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Korfball drills

Place 2 poles directly opposite each other.
Under each basket one player with ball and one player without.

  • The player without ball runs clockwise to the cone halfway diagonally across the court.
  • The ball is passed along in the run and passed to the declarer under the other basket.
  • Walk-through ball follows, self-catching.
  • Exercise repeats.

  • Players without ball run straight at each other. After a jump they go sideways to the cone.
  • There they continue without a pointer to the swerve on the other basket.
  • The shot is followed by a follow-through that is self-caught. Then you switch.

  • The player in give-up throws the ball away with backspin. The player without the ball runs to the ball and tries to catch it for the 2nd bounce. Make sure the ball is not thrown too far.
  • After catching, turn and pass to the supplied player, followed by a swerve with a shot.
  • Then run for a through ball at the other post, catching yourself.
drawing Exercise attack
Per 3 players at the basket:

  • With pawns, divide the attacking area around the basket into 4.
  • There are players in 3 of these 4 areas.
  • When player white passes the ball to player blue, player white moves to the free area.
  • Player blue plays through to player red and then also fills the free area.
  • Give a signal on which may shoot. The other 2 go out of space to fill in the rebound.
  • Then play out again and repeat.
If feasible you can also implement a support in your exercise.
Let the players think for themselves who best fills this position.
drawing Filling free positions in round games
  • On a tennis court, you will play in 2 squares 2 against 2.
  • Both courts are attacking.
  • When intercepting, the ball must first go to the other side.
  • Play with 2 teams of 2.
  • Both squares are attacking squares.
  • On interception, the ball must go to the other side first.
drawing Party on tennis court
  • In pairs at a post
  • The shooter starts with the ball
  • The shooter plays the ball into the support
  • The shooter makes a hook to the left or right and gets the ball back
  • The shooter shoots at goal
  • The intercepted ball is played directly back to the shooter
  • The shooter plays the ball back to the support
  • The shooter makes a through ball
  • After scoring twice, switch positions
  • Everyone does this exercise 5 times
  • Each pair must try to crack the code. This is a four-digit code where the sequence matters.
  • Each exercise is a number; they can use this number in the code.
  • When they have done 4 exercises, they pass this as the code, in the order in which they did the exercises.
  • The trainer then indicates how many the players got right and how many are in, but not in the right place.
  • 8 walk-through balls
  • 5 rounds of running ladders pp
  • 2 laps around the whole field
  • 5 fallback balls right
  • 5 safety balls left
  • touch post small chance, 8 score
  • 20 penalty throws
  • 6 distance shots 6 m in front of the basket
  • 6 distance shots 5 m behind the basket
  • Players spread out in a box
  • All players, except the ticker, have a ball
  • The ticker tries to tap everyone.
  • If a player is tagged, he or she goes to the posts to score.
  • If successful, the player returns to the box.
  • If a player drops the ball, they are also out.
Variations through different ways of holding the ball.
drawing Tag with balls
  • Everyone at a basket with ball
  • Other players start running and taking through balls
  • After a certain score, the next
drawing Walk-through balls on baskets with hurdles
  • Per 2- or 3-team
  • 1 person under the basket
  • Others at the pawns
  • Always a pattern that the player has to run at the pawns
  • End with a through-ball, drop ball or start-off
drawing T-loop
Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored.

  • Each playing card shows a "color": clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds.
  • Each color represents a fitness exercise:
    • Hearts: Push-ups
    • Spades: Squat
    • Clubs: Burpee
    • Diamonds: Lunges
  • Once they have picked a card, they must first perform the corresponding exercise.
  • They do this the number of times the card indicates.
  • For example, Hearts 4 = push up 4 times.
  • Then they may continue shooting again.
  • The group with the most cards has won.
Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored.

  • Each playing card shows a "color": clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds.
  • Each color represents a fitness exercise:
    • Hearts: Push-ups
    • Spades: Squat
    • Clubs: Burpee
    • Diamonds: Lunges
  • Once they have picked a card, they must first perform the corresponding exercise.
  • They do this the number of times the card indicates.
  • For example, Hearts 4 = push up 4 times.
  • Then they may continue shooting again.
  • The group with the most cards has won.
  • On both sides of the basket are pawns.
  • The shooter stands in front of the basket with the ball.
  • The other players stand under the basket to duel for the rebound.
  • After each shot, one player catches the ball.
  • This player must first tap a pawn and then may catch again.
  • The shooter shoots as soon as he has the ball.
drawing Running rebound
Put at least half the baskets of the number of players participating.
  • One player with ball stands under each basket
  • The remaining players stand in the middle between the set up baskets
  • Have the players walk to a basket and pull a hook and then shoot it
    • If the shot is on a normal basket the player gets 1 point
    • Is the shot in at a shooter's basket then you get 2 points
  • If the player has scored, he walks to the center and chooses another basket to shoot at.
  • If the player did not score then you switch with the passer.
  • Play to your own choice of points