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Korfball drills


  • Put pilons about 6 meters apart. Divide the group into 2. 
  • In the case of five, one group of 3 and a group of two. 
  • The goal is to keep the ball in the middle between the pilons at all times. 
  • As soon as a player receives the ball, the player must be at the centre of the other side. 
  • After you have passed the ball, you join the back row on the opposite side. 
  • NB: Nobody stands still and tries to see what happens at all times
    • Do not arrive too early or too late. 
    • Throwing while moving. 
    • After five minutes switch side (left hand).
  • Make pairs, at each post a pair.
  • We are now going to use the posts lengthwise, namely one player of the pair attacks the post opposite to him or her.
  • One player of the opposite post does the same.
  • How does this work?
  • Of each pair there is a number 1 and a number 2.
  • Number 1 is going to defend his post for a minute and a half against the other number 1 of the post opposite to him.
  • When the number 1 of a post has had a chance, the other number will attack and so there will be a change of function (and of post, because everyone is defending his own post).
  • So there is always a change of function if the attacker has lost the ball.
  • As a player, you are attacking as well as defending for a minute and a half

At a distance of +/- 15 meters from each other, make two compartments with 4 pilons of 1.5 x 1.5 meters.

Make two teams with an equal number of players. 

  • Each team has its own compartment.
  • The other team tries to conquer the other team's square.
  • This happens when 1 striker is standing in the opponent's square and the ball is played by a team-mate.
  • They get 1 point. No other players are allowed in the box.
  • When the defence intercepts the ball, they may immediately start the attack on the opponent's square.


  • on time
  • with points
  • of both teams 1 player is allowed in the box
  • no limit on the number of defendants in box
  • no limit on the number of attackers in box
  • customize size of box
  • distance between boxes

  • Put 3 pilons in a triangle. 
  • At pilon 1 and 3, there's one person. 
  • Person at pilon 1 has a ball, person at pilon 3 runs to pilon 2 and runs back. 
  • Person at pilon 1 throws the ball when he or she arrives at the pilon, then the person at pilon 1 runs to pilon 2 and back again and gets the ball when he/she arrives at pilon 1 again. And so on.
  • One ball per groups of two/three. 
  • The players pass until they reach a post. 
  • At the post both players may shoot once. 
  • Then they have to pass again to another post. 
  • All groups just cross each other. 
  • Whichever team to achieve 15 goals first wins(optional).
  • 4 children are standing next to each other, about 5 meters apart.
  • 1 child is going to do the exercise:
  • Receives the ball at the first pilon, returns it to the player on the other side, and moves on to the second pilon and so on. 
  • At the back pilon he returns with a full sprint.
  • Then switch, everyone moves a place, number 5 does the exercise now. 
  • Everybody has their turn. Possibly everyone could go 2-3x.


  • Work in groups of 2-3 or 4 and a post. 
  • Players stand in front of each other and throw the ball to each other.
  • Player A throws to player B. 
  • Player A runs towards player B, but then backs away towards the post and gets the ball from player B (deep pass). 
  • Player A shoots the ball into the post. 
    • Make sure you run close enough to the post. 
    • Don't stop running too early and the pass must be precise.
  • You can extend the exercise further by passing the ball back to player B instead of taking a shot, 
    • then it's important that player B makes a running action to become available for a pass. 

  • you've got four kids per post. 
    • 3 are the attackers, 
    • 1 is the defender. 
  • The attackers must try to score and the defender must prevent it. 
  • Swap when the attackers have scored 3 times or if they miss off or if it's intercepted by the defence. 
  • then change roles. 
  • If the scoring is too easy, you provide a second defender or the attackers must pass first before shooting again.
  • If the shooting is too difficult, provide an extra post or the defender must keep one hand on his back or the attackers may run with the ball.
  • Players stand in front of each other and each has a ball in one of their hands. 
  • One in their left hand, the other in their right hand.
  • Now they are going to throw the balls to each other 
    • ...so for a certain period of time or for several times
  • With 24 kids en 6 posts 
    • Hoop scoring is 1 point and north scoring is 2 points
    • After 5 minutes, change teams
  • Player 1 throws the ball to the oncoming player 2 who is not running straight into the ball,
  • but diagonally to the right of the player.
  • Player 1 runs to the other side, receives the ball halfway from player 2 and throws it to the pilon he came from, player 4, and connects behind the other pilon where only player 3 is.
  • Player 2 connects behind player 4.
  • Player 1 must make a quarter turn to be able to throw the ball from player 2 to player 4, this turn must be done airborne.
  • Arrange a square with a distance of about 10 meters.
  • For larger groups, pentagons can be used.
  • Player 1 throws the ball to player 2, runs after the ball and gets the ball back to player 2.
  • Player 1 throws the ball to player 3, runs after the ball, receives and throws it to player 4.
  • Arrivin at player 4, player 1 should throw a long diagonal ball to player 2 and player 1 can take up his original position.
  • Player 2 continues the exercise.
  • This exercise should be done twice each and then be done in the other direction.
  • Who is first to finish the exercise?
  • Watch out for uneven distances.