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Korfball drills

In short:

  • Shooting exercise (-game) in which shots are made from different sides of the basket.


  • Per basket one pair with one ball, or in case of lack of sufficient baskets 2 pairs with one ball each.
  • At each basket, four pawns or other markers:
  • 1 in front of and 1 behind the basket and 1 to the left and 1 to the right of the basket, always at about 6 metres distance.
  • One of each pair starts under the basket.
  • The other one's task is to score a goal as quickly as possible from each cone.
  • After that, they will switch functions.
  • Which pair will be quickest to complete their 'journey around the world'?


  • The distances can be made larger or smaller. Or: score 2 goals with each pawn.


  • Instead of shooting from standstill, you can also shoot from movement, or simply: take evasive balls.
  • Players stand in different groups at the pole and get a shooting assignment.
  • E.g. score 3 times in a row without missing from 5 metres.
  • The player who has done this can come to the middle and say higher or lower with his row of cards.
  • This exercise is repeated until someone has finished his row of cards.
  • In case of a wrong guess, the card is replaced by a spare card.

3 against 2

  • Game over 2 baskets. Play continues until first pair has 3 goals.
  • All other pairs stop immediately.
  • In case of a tie, the first team to score a tie wins.
  • At 0-0 stop.
  • Winners to the left losers to the right.
  • The aim of the game is to be the first to write down the numbers from 1 to 100.
  • Two players play against each other.
  • The first one to score 2 goals
    • The trainer chooses which way to start writing.
  • The trainer chooses which way he wants to play.
  • The other player scores 2 small chances in the meantime.
  • The other player scores 2 small chances. If he/she succeeds, he/she calls STOP and takes the pencil or pen and also writes down the numbers from 1 to 100 on his/her piece of paper.
  • The other person will now take small chances.
  • This continues until someone reaches 100.
  • Who of the two wins?
  • This can also be done with a shot from 3 metres or in threes with passing balls.
  • 2 x 2 different tickers
  • Complete team:
    • One person is the ticker, and must tick off everyone.
    • The other people have 2 balls at their disposal which they can pass around.
    • You may not be tagged at the moment you have the ball in your hands. D
    • When the ball is in your hands, you have to throw the ball to the person who is being tapped.
    • Of course, you are not allowed to hold the ball endlessly.
  • 4 per basket possibly 8
  • Diagonal is together.
  • After a shot, catch everyone and score again in the square.
  • Slalom with balloon between the legs then score.
  • Finish the exercise by popping the balloon after each team member has scored.
  • 2 kids lie next to each other
  • first defender starts
  • then attacker for a walkthrough.
  • After that the attacker may start first instead of the defender.
  • Walking from line to line, trunk straight and with every step the knee should touch the ground.
  • This is done with a ball above the head and arms outstretched.
  • For more powerful athletes, this can be done with a heavier ball...
  • Stand with both feet on the Stability Trainer, halfway round,
    • Place it preferably 3 to 4 meters from the basket.
  • Now try to score as many goals as possible within a certain amount of time.
  • Sit on the floor with a ball in your hands.
  • Tuck your legs in so that you only have contact with the ground with your rear end
  • Now tap the ball from left to right as far as possible within a given time...
  • Have the players all stand along a certain side of a line, potty, etc....
  • The idea is to jump with two feet or one foot over the line and back.
  • So for a certain time ... to be determined by yourself taking into account age or physical readiness ...