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Korfball drills

  • Sit on the floor with a ball in your hands.
  • Tuck your legs in so that you only have contact with the ground with your rear end
  • Now tap the ball from left to right as far as possible within a given time...
  • Have the players all stand along a certain side of a line, potty, etc....
  • The idea is to jump with two feet or one foot over the line and back.
  • So for a certain time ... to be determined by yourself taking into account age or physical readiness ...
  • Make two teams.
  • The goal is to get the ball to the other side of the line.
  • You do this by standing in plank position and then pushing the ball to the other person who is standing further down in plank position.
  • Then you run to the front and stand in a holding position and wait for the ball to come.
  • The team that gets to the other side first wins.
  • You take 1 (or 2) dice.
  • You throw the dice and the number of pips you get in a shot exercise.
  • For example: you throw 5, then you have to score 5 shots.


  • You can have each group roll the dice separately and each time they complete a task.
  • and every time they complete an assignment, give them a new
  • Then each group has to complete a new task with a new number thrown.

Party with the whole group


  • With different tasks for the attackers or defenders.
  • For example:
    • forward defence
    • only forwards
    • paying attention to extra running into space and shooting from here.
  • 1 declarer throws the ball to the person in front of the basket
  • he then makes a shot when the ball is caught
  • under the basket he then goes inside
  • and takes a walkthrough ball
  • finally, he takes a short chance
    • you can play this like this, for example, who is the first to the 20
  • Two teams,
  • 4 poles,
  • each with their own post
  • and you're gonna be two to one with the others.
  • 2s,
  • 8 hits,
  • miss twice, sprint to the middle and keep going until you make eight,
  • then the other one
  • The children make 15 runs in 5 minutes with the whole group.
  • When this doesn't happen there will be a consequence!
  • The children shoot from 4 meters,
  • With the whole group they make 10 in 5 minutes.
  • If this does not happen there is a consequence!

Variant A.

  • Make groups of as equal numbers as possible and divide them over baskets with some space between them.
  • Let the next player in line take a penalty throw.
  • Let them all take the penalty throw at the same time at your indication (with or without whistle), this simulates the pressure that is present in a competition environment.
  • The group that scores 5 penalty throws first gets a bonus life (see variant B).
  • You can repeat this variant a few times (depending on the size of the group).

Variant B.

  • You now move on to shooting; the pressure to score a penalty throw increases.
  • Starting position is the same as variant A, however, the player who misses the penalty throw is now out.
    • Unless a bonus life previously earned by the group is used.
  • That means the group shrinks.
  • The last two groups with 1 person left, will compete against each other on 1 central basket.
  • The players who were shot earlier form a (large) circle around the scene.
  • The remaining players take turns to score a penalty throw; the one who manages to score two penalty throws before his opponent manages to score at all, gets the honorary title of king (or queen ) of the week.
    • At x-moment you can deliberately introduce some disturbing elements, such as loud music, or an extra ball in the field to get the players out of their concentration. Explain clearly what the purpose of this is.
  • 2 in front of the basket.
  • One person behind the basket tries to get in front.
  • It doesn't work because someone is defending in front of the basket.
  • Throw long ball. Change every 2 shots.
  • Make 8