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Korfball drills for technique running in shot

  • The handler stands 3 meters next to the post.
  • The handler passes the ball when asked to do so by putting his hands forward.
  • The taker catches the ball himself.
  • The handler becomes the shooter and the shooter becomes the handler. score 10 goals pp
  • Players learn not to throw a ball to the passer and then wait for the ball to be caught, but to run after it immediately.
  • The ball is thrown to the basket.
  • Immediately after throwing the ball, run after it to the basket.
  • Goal is to be past the line before the ball is caught.
  • Then get the ball back and shoot.
  • The line makes the assignment concrete.
  • Depending on the team, this may or may not be necessary.
  • Variation 1:
    • The ball starts under the basket, is outplayed and immediately thrown back.
  • Variation 2:
    • Working with an opponent.
    • This opponent does not run with the ball to the basket (because that would not work in an exercise where the breakthrough is the only option), but does ensure that the attacker has to run around something.

First pass without a defender.

  • Caution:
    • Straight line to the basket
    • Excellent
    • Flowing movement
    • Signaller on time

If that goes well, then:

  • Defender joins in, he allows everything.
  • Caution:
    • Attacker must walk in the path of the defender.
    • Walk in a straight line, not with a curve to the basket.
    • Stretching.

If that goes well, then:

  • The defender stays with the attacker, and now defends well.
  • Stand by:
    • The defender, what is his position? (Does he bend his knees a little, is he moving backwards, etc.)
    • The attacker must walk in the same lane as the defender.
    • Walk in a straight line, not with a curve to the basket.
    • Stretching.
  • 2 pawns/covers for the pole at about 8 meters.
  • The pawns are next to each other with about 2/3 meters between them.
  • The goal is to run back and forth between the pawns and to tap the pawns.
  • After x number of times the person who was between the pawns has to make a pass.
drawing .

Step 1:

  • As a hunter duo, try to move yourself around the field, playing over and throwing off as many runners as possible within 1 minute.

Step 2:

  • Try to take the ball away from the hunters as quickly as possible, play over and score in the basket, but be careful not to get tapped by the hunters.
  • This is allowed when you have the ball in your hands.


  • Lay the hats down in a square with approx 5m between the hats.
  • Two players are the tappers, the rest move inside the square.
  • The two scapegoats are allowed to scapegoat the other players with the ball. The catchers are not allowed to walk with the ball.
  • By throwing over the ball the taggers can tap the other players.
  • If you are tagged or left outside the box, you are out and you can join again if you have scored a goal.
  • At step 1 the runners are not allowed to touch the ball of the hunters.


  • When players are out, they belong to the tag team instead of being out of the box.
  • This is only allowed after they have scored.
  • More or less players and therefore more or less balls.

drawing Hunter Ball

3 or 4 at a pole.

  • Play around with each other. Someone takes the catch after a pass, this is player 1.
  • Player 2 is the one who just received the ball and is going to pass the deep line.
  • Player 3 moves towards player 2, is "front defended" and runs a deep line.
  • Player 2 passes a tight ball with a small arc to Player 3.
  • Player 3 takes a shot.
  • Player 1 catches, passes out to any team-mate and rejoins.


  • Instead of shooting, player 3 makes a shooting move.
  • Player 1 steps out from the rebound.
  • Player 3 passes to Player 1 and takes a walkthrough.

  • Pawn in front of and behind the basket.
  • One or more players in front of the basket, one under the basket and one behind the basket.
  • Players take through balls and walk around the pawn behind the basket before they pass.
  • Place the pawn at a distance that requires the player to sprint full speed to be in time to pass.
  • Do this for x minutes or x goals.
  • 4 players play around the post.
  • One player takes the rebound.
  • The other three keep a triangle around the post and keep playing around with the three of them.
  • The rebound player moves to the side where the ball is, gets the ball and shoots.
  • Variant
    • The rebound player steps out to the near post, receives the ball and passes to the far post.
    • Both can also be combined, with the rebound player opting to pull away and pass on the ball.
    • Other players must recognise their choice and make the right decision
  • 1 attacker throws the ball to the person in front of the basket.
  • When the ball is caught under the basket, the person in front of the basket goes in for a pass.

First without defender and if the level allows it, with defender.

  • Ladder exercise with run through ball
    • 1 foot in the ladder, 1 foot next to it, as fast as possible through the ladder and score 15 times
    • Sideways through the ladder with two feet in each compartment, 15 x scoring, easy pace
    • Start left of the ladder on left leg. Hop on right leg into the ladder and then next to it. Then with left leg into the ladder and next to it, then with right leg again and finish with a through ball. Do this quietly (strengthen ankle joint)
  • Ladder exercise without ball
    • With two feet in each rung, so small steps as fast as possible(5x per person)
    • Skating over the ladder from the left side outside the ladder to the right side outside the ladder.
    • 10 short sprints along the ladder with the ball. (as fast as possible)
  • Set up six baskets in two lines of three.
  • Under each basket, a fixed declarer.
  • The other players stand on the sideline across the first line of baskets.
  • The other players take a walk-through ball on the side of the first three baskets.
  • Followed by a ball in front of, behind and in front of the basket on the next baskets. (See diagram).
  • Then all players do the same round, reversed and back again, after which they exchange players and do another round back and forth.

drawing Passing balls along six baskets
  • Indicator stands next to the post.
  • Taker and defender at about 8 metres.
  • As soon as the player takes off, the defender follows and tries to defend.
  • The attacker passes the ball and the ball is passed to the defender.
  • Change function every time.
  • Score 20 times.