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Korfball drills

In short: various games of tag.

Organisation: Mark out an area that is not too big (20 by 10 to 20 metres) with the help of baskets or cones. If there are more than one, give each of the taggers a ribbon.

Off with the ball. One of the players has a ball. The ball is passed around randomly. The ticker must try to tap the player who has the ball in their hands. If the group is large, then split it into two (and thus also work with two tickers).

  • We have poles, cones or caps placed 8 metres apart in a square.
  • The team divides itself over the poles, cones or caps.
  • Next, they are going to sprint 100% for a few seconds.
    • They start with:
      • 30 seconds sprint.
        • 1 minute rest.
      • Sprint for 45 seconds.
        • 1 minute rest
      • 60 second sprint.
        • 1 minute rest.
      • 75 second sprints.
        • 1 minute rest
      • 60 second sprints.
        • 1 minute rest.
      • 45 second sprint.
        • 1 minute rest.
      • 30 second sprints.
        • END

3 posts with baskets, 3 balls, 6 pawns. (at 5 pers. 2 poles 1 pole penalty throw practice at 8 points penalty throw won)

per basket 2 teams (1 catch 1 shoot).

First we explain what is important to pay attention to when making a walkthrough.

Pawns are placed from which distance the ball will be walked in.

The children make a pass ball in front of the basket and a pass ball behind the basket. If they both hit the ball, they earn a piping bag. Which team will have 4 bags first?

After that change the teams and function

Then the same but instead of through balls they play dodge balls.

necessary: 3 poles with baskets, 1 container with wickerbags and 1 container with ribbons, 6 pawns, 3 balls

All children are numbered 1,2,3 numbers 1 start running first, then 2 and 3 start when 1 is back.

  • On the left side you run to and fro in the length of the hall.
  • When you are back you run to a free basket and make a penalty throw in front of the basket.
  • And you score from a distance of your choice from the back of the basket.
  • Place the ball on the pawn in front of the basket.
  • Then you go to the trainer for your 'salary' and you start again.
  • You keep your pay in your own locker (A4 sheet with your own name).
  • When there is no free basket, you run up and down the length of the hall one more time.

If you score a goal both times you have earned a beanbag. If you only score one goal you have earned a ribbon.

Who has earned the most after 10 minutes?

Start line-up
Three groups at the first pawns.

The first in line runs to the hoop and goes through the hoop from the bottom, so the hoop goes over their head. Then he goes through the defense stance to pawn two. Turn around and make short passes (left, right) to the next pawn. From there, start to pass the ball. After that, go to the pole for a shot. Then back to the start, tap, next. There are two points per person. First team with six points wins.

Defensive stance:
Back out and through the knees with your arm up.


The team stands in a circle with one person in the middle.

The ball is played in from the outside.
You run after your ball.
From the middle back to the outside, also chasing the ball.
The ball must not come to the ground and you have to run as fast as possible.
If it does hit the ground then the person who threw the ball is going to take a penalty throwThe
rest of the team plays on


  • Alternate preferred hand with non-preferred hand.
  • Shorten or lengthen the distance to the centre.
  • Tight balls or curve balls.
  • With several balls

2 teams

per team 2 poles opposite each other and at 6 meter from the last pole a loose basket on the ground.

Small chance on 1st pole; run to 2nd pole with ball penalty throw; from this pole throw 3 balls exactly in the basket on the ground.

After 3 unsuccessful attempts you may continue to the next post.

When the 1st is at the 2nd pole, nr. 2 may start.


  • don't score with the ball but run around the post without the ball.
  • Increase or decrease distance between last post and basket on the ground.
  • So no 1 is at the 2nd pole no 2 at the 1st pole. no 2 throws in the hands of no 1. no 1 has to throw 3 balls in the basket on the ground. After that keep changing until everyone has thrown 3 balls in the basket.
  • For one minute, one player is working
  • That player stands at about 3/4 meter in front of the basket
  • The receiver stands with the ball under the basket.
  • The active player gets the ball and shoots, and then immediately walks to the back of the basket to shoot at 3/4 meter.
  • Then shoot in front of the basket again, then to the back of the basket etc.
  • After one minute, the active player changes from catch to shoot.

Start line-up
Two groups at the first two pawns.

The first one in line runs to the basket lying on the ground and goes through it, so the basket goes over their head. Then he runs through the defence posture to pawn two and turns around it 4 times. Finally, he runs to pawn 3 and tries to score (3 attempts) before he can run back to pawn 1 and hit the next one in line.

Defensive stance:
Backwards and through the knees with your arm up.

Distance setup:
Hoop from pawn 1: 5 meters.
Pawn 2 from hoop: 5 meter.
Pawn 3 from pawn 2: 5 meter.
Pole from pawn 3: 4 meters.


Put a basket in front of each pair. Make sure they are lined up and that there is space on both sides for them to run through. Place a pawn at both sides at 8-9 metres.

  • One of you starts under the basket with the ball, the other near the pawn.
  • You run to the basket, get the ball and make a pass.
  • Then you run to the next pawn to make another pass ball.

Continue until someone has scored a certain number or work with a time limit.
When this is the case, the declarer and the taker switch.

The handler must of course make sure that he has caught the ball again in time to signal the next pass.

At each basket stands one pair with ball. The shooter stands at 3 or 4 metres in front of the basket and there is a catcher under the basket. The ball starts under the basket.

  • The pairs try to score 3 goals as soon as possible.
  • As soon as one of the shooters has scored 3 goals, the team shouts YES.
  • This means that all other pairs switch functions.

Scoring three goals earns your team 1 point. The game goes on, who has 3 points first.

  • All players stand in a circle.
  • Player A throws the ball to player B, and then runs to player B's spot.
  • Player B throws the ball to player C, and stands on the spot of player C.

Start in a small circle (close to each other) and make the circle bigger and bigger.

Can be done in 2 groups, which group can stand furthest apart without making mistakes?