Korfball drills
! Form two groups. The attacker receives a vest.
This is louging in a korfball way. One person is the attacker, she/he starts with one defender. Within a playing area she/he must try to get free. In front of the box is the attacker. She/he has to make sure the ball gets to the attacker in the box. The other players stand aside. If the attacker receives the ball without the defender intercepting, a defender comes on board.
- Running free
- Throw
- Contact
! Make 3 groups and let the players divide into person 1, 2 and 3. After two rounds, switch one person by.
Form 3 teams near the basket. Person 1 stands 6 metres in front of the basket near the pawn, person 2 stands 6 metres behind the basket near the pawn. Person 3 stands under the basket as catcher. Person 1 starts with e.g. a pass, then goes back to the pawn. Person 2 takes a passing ball in the meantime, as person 3 has caught the ball. This is how you do all the exercises.
- Pass ball
- Pass ball right
- Dodge ball left
- Diverting ball past the basket
The three teams are now positioned differently. The pawns are moved to the side of the basket, where a player stands near both pawns. The other player stands in front of the pawn at 4 metres from the basket. Person 1 and 2 stand near the cones and are playable as a passer. Player 3 stands near the pawns and determines his action. Player 3 must pass at least 2 times before he can take a shot. The shooter stays in front of the basket with the shot.
- First take the shot while person 3 is walking towards the ball, later only walk away from the ball and take the shot.
- If necessary, repeat behind the basket.
3 teams change 1 for 1
# 4 teams swap 2 by 2
! All kids together
The children form a long snake and start to run after each other. Meanwhile the trainer changes the exercises by calling out: hop, lift the knee and so on. After all exercises the person in the back gets the assignment to catch up with the whole group by sprinting. When she arrives at the front she is the first one and runs on in a steady pace.
! Extra exercise: To add a fun game element, put one person in front of the snake. This person has to try to touch the tail of the snake by making an action. The snake must keep moving and try to make a block, so that the tail will not be touched.
- 2 groups of max 4. Distance between 2 groups is +/- 5 mtr
- 2 baskets/rings next to each other at 6 mtr from both groups. In the basket +/- 3 hats/buds etc.
- 1 pylon in a straight line opposite each group at 12 mtr
Each group takes one hat from its own basket, runs around the pylon at 12 mtr and puts the hat in the basket of the opponent. In this way they try to empty their own basket or they try to have less than the other team after e.g. 4 minutes.
- distance between pawns and/or basket
- time
Inshort: practise various forms of the shot in a fun competition format.
Organisation: each group a basket and a ball, the baskets are preferably (but not absolutely necessary) arranged in a circle or rectangle. The number of people per group is less important (all groups should be about the same size).
The first assignment for the groups is: make 10 walkthrough ball goals. When you are done, the creator of the last goal goes to the trainer to get the next assignment. Which group will have completed all assignments first?
The trainer walks around the room, encouraging or correcting the players. He has a piece of paper with a list of assignments. When someone comes to get the next assignment, first ask him which assignment he just completed (after a while this can vary considerably) and then give the next one. A list of examples: 10 walk-through balls, 15 penalty shots, 5 shots from 8 meters, 10 walk-through balls from behind the basket, 5 dodges next to the post on the right, 10 penalty shots, 10 shots from 3 meters behind the basket, 5 dodges next to the pair on the left, 10 shots from 6 meters. Everything is possible of course, a lot of momentum comes when the number of goals to be scored is kept small.
To teach and improve the technique of defending 1 against 1.
Points of attention
Although the technique is always applied as a whole, the attention of the trainer can be focused on a part of the technique. Which part depends on the phase of development of the player, but also on the development of the opponents!
First the four parts will be mentioned, each part will be worked out separately.
