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Korfball drills

  • All players have to shoot 10 times from the back.
  • The coach has a number in his mind and that is how many times the players must score.
  • If not, there is a consequence.
  • This is done individually and not as a team.
  • The players are divided over two posts.
  • Per pole they take 15 short chances (about 2 meters).
  • The trainer has a number in his head and if the players have not scored as often there is a consequence.

This is done in team context

  • We're gonna bowl as a group.
  • We stand in two rows facing each other.
  • We start as follows:pass with two hands, catch with two hands.
    1. Throw over with your good hand, catch with both hands.
    2. Pass with your right hand, catch with your right hand.
    3. Pass with wrong hand, catch with both hands.
    4. Throw over with the wrong hand and catch with the right hand.
  • The whole team has to catch and throw the ball well,
    • If this doesn't happen and the ball falls on the ground 5 times. There is a consequence for this exercise.
  • Lift your knees,
  • heels buttocks,
  • arms swinging while walking sideways,
  • Swing your arm forward during the run
    • swing the same arm halfway back and then switch arms,
  • sprint back and forth,
  • cross stride.

After this warming-up stretching. This needs to be explained properly.

  • Player A throws the ball deep and player 2 scores a pass
  • It depends on how they participate, but they have to make 7 and they have a period of 10 minutes for this.
  • If they don't make 7 in the 10 minutes, we will run for 7 minutes.
  • Player A throws the ball deep and
  • player 2 scores a pass

  • At pawn 1 we're going to run back and forth.
  • At pawn 2 we're going to throw up.
  • At post 1 we're going to take shots.
  • And at post 2 we're going to score deep balls.
  • Each exercise for 2 minutes and then change.
  • We have poles, cones or caps placed 8 metres apart in a square.
  • The team divides itself over the poles, cones or caps.
  • Next, they are going to sprint 100% for a few seconds.
    • They start with:
      • 30 seconds sprint.
        • 1 minute rest.
      • Sprint for 45 seconds.
        • 1 minute rest
      • 60 second sprint.
        • 1 minute rest.
      • 75 Seconds sprint.
        • 1 minute rest.
      • 90 Seconds sprint.
        • 1 minute rest.
      • 75 second sprint.
        • One minute rest.
      • 60 second sprints.
        • One minute rest.
      • 45 second sprint.
        • 1 minute rest.
      • 30 second sprints.
        • END
  • The same person will shoot for 2 minutes at a further distance.
  • You can only continue when you have scored.
  • The team members also shoot from the back

The children take penalty throws and make 10 in 5 minutes with the whole group.
If this does not happen, there is a consequence!

Shooting from two meters, of which the whole group has to score 10 in 5 minutes.
If not, there will be a consequence!

The same person will shoot for 2 minutes at a further distance. You can only continue when you have scored.