Korfball drills
- 2 pawns face each other, ball is passed over, player runs towards the basket.
- Ball is indicated in space and finish through ball.
- Offender runs along and catches the ball.
- Switch positions.
Same as pawn looting, but now you may loot people when you run out of pawns in the middle.
Game rules:
Game rules:
- Teams play against each other.
- Each team has its own basket.
- Instruct which shot is to be made, if this shot is in place then you may take a pawn from the middle
- Are the pawns gone then you may take a person from another team.
- Which team has robbed the most pawns/ players at the final signal.
or - Which team has robbed all the players at its basket.
In pairs. One declarer and one attacker.
Communicator stands under the basket, attacker stands in front of the basket.
Communicator stands under the basket, attacker stands in front of the basket.
- The attacker runs wide left/right and gets the ball on the outside hand.
- Try to catch and play back with one hand.
- On the 4th pass the attacker is going to take a shot.
- Swap after 2 turns.
- Emphasis on solid passes, and acceleration after re-playing.
- Team stands in a row at basket 1.
- Participant 1 starts shooting, then participant 2 starts shooting immediately.
- If participant 2 scores before participant 1 then participant 1 is off and goes to basket 2.
- Participant 2 joins behind.
- If participant 1 scores earlier, she goes to the back.
- Participant 3 joins the shooting. If she shoots before participant 2, then she joins at the back and participant 2 goes to basket 2.
- This game continues on all four baskets until there is a winner on basket 1.
- You may interfere defensively, but not knock the ball away.
A small square around the basket. In this square, 2 players must continuously attack and pass. After each pass the player is in motion.
- 2 Run after passing. After 4 ball touches the shot follows and the other one catches it (shoot to score, not because you are free).
- 3 Crossing after passing.
- After each pass, the thrower crosses with the player who did not receive the ball and they swap positions. After crossing, the ball goes to one of the two and the other one catches it.
- 3/1 Same as above but make sure that, as soon as you receive the ball, you are ready to shoot. If you are in a good position and have caught the ball well, you may shoot, otherwise you play on and the next player shoots.
- 4 All of the above actions but now with a good rebound, but this one does not stay in position.
- 1 pole
- All players in a row at a good distance, not too close.
- The first one starts shooting, when he has shot the 2nd may shoot.
- If you score before the player behind you scores, give the ball to the next player and join the back of the row.
- If the player behind you scores before you score, you're out. Both balls go to the next 2 in line.
- Players stand in line in front of the basket.
- Player 1 throws the ball to player 2 and player 1 runs after it halfway and inside.
- Player 2 throws the ball at the moment he/she thinks the other player can make a good run through.
- Player 1 finishes it. (and start again at step 1)
- Playing together and scoring on your own basket
- Or play together and prevent the opposing team from scoring as few goals as possible
- Two teams in threes against each other (can also be played in fours)
- Around the basket there is a section where the defending side has a defender. The defender is only allowed to move in that section while defending. If the team is attacking, this player is allowed to join the attack. In this way there is always a surplus in the attack.
- Korfball rules are in force
- Number 1 starts at about 4/5 meters in front of the basket, this is the shooter.
- Number 2 starts under the basket, this is the rebounder who is going to block.
- Number 3 starts in the space around the basket and will also try to rebound, but then from space.
- Number 2 is going to try to block number 3.
- The first player to win 3 rebounds, can start shooting.
2 teams play a game
- Instead of baskets you have to score by knocking over a cone.
- This cone is in a circle where nobody is allowed to come.
Goal is to play together as attackers, and to intercept the ball as defenders.
- 16 hoops (or something else to make compartments) per 4 players.
- After scoring twice 5 meters with your pair you may place a pawn in one of the hoops.
- The first to get 4 in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally, wins.
- Can also be done with 3 (milk, butter, cheese and eggs).
- There is a box within which the players must stay.
- Two players have a ball and try to throw it to the other players without a ball.
- In phase 2 we go to 1 ball.
- When someone is thrown in, this player can play back into the game by scoring a goal on the basket which is outside the playing field.
First, the player in possession of the ball may run with it
Afterwards, the players with the ball are not allowed to run