The parts are
: a. posture b
. 'moving'
c. foot position d
. arm usage.
a. stance
From an upright position, with the feet spread (foot position will be discussed in 'c'), the player bends his knees slightly. There is also a slight bend in the hips. The upper body tilts slightly forward as a result. The centre of gravity of the body is situated 'between' the feet. In this way, the defender can best keep his balance. The distance between the attacker and the defender is just a little more than 'arm's length
For the trainer, the points of attention are: centre of gravity remains 'between the feet', upper body slightly flexed.
Common mistakes are
:• Upper body too stiffly upright•
Upper body too much bent forward, so that the centre of gravity is too much on the front foot. As a result the defender has difficulty getting going again quickly and has problems with changes of direction, because the upper body has to make the 'whole' turn.
The starting point is working in the complete execution. Defending 1-1 can only be practised with an opponent. And always make sure there is a basket nearby. It is important for the defender to be able to keep this point of orientation (even if he cannot see it!).
So: a basket with a person passing on. Outside the basket, an attacker and a defender are running.
The attacker is instructed to move 'slowly', in such a way that the defender can follow 'sliding'. The posture exercises can be combined with those of 'moving'. The attacker is regularly called upon to shoot. When the attacker has the ball, the defender moves closer so that a possible shot can be defended. When shooting, the defender extends his body and arm. The attacker can shoot, and the defender will allow the shot.
Try to train in match situations as quickly as possible. Coach the players on their posture.
1. In teams of five, two main attackers with defenders and a supporting player. The defenders will have to adjust their stance to the attacker's position. When there is a threat of a shot, defend closer to the attacker and stand up straight; when there is a threat of a break-through, bend the knees more and take up some distance.
2. Party formation, this can be 3-3 or 4-4.
Follow-up exercises are mainly about increasing the pressure from the attacker by working at a higher tempo, with more changes of direction from the attacker.
Tip for the coach:
1. This facet of 1-1 defending is often dealt with by the C-youth. Especially in combination with running up to an opponent on an evasive ball.
2. It is almost impossible to separate the exercises from the second aspect of defending, especially when the tempo is low, i.e. sliding.
3. Defending 1-1 is an 'isolation' from the whole of 'preventing' and should always be seen in relation to the whole of attacking and defending in practice!
4. When training 1-1 defending to players, the starting point is to offer the whole of the technique. In practice it will then appear that a player has not or not sufficiently mastered a particular element. Then offer suitable training material. So don't start too soon with the elements, but see which element has to be improved. Each player may have to be trained differently.
5. Always give instructions one at a time, then the children can concentrate on the correction (with older children more instructions can be given at the same time, but never more than 2 or 3). Instructions should always be repeated, within the training, a week later, etc., until they are good.
Laws of the Game:
Basic rule is: A defender may not obstruct the attacker in the free use of his body; obstructing intentionally or accidentally does not matter, both result in a foul!
1. A defender may not defend with spread arms or legs. A defender is not allowed to defend with spread arms or legs, forcing the attacker to make a detour or literally holding him back. The attacker is prevented from creating goal-scoring opportunities.
2. A defender must not suddenly move into the attacker's trajectory, so that a collision becomes inevitable.
Each basket has to collect as many blocks as possible as quickly as possible. When the blocks in the middle are finished, you may steal from each other.
Per 2 teams both score a goal. When both score, move to the left to the next basket, regardless if the team next to you has already finished. Who is first back to his own basket and scores again.
1. 5 chances to score from close range, then across the field around the pilot and back. Again 5 chances to score from close range and back and forth around the pilot. Then blow the whistle to signal the substitution (time saving exercise).
2. Take balls from 8m onwards.
3. Take penalty throws (2,5m)
4. Shooting calmly from behind the basket (4m) from pilot to pilot (3m)
5. Shooting on the move at 6m from pilot to pilot (5m)
6. District shot 8m (left and right alternate) always start at the pilot (2m)
7. Turn around the basket for a short chance and start at the pilot (4m).
8. Quick goals
The organisation in the following exercises is that two players face each other. One ball per pair. The distance can be varied, but players should not practice at maximum distance. Do not let the players stand too 'stiff', they must be able to move freely and relaxed.
