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Korfball drills

  • you have three kids per post.
    • 1 is the attacker,
    • 1 is the defender and
    • 1 is the attacker, 1 is the defender and 1 is the attacker/catcher.
  • the attacker must try to score and the defender must prevent this.
  • Change when the attacker has scored
  • 4 children per basket
  • Everyone has his own ball.
  • Every child on 1 side of the basket.
  • If you score you may move up one place.
  • Who is round first wins.
  • Even number of children per group
  • Assignment successful is get a new one from the trainer.
  • Who is first to complete all the tasks?
    • Score 5 times shot
    • 5 times stop shot
    • 2 shots in a series
    • 4 times score from the back
    • Score twice per person
  • In the middle you put balls
  • The players stand by their basket
  • At the whistle they run in and try to get a ball
  • When you have a ball you may attempt a shot (penalty throw - distance) and
  • If you score, you get a point,
  • At every new round one ball less in the middle.
  • The players who do not have the ball keep running.
  • up to 5 points per person

  • Have the players shoot ten times and count the number of goals they score
  • Then make them sprint ten times for ten metres.
  • Then they have to shoot ten more times and count the number of goals they score.
  • Per basket 4 players, 2 attackers, 2 defenders.
  • They compete with each other and the rules are changed a little bit each time.
    1. The attackers must score 2x. Intercept the defenders 2x the ball then there is exchanged
    2. same as above but now there may only be shot if there is at least 1x overplayed
    3. same as 1 but only allowed to score with an extended ball
    4. Defensive shooting is allowed, the catch is important to be able to continue attacking.
  • etc. The trainer of each basket can make additions to these exercises, passing on these variations quickly is a must for concentration.
  • Make 2 teams of 4 players.
  • Hats!
  • Gather between the 4 baskets.
  • The attacking team gets the ball and can choose which basket to attack.
  • This is to encourage them to look for free space.
  • The other team follows, intercepts the ball?
  • Then they choose. Do this the first 5 minutes.
  • Then another variant.
  • Divide all players over 4 teams. Each team gets its own basket and must defend it.
  • If one team has the ball, they choose where to attack.
  • 1 declarer throws the ball to the person in front of the basket then he takes a shot if the ball is caught under the basket he then goes inside and takes a through ball finally he then takes a short chance.
  • Point count:
    • Shot counts 2x
    • Walkthrough counts 1x
    • Short chance counts 1x
  • 5min long and then look per basket who has the most points = 2 times
  • Two baskets facing each other.
  • Under each basket, a declarer with the ball.
  • The players in the middle, divided in 2 groups, line up opposite each other.
  • So that they can see both baskets. One row is attack, the other is defender.
  • The first two players in the row duel each other.
  • The duel starts when one of the attackers lets the ball bounce once.
  • The attacker can decide which basket to attack to.
  • The point of this exercise is to try to get free and score.
  • After one turn the attacker joins behind the defenders and the defender joins behind the attackers.
  • In between the attackers change.

2 persons per pole

  • From the front a hat at 5 meter distance, on one side at 3 meter distance and one side at 1 meter distance. the back at about 4 meter distance.
  • Number 1 starts shooting. Number 2 takes the catch.
  • When number 1 has scored, he/she moves to the side and when he/she has scored again, we move to the other side.
  • Score 4 times in total. If you succeeded then it is number 2's turn.
  • If number 1 hasn't scored 4x after 2 minutes we change and train separately on shot technique.
  • With the weight through the knees and up again.
  • Do this 10 times and then shoot 5 times at 3 meters from the pole.
  • Then we pick up the weight again and move our arms along the body and then forward with our arm stretched.
  • Next, we move forward with stretched arm.
  • We do this also 10 times and then shoot 5 times at 5 meter.
  • Then finally we move with stretched arms to the side 10 times.
  • Then we shoot 5x at the pole at 7 meter.
  • Get in 2 teams and stand in a row opposite each other and bring the pawns together to the other side.
  • You do this by first lifting your one hand and take the pawn and put it between your 2 hands.
  • Then you lift your other hand and put the pawn next to your hand.
  • From there, the next person does exactly the same until the pawn reaches the other side.
  • In total, 8 pawns must reach the other side.