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Korfball drills

  • Boxes together, two players (men/ladies these are A(anvaller) and V(erdefender) in front of the picture) in the left corner in front of the basket.
  • One player left (left behind the basket) next to it and one player right (right behind the basket) next to it.
  • In the pair is an attacker and a defender.
  • The attacker has the ball, places it next to him (left or right) and takes the rebound.
  • The defender is going to make the rebound difficult but gives it away initially (this one defends in front).
  • The player who does not get the ball fills the place of the attacker/rebounder.
  • The two players in front of the basket take a shot after one or two doubles.
    Who will get the most rebounds out of the five shots?
  • 4 baskets in a square, one pair of the same sex next to a basket.
  • The baskets are spaced 16 metres apart.
  • The pairs of ladies and gentlemen face each other at a basket.
  • There is one runner (shooter) and one server.
  • The runner walks towards the opposite basket, the runners circle each other at the height of the centre, to score at their own basket: (changing function after an exercise)
  • 2 offenders react on shot/pass from 2 attackers from 3 meter in pole position

  • The girls stand next to each other in a row and the boys stand behind them.
  • Now they are going to walk to the other side.
  • The boys are not allowed to overtake the girls.
  • At the other side they turn around and walk back.
  • They're walking back and forth like they're doing line drills,
  • but are now going to do exercises on command.
  • Like for example lifting the knees, tapping the buttocks, tapping the ground and jumping up, hopping, sideways jumping, hopscotch.
  • If you are tagged, give the ticker a hand and start ticking, until you get a big swing.
  • The catcher is allowed to bounce the ball.
  • If he wants to tag someone, he has to throw the ball to that person.
  • If he hits the ball, he is out.
  • Stand 4 metres from the basket and shoot from a standstill.
  • Who has scored 5 first.
  • The baskets in a square.
  • Pairs at a pole.
  • Together they score on their pole:
    • 4 penalty throws
    • 4 pull-aways (from under the basket to the front)
    • 4 neighbourhood balls
    • 4 shots on 5 meter
  • Repeat this 3 times on the same pitch.
  • The first time, the trainer keeps track of time.
  • The second time, the players have to finish faster than the first time, otherwise they have to sprint around the poles for three rounds.
  • The same is true for the third lap with respect to the second lap, unless the first lap was faster than the second.
  • In that case the time of the first run should be used as a guideline.
  • Two pairs near a basket.
  • There is an attacking pair and a defending pair.
  • Rules: in a turn (time between start and interception), it is not allowed to double with the attacker (the trainer) under the basket. The pair changes positions after 3 interceptions.
  • The players walk from under one basket to the next basket, changing their roles (shooter/forward) when they miss a ball or a shot.
  • We'll see who scored the following goals first:

    * 10 walk-through balls * 6 dodge balls *
    8 dodge balls * 4 dodge balls
  • Who has scored 6 first.
  • After 1 goal change with the one at the pawn.