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Korfball drills

You will play matches with even numbers, but instead of earning points by scoring, you can also earn points by catching the ball.

  • Goal is worth 1 point
  • Catching the ball after a shot(rebounding) 2 points
  • Make groups of 3 to 4 cows.
  • Start at the side and stop at the other side.
  • Number 1 throws to 2,
  • 2 to 3
  • and 3 to 1 again.
  • Always about 3 mtr and kk are instructed to use diagonal running lines.
    • Pay attention to throw for the lady and show the hand which has to be thrown.
  • Number of times without opponent and then with opponents.
  • You get one point for reaching the line.
  • When the ball is intercepted, everyone stands on the same height as the player with the ball and then they can start.

At the sound of the whistle the players have to do a task.


  • When the whistle blows, each called number of players must stand at a hoop or ball.
  • The last one to arrive and not finding a group to stand with does a small exercise.
  • Small exercises:
    • 5x pumps,
    • 10x stretch jump,
    • 5x sit-up,
    • ...


  • At the whistle do the exercise, individually.
  • Like what?
    • jump up,
    • go through the knees,
    • make a dash,
    • Give each other a high five,
    • ...

Goaltender throws to forward goes after the ball for:

  • pass
  • dodge
  • shot

Bitch catches and throws to opposite side etc. With 2 balls at the same time.

Inshort: practise all kinds of forms of the shot from a supporting position.

Organisation: pairs per basket, always one person under the basket and one person in front of it. Change after about 1 minute.

a ) One person in front of the basket at about 6 meters, the shooter stands under the basket. The shooter starts away from the basket (backwards), gets the ball and shoots immediately. The striker catches the ball.

b ) As exercise a., but the shooter only threatens with a shot, lets the defender jump in and then continues with an "underhand pull ball": a kind of private penalty throw from about 5 meters diagonally behind the basket. The Germa-ball - so called by me after Germa Woldhuis of Nic. who had success with this on a regular basis - is practised here. The server catches the ball.

c ) The starting situation is the same, but the shooter now gets a defender with him (some pairs cancel each other out). The defender's task is to decide which of the two possibilities (a. or b.) the attacker will get: either he reacts deliberately too late (after which a shot must follow), or he follows the shooter too closely (thus giving the opportunity for an underhand draw). In exercises d., e. and f., the attacker plays free with one simple movement. An efficient way, which requires however a lot of technique (and thus practice).

  • In a hat 1 passer
  • Other hat attacker and defender
  • Offender moves towards the pass. Defender follows briefly behind. Offender decides when to go inside.
    • Defender allows the pass
    • Defender tries to prevent
    • Defender tries to tackle

One passer, one attacker and one defender with the ball on the pilon. Offender takes ball from pilon and crosses right in front of it for a through ball.

  • Then allow
  • Light pressure
  • Blocks
  • At the basket with the ball
  • One player at each hat
  • Both players at the hatband walk towards each other
  • The attacker goes inside
  • Defender reacts and tries to defend
    • Pressure first, allowing the attacker to cross in front of him
    • Defender tries to get in between
    • Defender tries to tackle
  • Variation. Service player pulls away for a shot. Defender also tries to defend the shot.
  • Goal: good cut-off, calm finish


  • Ladies and gentlemen each at a post, two shooters in front of the basket at 7 metres.
  • One rebounder and one defender under the basket.
  • Two pawns at the side of the basket at 4 metres.
  • The rebounder has to sprint away to touch one of the pawns and run back to the basket to get the rebound.
  • The defender has to follow the rebounder to the pile, also touching the pile and trying to make it easy for the rebounder.
  • The rebounder gets to run away five times? Who catches the most of the five times? The rebounder or the defender?
  • Pairs of players at the basket.
  • Free ball 1 and 2 practice with defenders.
  • Wanna know which ones?
  • Who scores the most from 5 free balls taken? (1 and 2 = 10 free balls taken each)
  • Shooting from a neighborhood ball from 7 yards with two attackers under the basket each with a ball.
  • Which player scores the most in two minutes?
  • The players walk from under a basket to the next basket on a whistle, whereby they change function when they miss a through ball or a shot.
  • Four players walk to the next basket at the same time.
  • Here we look who has scored the following goals first: Pay attention: whistle twice at the dodge ball:
  • 1 time at the start of the run (whistle softly) and once to indicate the evasion move (whistle loudly).