Korfball drills for technique rebound

Per 6 at the basket:
  • 2 attackers with one defender each and 2 free attackers.
  • The defenders try to prevent the rebound of the attackers
  • As soon as the rebound is found, one of the attackers may shoot + 2nd chance
  • How do I prevent the rebound?
  • What is the right way to do this?
drawing Avoid a rebound.
  • Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel-the shooter, too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball then gets to shoot.
  • Who will have 10 goals first?
drawing Rebound - running duel
  • 4 v 4 on badminton court with a post in the middle
  • Practice passing discipline, starting with contact but now can go either side or long diagonal
  • If you have a shot, take it, if not pass it on
  • Others pay attention, looking for a shot, in order to come in for a collect
  • If no shot looks likely, go out again
  • After each shot, reset and start again
  • Switch roles after 3 shots or 5 minutes whichever comes first
  • 4 v 4 on badminton court with post in the middle
  • Same passing drill but now can go in other directions including long diagonal, must make contact prior to pass
  • If you have a shot - take it, other attackers to watch and if shot is on, get to collect, shooter also follows in
  • Reset after each shot, after 3 shots or five minutes which ever comes first, swap roles
  • 4 v 4 on badminton court with post in middle
  • Practice the passing exercise but now have choice of which way, still need to make contact first
  • If you have a shot, take it, if not pass to someone else, include long diagonal, emphasise contact first
  • If there is a shot going up and you are nearest, get to post to collect, shooter to follow shot in
  • After a shot, reset and go again, swap roles after three shots or five minutes which ever comes first
With 4 players:
  • Everyone stands 5 meters from the basket at a cone. Players forming a team put themselves in the diagonal.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel-the shooter too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball gets to attack as a team.
  • Maximum of 2 chances.
With 3 players:
  • The player who catches forms a team with the shooter.
  • 2 against 1 to attack.
Turn after each attack.
drawing Rebound - running duel
  • Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel-the shooter, too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball then gets to shoot.
  • Who has X goals first?
drawing Rebound - running duel
  • In front of the basket is a rebounder -team red- with a defender -team blue-.
  • The offensive blue rebounder unloads the ball, and the defensive red rebounder goes after it in defensive position.
  • The defensive rebounder immediately tries to enter the rebound duel to get the best position
  • The rebounder plays the ball to the player in front of the basket, who shoots.
  • Which duo wins the rebound duel?
Switch when one side is the first to win three rebound duels.

Ways to bring more challenge:
  • When the attacking side has won the rebound duel and one of the attacking rebounders is free, they may quickly take an extra chance.
When it is too difficult, you can dissect the exercise as follows:
  1. Duo at the declarer position may not participate: plays out to the red player in front of the basket, doubles and comes to shot.
  2. Omit the extra chance.
drawing Solution around the support
  • 1 player has the ball and the rest stand in a long line about 3 meters away.
  • The red player walks past the row of blue players.
  • The blue players make sure that the red player gets the ball thrown in the run.
  • The red player advances the ball one player at a time so that all players in the row have had their turn.
  • When the red player passes the ball to the last blue player, the last blue player shoots at the basket.
  • The red player must take care of the rebound.
  • When the red player's entire row has caught the ball, without bouncing it twice, the red player may take the first blue player's spot.
  • The whole row moves up one spot and the last blue player becomes the red player.
To make the running rebound more challenging, you can:
  • Have the red player tap a pawn first before he/she may go for the rebound.
  • Have the first or second blue player after the shot also go for the rebound.
drawing Passing & running rebound
  • One pole per 2 players.
  • Per pole a player in support and a worker standing 7 meters in front of the pole.
  • The player in front of the post gets a -force- exercise, immediately after that he takes a run-through.
  • If he scores, then calmly walk back to the center.
  • If he misses it is a sprint to the center.
  • X number of exercises and change.
drawing Walk-through ball boot camp
With 4 players:
  • Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket. Players forming a team put themselves in the diagonal.
  • One player has the ball and shoots.
  • The others engage in the rebound duel - the shooter, too, if necessary.
  • Whoever has the ball gets to attack as a team.
  • Maximum of 2 chances.
  • Who has X goals first?
With 3 players:
  • The player who catches forms a team with the shooter.
  • 2 against 1 to attack.
Turn after each attack.
drawing Rebound - running duel
  • Make pairs per basket.
  • Double the ball.
  • Player 1 reaches shot, player 2 rebounds.
  • Double again and player 2 comes to shot
Point of attention:
  • Active short turn on your shot.
  • Rebounds without the ball bouncing.
Game element
  • 2 minutes; count e.g. number of goals, your highest series, etc.
drawing Double with short odds