Korfball drills
Three warm-up exercises for flexible muscles.
These exercises are for back, back and hamstring and back legs, ankles and arms.
- Dangling pose. (back)
- Both feet hip-width apart with feet forward.
- Hands go up sideways.
- Tilt your pelvis forward and bring your hands to the ground.
- Try to feel the breath in your back and hold for 1 minute.
- Then come up at a slow pace, vertebra by vertebra.
- Down dog. (hamstring and back)
- Hands and knees on the ground. (Hips above the knee and hands straight under the shoulder))
- Plank on your hands.
- Backside up and back, leaving hands where they are.
- Hold for 20 seconds and then back in reverse.
- Triangle pose. (back, legs, ankles and arms)
- Stand arms and legs wide apart. (Legs at wrist width)
- Turn right foot 90 degrees to the right and point left foot forward.
- Ankles stay in 1 line.
- Reach to the right and move your right hand to your calf and look up at your left hand. (Arms stay at 180 degrees)
- Hips stay forward.
- Stand still and come up.
- Exercise 1 and 2 we do 3x, exercise 3 left and right.
- 4 hurdles against each other in a 4 side.
- Jump with two legs over the first hurdle.
- Jump left over the hurdle and jump back.
- Jump straight forward over the hurdle and back again.
- Jump right over the hurdle, turn right and make a sprint to the pawn.
- We do this 8 times.
- 10 hoops spread over the ground.
- You jump alternately with your left and right leg into a hoop and stay on that one leg for 3 counts.
- Your face is always facing the same direction.
- After the last hoop you sprint to the pawn.
- We do this 8 times.
- 6 cones next to each other with 50 cm distance between them (when this group is ready, parts 4 and 5 stop).
- You step over the pawn in the space between first your right foot and then your left foot. (keep your back straight)
- This way you step over all 6 cones.
- Then you sprint to the pawn.
- The next round you face the other way and first you go over the pawn with your left foot and then with your right foot.
- Do this 4 times right and 4 times left.
- Hat run. (brisk pace about 50%)
- You start at a green hat.
- At green you go forward.
- At orange you go left.
- At white you go backwards.
- With blue you go to the right.
- At every other colour you choose your own side.
- Pass the Frisbee and make sure it is caught.
- All players line up with their legs wide.
- The back player has a ball and throws the ball through the players' legs, the front in line tries to grab the ball as fast as possible before it crosses the line.
- Variation:
- In 2 or more rows and which team has all the players in first.
- On the field, place x number of hats at random spots, half on his point.
- You play with 2 teams of 1 or more players.
- Party A puts the hats on the point party B puts them the other way around.
- After x minutes stop and count who has the most hats.
- 2 baskets opposite each other at about 10 meters.
- Start with 3 against 3 or 4 against 4.
- Depending on the numbers.
- Task is for the defenders.
- Try to intercept the ball.
- No counter play is allowed.
- Swap when one of the teams has intercepted 5 times the ball.
- Play on time and which team has the most interceptions.
- Earn a point by catching the ball over the line.
- A party starts from behind the line with the ball.
- Intercepted ball is ball first to your own line and then to the other side for a point.
- Balls out count.
- When a point is gained, the opponent gets the ball from there.
Points of attention:
- For defending.
- Play on the side by moving on one leg.
- Play at tempo.
- Watch each other and your opponents place.
- 1 attacker keeps shooting while keeping the balloon high (so it doesn't hit the ground)
- The catcher catches and throws the ball.
- Divide the team into equal groups of 3 at most
- As many poles as groups
- Everyone can defend everyone
- Can score on any pole
- Divide the team in groups of 2, max 3
- Each group starts on its own pole
- Per pole you score X number of goals
- Finished? Then move on to another pole (may be random, may be in order)
- Finally score X number of goals on your own pole.
- Who is the first to score on all the poles wins.
- Divide into groups of 2 or 3 players.
- Per group an X number of pawns in the middle. (for example 2)
- Players do an assignment.
- It doesn't matter what the task is, it can be a shot from 4 meters, it can be a penalty throw, etc.
- When there are X amount of goals, the group can take a pawn from the middle.
- No pawns left in the middle?
- Then you may take them to another group.
- The first group to get X number of pawns wins.
- This must be more than the number of pawns per group in the middle!
- (If each group has 2 pawns in the middle, the number of pawns to win must be 3 or more)
- Which pair is first at x number of shots.
- Each pair has 1 ball and takes turns shooting.
- All teams start shooting at the same time.
- Teams keep track of the number of goals they have scored.
- Each team makes the same prearranged shots.
- The game starts with each team having to score 2 goals.
- The first team to do so calls to the trainer.
- The coach stops the game.
- Everyone who has 2 goals at that moment, goes for the next round for 3 goals.
- All teams who have not scored 2 goals yet, start again with 2 goals.
- Now the teams have different goals.
- In the next round, each team must score one more goal than they scored in the previous round.
- This continues until one team has scored 10 goals.
- You have 2 teams and you have to play together to get the ball into the opponent's box.
- Your opponents can cover you but they can also intercept
- If this happens, the other team may attack and try to get the ball into the other team's box