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Korfball drills

We are going to set up a normal attack, but explain well how they should run now. Not behind and not between

Both groups will stand at 3 meters and must score 10. Which group is first?

10 early runners from the back which group has the most

10 early runners from the front which group has the most

10 early runners from the front which group has the most

Posts in a square, hats in the middle.

2 (or more) teams at a pole, on the starting signal start shooting from 4-5 meter. when a team has made 1 goal they may take a hat and put it under their pole.

When there are no more hats in the middle they can take from other poles.

First 2 team to get 3 hats wins.


Variation in number of hats in the middle, number of hats to win, distance and number of goals.


Divide into 2 teams.
In each team the children get numbers (silently give them to each team). Once everyone has a number, the ball is placed in the middle between the teams.

Then we call out a number (can also be several numbers) and they try to be the first to take the ball back to their "camp".

Once a child has taken the ball in the middle, the other child may try to tap him.


4 children stand next to each other, about 5 meters apart.

1 child goes to work:
Receives the ball at the first cone, returns it to the player across, and runs on to the second cone and so on.

At the back cone he returns 100% sprint.

First all passes with left, then right, then 2 hands, then throw high in the air and throw back in the air.

rock-exercise-1In short:
A trio must pass the ball to each other in a square.

Always someone has to walk on the free cone. ATTENTION: there must always be 2 touch points.

The same as with the through ball, but with a dodge.

First all shots on the left and then on the right.

passing-ball-from-the-middle-1Organization:Place 3 poles in a triangle, about 8 meters apart. In the middle of that square, place 1 pawn in the triangle, about 2 meters apart.

There are 3 children standing under the basket and the others are going to take 3 minutes of through balls. Every time they have done that, they walk back to the middle and find another basket.

After those 3 minutes, the attackers change.

Who will get the most in the 3 minutes?

the pace must be high!

In short: various games of tag.

Overlap. The players stand on one long side of a rectangular area (about the size of a gymnasium). The rat runs somewhere in the middle of the area. When the trainer tells them to, all players must run over to the other long side. The scapegoat tries to catch as many players as possible. When they get through the area, they have to wait for the next signal to go back. Who is not tagged in 6 times? This game of tag can also serve as a playful exercise in defending.

Practice with 4 players the free ball. Use 3 persons for the attack. Person 1 takes the free ball, person 2 and 3 pass. Person 4 will defend the free ball on person 1.

Stefan or Esmay shows you how to pass the ball well and then the children do the same, the person who passes the ball stays in line until all children of the group have passed the ball. After that you switch with the first one in line.

We do this on 2 poles. We divide the whole group in 2 groups.