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Korfball drills

  • 16 hoops (or something else to make compartments) per 4 players.
  • After scoring twice 5 meters with your pair you may place a pawn in one of the hoops.
  • The first to get 4 in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally, wins.
  • Can also be done with 3 (milk, butter, cheese and eggs).
  • 2 players shoot from N<O<Z<W.
  • 1 starts behind the basket and 1 in front of it.
  • If you score, you move one way.
  • You win when you have overtaken your opponent.
  • Shot game in 2 form playing against the other baskets.
  • One of the two will shoot, when 2 times they score.
  • Call to your coach: Are you the fastest, then you have won and there is exchanged,
  • But not yet in possession of a point.
  • You earn a point if your partner is also the fastest to score twice.
  • So you earn a point if you win twice in a row.
  • Variation is possible by means of penalty throws, walkthroughs, number of goals, etc.
  • Two numbers:
    • Who scores the most laps?
  • Number 1 is going to shoot, number 2 is going to catch.
  • The number 1 starts in front of the basket and will shoot 1 time on each side of the basket. (front, right, back, left)
  • If the number 1 shoots 50% of these 4 chances, he/she may start a new round.
  • The number 1 counts how many rounds he/she makes.
  • When not 2 of the 4 chances are hit, then there must be changed.
  • After 5 to 10 minutes, the player who has made the most rounds is the winner!
  • Too difficult:
    • Score once per round.
  • Variation:
    • Start the first round at 2 meter, then at 4, 6, 8 and 10 meter.
drawing Wheel of Fortune
  • You have 5 active attackers in the field, 4 attackers and 1 defender.
  • The 4 attackers throw over and stay in motion, ball in hand is staying still.
  • The scapegoat may tap the person with the ball notThe attacker must look where the catcher is going and throw the ball.
  • The ball must be held as short as possible.
  • When one of the attackers is tagged, they change function (attacker becomes tag, and the tag becomes attacker).
  • Perform various tasks with each other under the basket:
    • 7 balls in front of the basket.
    • 7 penalty throw in front of the basket.
    • 5 shots in front of the basket.
    • 5 passes behind the basket.
    • 5 shots behind the basket.
  • Each player gets his own pipsack.
  • They are told an action by the trainer, which they perform.
  • This can be touching your head, sitting down and standing up quickly, etcetera.
  • As soon as Yes is called (or another action word), the piping bag can be taken.
  • Bottle football only throwing.
  • For each player there is one bottle filled with water.
  • You choose a teammate against whom you want to play and so put the two bottles opposite each other with a few meters distance. (The further apart they are, the more difficult).
  • You try to knock over your opponent's bottle.
  • If you succeed, your opponent must first take the ball and only then can you put the bottle back up.
  • You win if your opponent's bottle is empty.
  • There are a number of hats all over the field, in different colours.
  • The coach calls out 'white', then all children must run as fast as possible to a white hat.
  • There is one hat too little for each colour, so the child who is not standing at a hat has to do an assignment of his own.

  • Examples assignment:
    • Run a circle.
    • Push-ups.
    • Jump 5x as high as possible.
    • Pull a sprint.
    • Score 2x at the basket.
  • Make up 2/3 teams and do the following assignments:
    • Pass balls
    • Dropping balls (short distance)
    • Penalty throw
    • Distance shots (minimum 6 meters)
  • Do all this for 2 minutes per person per task and write down the number of points you have scored.

This is an isolated drill to practice dynamic rebounding.

  • Players have to estimate from the movement where the ball will end up and grab it as fast as possible.
  • The ball starts under the basket and is thrown to the player in front of the post.
  • He shoots.
  • The player in front of the post runs to the cap and back and tries to catch the ball within 1 bounce.
  • When the rebounder has succeeded in catching the ball after at most one bounce, he can shoot again.
  • Move the cap further away.
  • Challenge players to catch the ball without a bounce.
  • You will do this task in pairs.
  • Use a basket for each pair.
  • Put 4 hats around the basket in a square about 1.5 meters from the basket. (the basket is in the middle)
  • Stand in between the 2 hats in front of the basket.
  • Shoot to score.
  • The person under the basket names a colour and you tap on that colour.
  • Go back between the 2 hats in front of the basket.
  • If you have scored, you don't have to run to a colour.
  • Do this until someone has scored 5.
drawing colours colours colours A