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Korfball drills

With music

  • 6 poles
  • 6 handlers

  • The rest runs on music around the trainer.
  • Music stops and score with a walkthrough.
  • Attacker may only pass twice and then puts the ball on the ground.
  • After that run on music around the trainer again.
  • 5 times scored is the winner.

Hoop large pawn 2 colours small pawn around the basket

  • 1 attacker
  • 1 attacker per pole.

  • Trainer calls out e.g. big pawn, red pawn, yellow pawn and then hoop.
  • In that order the attacker touches everything and makes a shot at the last (hoop).
  • Attacker switches with support.
  • Make groups and the winner is the team that has 5 x type of pawn.
  • 1 declarer
  • 1 Attacker
  • 1 defender

  • In front of the basket, attacker and defender walk towards each other.
  • Attacker decides when to start for the walkthrough.
  • 2 with the ball and the rest by tapping the ball against another.
  • Running with the ball is not allowed.
  • Once tapped you are also tapped.
  • Tappers wear a ribbon
  • 1 forward
  • 1 defender
  • 1 attacker

  • Attacker with his back to the basket.
  • Defender in front.
  • As soon as attacker picks up the ball and passes to attacker, both may run.
  • Attacker takes ball and defender does his best to defend.
  • 1 attacker
  • 1 defender
  • 1 attacker

  • Attacker at cone
  • Attacker runs between 2 or 4 cones to receive ball at cone
  • 2 lines
  • 2 teams

  • In the middle a skippyball.
  • Behind your line, throw the skippyball against the
  • until it comes behind the line of the opponent
  • 1 attacker
  • 1 defender
  • 1 attacker

  • Attacker and defender walk towards each other.
  • Offender decides when to go for the walkthrough and the defender goes after him.
  • The taker gets played late.
  • The defender is right behind him.
  • Take it easy. If the defender's back. Looking for the arm...

Goaltender throws to forward goes after the ball for:

  • pass
  • dodge
  • shot

Bitch catches and throws to opposite side etc. With 2 balls at the same time.

Inshort: practise all kinds of forms of the shot from a supporting position.

Organisation: pairs per basket, always one person under the basket and one person in front of it. Change after about 1 minute.

a ) One person in front of the basket at about 6 meters, the shooter stands under the basket. The shooter starts away from the basket (backwards), gets the ball and shoots immediately. The striker catches the ball.

b ) As exercise a., but the shooter only threatens with a shot, lets the defender jump in and then continues with an "underhand pull ball": a kind of private penalty throw from about 5 meters diagonally behind the basket. The Germa-ball - so called by me after Germa Woldhuis of Nic. who had success with this on a regular basis - is practised here. The server catches the ball.

c ) The starting situation is the same, but the shooter now gets a defender with him (some pairs cancel each other out). The defender's task is to decide which of the two possibilities (a. or b.) the attacker will get: either he reacts deliberately too late (after which a shot must follow), or he follows the shooter too closely (thus giving the opportunity for an underhand draw). In exercises d., e. and f., the attacker plays free with one simple movement. An efficient way, which requires however a lot of technique (and thus practice).

  • In a hat 1 passer
  • Other hat attacker and defender
  • Offender moves towards the pass. Defender follows briefly behind. Offender decides when to go inside.
    • Defender allows the pass
    • Defender tries to prevent
    • Defender tries to tackle