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Korfball drills

  • The exercise is in pairs.
  • Attacker picks out a line from where he thinks he will score the most goals.
  • He always takes his shots from this line.
  • After a shot, he runs from the line to another line about 45 degrees away.
  • After the rebounder takes the ball, the attacker may immediately return to his own chosen line.
  • Ball caught = immediately back.
  • Who will score the most goals in a minute and a half?
  • 2 persons with ball on the ground and
  • 1 attacker
  • 2 persons follow instructions head shoulder knee head toe ball,
    • as soon as the word ball arrives, both players go for the ball as fast as possible.
  • The fastest is the attacker and passes to the support and goes after it for the pass ball.
  • The other is going to defend
  • 3 baskets
  • 1 attacker
  • 2 defenders
  • And per basket one attacker with ball
  • Score as many goals as possible within 1 minute


  • Who cracks the 4-digit code?
  • As soon as they have completed a task, they may enter a number on their code sheet.
  • After 4 digits it is indicated how many numbers are in the right place and how many numbers are correct.
  • Diamond shape with pawns.
  • Make several runs and pass in the meantime.
  • Push off very important

You will play matches with even numbers, but instead of earning points by scoring, you can also earn points by catching the ball.

  • Goal is worth 1 point
  • Catching the ball after a shot(rebounding) 2 points
  • Make a square around the basket with two people in front and two in the back (in a triple team, one person in the back).
  • Play around the basket.
  • As soon as the ball is played from the front to the back, the thrower immediately fills in the rebound.
  • In front the vacant spot is filled in by the other player who was in front.
  • He now receives the ball from behind and shoots.
drawing Working towards 3-1
  • Take 3 at a time.
  • Ask attention for technique.
    • doorlopers
    • Shot from a distance that you can shoot well
    • Dodgers (tapping the basket)
    • Penalty throw
  • 3 score is change:
  • Only the winner stays.
    • Thoroughbreds
    • Shot from a distance that everyone can reach
    • Dodgers
    • Penalty throw
  • Formation 2 on the line, 1 left 1 right in the field.
  • Release ball whereby 2 on the line go towards the basket and left and right on the line pick up the ball.
  • Long ball and score

At the sound of the whistle the players have to do a task.


  • When the whistle blows, each called number of players must stand at a hoop or ball.
  • The last one to arrive and not finding a group to stand with does a small exercise.
  • Small exercises:
    • 5x pumps,
    • 10x stretch jump,
    • 5x sit-up,
    • ...


  • At the whistle do the exercise, individually.
  • Like what?
    • jump up,
    • go through the knees,
    • make a dash,
    • Give each other a high five,
    • ...

Picking cones:

Per x number at 1 pole.

  • After scoring twice in a row a pot may be taken from the pile.
  • When there are no more pots left, they may be stolen from other piles.
  • The exercise stops after a certain time or when 1 pole remains.