  • The runner throws the ball back and runs back to sideline.
  • You do this 3 times and then switch positions.
Only the square and not the diamond is used in this form of training. The primary training objectives here are:
  • Keeping space in the box, through running lines in a square
  • Timely replenishment of vacant position, timing running moments.
  • Passing ball at pace to next player.
Note: the square must be smaller because the diamond is not used initially. Player must be at a distance they can throw.

For the exercise, there is an inside and outside square marked by pawns. So players are not allowed to go outside that path and therefore not make the square smaller than that:
  • Player 1 plays to 2 -> runs after own ball at reasonable pace;
  • Player 2 plays directly to 3 -> runs at reasonable pace after own ball;
  • etc.
  • The ball pace goes up slowly.
  • When the children have this under control, the ball goes the other way.
The ball should be passed quickly and passed faster and faster.
Eventually, players should always be able to get to the empty spot just in time, because the pace of the ball is almost faster than that of the players.

Playing tight balls is a requirement here.
drawing Introduction to the square -complementing each other-.
  • Offender stands under the post.
  • Attacker at 8 meters in front of the post runs to the left.
  • Receives ball on outside hand.
  • Immediately plays in with outer hand.
  • Then goes to the right.
  • Repeat the same thing.
  • On the 5th back and forth, attacker goes inside.
  • For a DLB or short chance in front of or behind the basket.
  • You are going to throw up from 2 meters distance
  • If you get it right 10 times, step back to a certain point
  • Then you go back and throw on 1 leg
drawing Transfer
3/4 pairs at a basket
place the ball in to the basket and move to the left, get the ball back and shoot
then go back to the right and take a through ball.
score 10 distance shots from the left and 10 from the right.

You can also emphasize the through ball with this exercise with the assignment, score 20 through balls over the right and 20 over the left
Or shot at 1 and through ball at the other hat.
drawing shot from movement after passing in, then through ball
Player A cuts inside to take a through ball and Player B throws it to him/her. Player A catches his/her own ball and moves to Player B's position, etc.

To make it tougher, you can have the person indicating the ball catch it himself/herself.
drawing Walk-through ball from space
3-team per post.
Shooter at 6 meters in front of the post with defender.

Keeps defender busy by moving.
Ball tight to shooter and take the shot.
Change after 3 attempts.
  • Watch the defender. How does she stand?
  • Where should you place? Off the line of the defender on the shooter's outside hand.
  • With what pace should you pass the ball?
Score 10 goals together.
  • The player goes down the speed ladder from the left side to the center. There the ball is ready on the ground,
  • This ball is played inside and then the person who ran the ladder runs around the ladder and cuts inside with speed.
drawing Speed ladder walk-through ball