Exercise 1
Players throw the ball to each other with two hands and catch with two hands. Position at chest height. Pay attention to either throwing or catching, not both at the same time.
Variations: which pair can throw back and forth 25 times the fastest, who can pass the ball over the most without dropping it.
Exercise 2
As exercise 1, but pass the ball a little higher, not so high that you have to jump, so just above your head. Pay special attention to the catch and the position of the thumbs, a little closer together than in exercise 1.
Exercise 3
Like exercise 1, but the ball is played at knee height. Pay special attention to the pins, slightly closer together and pointing to the ground.
Exercise 4
Have the players stand a little closer to each other and bounce the ball over.
Exercise 5
Players alternately throw the ball high, low, with a bounce or at chest height.
The same exercises can be performed at a greater distance. A nice variation is to have the players start close to each other and after 3 good tosses take a small step further apart. After a while the players
they will get far apart and the maximum distance will be reached. Let players throw at most 3 times at maximum distance, certainly not more or further.
Setup: O v * * = pilon O = basket
* v O
Distance between the pile and the basket is +/- 10 meter.
At every pole stands 1 forward with ball
At +/- 4 meter from the pool stands 1 defender.
The player tries to make a through ball. By changing speed, she tries to pass the defender first. Defender follows, but lets her pass. From pole 1 the attacker moves on to pole 2 and makes a new attempt at pole 2.
- 2 attackers at the same time
- When scoring twice, switch to pass.
- Defender goes for preventing shot. Attackers can choose for walk through ball, dodge and/or distance with step behind.
- adjust time
- Multiple posts/pillars/players.
In short: nice shooting exercise with a lot of running.
Organisation: the baskets are placed in a circle. At each basket stands a server with a ball. The rest of the players stand in the middle of the circle (the middle must be clearly recognisable).
In the hall there is often a circle, on the field a pylon must be placed). The number of baskets is very precise: aim for 2 baskets per 5 players.
a ) The players in the centre circle are instructed to shoot through balls to one of the baskets, it doesn't matter which one. Since there are slightly more players in the circle than there are free baskets, it is important to find a free basket quickly. When you are not quick enough, you have to wait a bit. And when Johnny is already on his way to a basket, but is passed at the last moment by Marietje, who is running faster, Johnny has to go back to the centre circle and try again from there. Everyone catches his own ball. After the signal everyone runs through the centre circle or around the pylon to find a free basket again as soon as possible.
b ) As a., but now with the assignment: Who will score 10 goals first? Even the players who first thought: 'Never mind, he runs faster than me' will now try to be the first to get to the free basket. Make sure that the players do not 'cut off' by not going through the centre circle or around the pylon.
c ) Like b., but with the assignment: 'Who will be first to score a goal at each basket?
d ) Same as b., but with overhead walkthroughs.
e ) As b., but a 'takeover situation' follows: the runner from the centre circle, after having received the ball, plays the ball back to the declarer who started away from the post. The original declarer must try to score from this start. Who scores 5 goals first?
f ) As b., but the runner takes balls out of the way (left or right, distances not too great). The declarer also catches the shot. The runner runs to the basket and gets the ball from the receiver, who will hurry to try again from the centre, because: who has scored 5 times first?
g ) As f., but after the dodge no shot follows: the ball goes back to the receiver who started at the basket. He shoots with a quarter/half turn. The shooter runs back to the middle, the other person (of course) catches the ball. Variation: The exercise can also be done with defenders present. The defenders have a thankless task: the attacker has a choice of a large number of baskets. Which attacker will be first to score 10 walk-throughs or 5 goals from ducks?
Most korfball players find the above a nice relaxed exercise, which is very suitable to start a training session with, they can use as much energy as they need. When the time has come to really put everyone to work, the next step is to score a goal: