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Korfball drills for technique strength / condition

  • 2 teams each put themselves next to each other in pumping position:
    • The first takes a jar with the left hand and puts it between the 2 arms.
    • Then move it with the right hand next to the other side of the body.
    • The 2nd player repeats this until all pots on the other side of the row are on top of each other.
  • Per player in the row a pot is provided, use a trainer to put a pot ready when the first player has made the displacement of the previous one.
  • 3x planks normal (player stands in pump position but not on his hands but on his elbows)
  • 3x planks left (player lies down sideways and stretches his whole body on his elbows and ankles)
  • 3x planks on the right (same as previous)
  • 3x leg lifts (lie on back, lift legs stretched for a certain time, can be made easier by putting hands under the buttocks...legs as low as possible above the ground)
  • 3x superman (on hands and knees, at the start of the time they simultaneously extend their left arm and right leg, then right arm left leg etc...)
  • You will do this task in pairs.
  • Use a basket for each pair.
  • Put 4 hats around the basket in a square about 1.5 meters from the basket. (the basket is in the middle)
  • Stand in between the 2 hats in front of the basket.
  • Shoot to score.
  • The person under the basket names a colour and you tap on that colour.
  • Go back between the 2 hats in front of the basket.
  • If you have scored, you don't have to run to a colour.
  • Do this until someone has scored 5.
drawing colours colours colours A

Per task 1x quiet to practice and 5x fast.

  • Left foot next to the ladder, right foot in the ladder.
  • Right foot next to the ladder, left foot in the ladder.
  • Sideways stepping through the ladder with both feet in all areas.
  • Sideways hopping in and out of the ladder (so forward in and backward out and then diagonally to the next square) left leg.
  • Sideways hopping in and out of the ladder (so forward in and backward out and then diagonally to the next square) right leg.
  • Sideways to the right.
  • Sprint diagonally.
  • Steady backward.
  • Sprint diagonally.
  • Hopping.
  • Sideways to the left.
  • Slowly back to the start.
  • We do this 5 times.
drawing movement and tempo changes

We use the volleyball court as a space with running lines.

  • Sprint from the back line to the 3 meter line of the back box.
  • Sprint back to the first 3 meter line.
  • Sprint to the back line on the other side.
  • Sprint from the back line to the 3 meter line of the back box.
  • Sprint back to the first 3 meter line.
  • Sprint to the first starting spot.

We do this 3 times

  • You stand on a large field.
  • You make 2 teams 1 team stands left behind the line and the other team right behind the line.
  • 1 big ball, lies in the middle of the field.
  • Each player has a ball.
  • They try to hit the ball from behind the line and roll it over the line of the opponent.
  • After throwing you pick up your own ball and stand behind your own line again, and you start aiming at the big ball again, until the ball has crossed someone's line.
  • 4 hurdles against each other in a 4 side.
    • Jump with two legs over the first hurdle.
    • Jump left over the hurdle and jump back.
    • Jump straight forward over the hurdle and back again.
    • Jump right over the hurdle, turn right and make a sprint to the pawn.
    • We do this 8 times.
  • 10 hoops spread over the ground.
    • You jump alternately with your left and right leg into a hoop and stay on that one leg for 3 counts.
    • Your face is always facing the same direction.
    • After the last hoop you sprint to the pawn.
    • We do this 8 times.
  • 6 cones next to each other with 50 cm distance between them (when this group is ready, parts 4 and 5 stop).
    • You step over the pawn in the space between first your right foot and then your left foot. (keep your back straight)
    • This way you step over all 6 cones.
    • Then you sprint to the pawn.
    • The next round you face the other way and first you go over the pawn with your left foot and then with your right foot.
    • Do this 4 times right and 4 times left.
  • Hat run. (brisk pace about 50%)
    • You start at a green hat.
    • At green you go forward.
    • At orange you go left.
    • At white you go backwards.
    • With blue you go to the right.
    • At every other colour you choose your own side.
  • Pass the Frisbee and make sure it is caught.
  • 1 pole with a pawn or ball on each side at 2 meters.
  • When using pawns, the ball is at the first pawn and the player takes it to the next pawn and puts it back there.
  • When using balls, the player puts the ball back at the original spot before going to the next pawn.
  • Player starts at 5 meter before the basket, on start signal player sprints to the first pawn/ball.
  • Player jumps back and forth as high as possible over the pawn/ball, catches the ball and scores from 2m.
  • If the goal is missed the player jumps back and forth over the ball again and scores.
  • If the goal is hit go to the next ball/pawn and repeat until the player has had all sides of the post.
  • Can make it a competition in various ways, increase the distance from 2m to 3 or 4m, instead of jumping left-right to front-back.
  • Original exercise is from Korfbalfit.
  • Hip and thigh stretch
    • Sit on the left knee and put the right foot in front on that ground. (bend less than 90 degrees)
    • Bring the torso forward and bend the right knee so that it slides towards the toes.
    • Keeping the torso neutral, press the right hip forward and down so you feel stretch in the front of the thigh.
    • Raise your arms and keep the shoulders relaxed.
    • Arms down and hips back.
    • Extend the right leg and bring your body forward.
    • Put your hands on the floor next to the leg.
    • Stay like this for 10 seconds.
    • Do this 5 times for each leg.
  • Twisting lower back stretch
    • Lie on back and pull knees up, hands wide at shoulder height with palm facing down.
    • Slowly turn your knees to the right.
    • Return to the start position and then to the left.
    • 5x on each side.
    • You can also do this with one leg straight and lower the knee of the other leg over it. (is heavier)
  • Gluteal stretch
    • Lie on your back, bend the left leg and cross the right ankle over the left knee.
    • Grab the back of the left thigh by the knee with your hands and gently pull the leg towards the right shoulder.
    • Hold for 30 seconds, relax and repeat.
    • Same, but for the other gluteal muscle.
  • Lower abs, hip flexors and leg extensors
    • Lie on your back with legs bent and press your back against the floor.
    • Support with arms beside the body and press them firmly to the ground.
    • Now stretch both legs straight forward until the heels are about 10 cm above the ground.
    • Bend the legs again and bring them back to the starting position.
    • Do this 8 times.
  • Standing knee to chest stretch
    • Stand on one leg and raise the knee of the other leg.
    • Grasp the knee and pull it to your chest, then spring up with the other leg.
    • Now switch legs.
    • Each leg 10 times.

  • Medicine ball throw (6 people)
    • Stand up straight and hold the ball behind your head.
    • Raise the ball above your head and throw it to your teammate.
    • He/she brings the ball behind their head and throws it, back above their head and throws it to you again.
    • Do this 20 times each.
  • Push-up from a bench (5 people)
    • Support with your hands on the bench.
    • Feet on the floor.
    • Push up 10x.
  • Sit-up with the medicine ball (6 people)
    • Lie on your back with legs bent and feet firmly on the floor.
    • Ball on the floor above the head.
    • Bring the arms forward and come up. (tighten the abdominal muscles)
    • Throw the ball to the other player.
    • Catch the ball and lower yourself down.
    • 20x.
  • Push-up (variation) (5 people)
    • Stand up straight, breathe in and pull the navel in.
    • Exhale and roll down vertebra by vertebra until hands touch the ground.
    • Walk forward until the hands are under the shoulders.
    • Inhale and contract the abdominal muscles.
    • Squeeze the buttocks and legs together and extend the heels back.
    • Walk with the feet towards the hands and come up.
    • Then come back down from point 1.
    • Do this 10 times.

Stretching the tendons

    • Place the feet side by side and extend the arms forward to stay balanced.
    • Keep feet firmly on the ground and curl toes forward.
    • Tense the abdominal muscles and squat down.
    • Keep heels on the ground and chest upright as much as possible.
    • Lean forward as little as possible.
    • Exhale and come back up.
    • Keep the whole foot on the ground as you come up.
    • This tightens the leg muscles.
    • Do this 5 times.


    • Pull left knee to chest and extend right leg and hold that leg 15 cm above the floor.
    • Put your left hand on your ankle and your right hand on the inside of the knee.
    • Switch legs and hands twice.
    • Do this 5 times.

Standing Crunch

    • Stand upright with left leg in front of right leg.
    • Raise your hands.
    • Shift weight onto left foot and lift right knee up to hip level.
    • At the same time, stand with left foot on toes and bring elbows down the side.
    • Make your hands into fists.
    • Stop at the highest point, hold for 2 seconds and return to the starting position.
    • Do this 10 times with each leg.

Sit-up and/or sit-up with twist

    • Start on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor and put your hands on your neck.
    • Tighten the abdominal muscles and bring the torso up towards the knees. (Almost sitting up)
    • Lower yourself down again.
    • In the sit-up with twist, your left elbow goes to the right knee and vice versa.
    • Do this 20 times.