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Korfball drills

  • There are 2 players per post.
  • When a player has scored, they may step back,
  • After 3 attempts not scored then the player stands as a catch and it is player 2's turn.
  • If the person standing under the basket does not catch the ball at once the player shooting must take a step forward.
  • You can get closer than 1 step in front of the basket.
  • Ball is passed around to the right.
  • After x passes, a diagonal ball comes.
  • When the diagonal ball comes, player 2 must put down a rebound.
  • Player 4 goes to the rebound.
  • Player 3 can choose to shoot or go for the through ball.
You can extend this by releasing player 1 for the shot.

drawing Dry set-up after deep ball
Place at least half the number of players participating in baskets distributed in a circle on field.
  • One player stands under each basket with ball
  • The remaining players stand in the middle between the lined up baskets
  • Have players walk to a basket and pull a hook and then shoot.
    • If the ball is in, on a regular basket, the player gets 1 point.
    • Is the ball in, on a shooter's basket, then you get 2 points.
  • If the player has scored, he walks to the center and chooses another basket to shoot at.
  • If the player did not score, then you switch with the passer.
  • Play like this to a self-selected number of points.

  • follow-through
  • pull away ball
  • The ball is played in to a high support and the inspeler threatens to pass.
  • The support shifts the ball to the side or back of the basket, onto a moving player.
  • The player behind the basket takes a shot.
  • The inspeler comes over the support and catches the ball.
  • The catcher plays the ball forward to the runaway support.
  • The shooter assumes the support position and the interceptor becomes the new shooter.
This exercise can be played from any side.
The goal of the exercise is to use the whole field and create space in the game.

drawing Rear basket utilization
  • 2 Players in front, 1 defender.
  • Player 1 -left- makes movement toward passer, pulls deep to behind the basket, takes shot.
  • Defender -red- makes pass difficult, allows shot
  • Passer throws with outside hand
  • Shooter shoots on right leg -outer leg.
drawing Depth line shot with defender
  • The player behind the basket plays the ball sideways and briefly moves back and forth in the broadside line.
  • Simultaneously with the play-in, the forward player comes to the basket and makes a through ball.
  • The first player catches the ball and places the ball out toward the pass-through shooter.
  • The catcher takes the place of the declarer and the declarer becomes the shooter.
drawing Walk-through ball with catch from space
  • The forwards player plays the ball into the support and runs towards the support.
  • The support plays the ball to the fellow attacker coming in from the side just before the striker reaches him.
  • The striker runs around the support and receives the ball from the fellow attacker and takes a through ball.
  • The shooter catches the ball himself and places it forward.
  • The support becomes a through-ball.
  • The co-attacker support.
  • The shooter becomes co-attacker.
Score 20 times over left and 20 times over right.
drawing Walk-through ball over support
  • Player 1 stands by the pawn
  • Player 2 comes to offer next to player 1 and doubles once
  • Player 2 then runs deep
  • Player 1 goes after his own ball and makes a handover
  • Player 2 takes a through ball
  • Exchange after X chances
  • Scoring a total of X goals
Points of attention:
  • Perform action smoothly.
  • Tight passing.
  • Correct hand passing.
drawing Passing, running with through ball and depth line
Warm-up with reaction training.

  • The field is divided into five different lines, including the sidelines.
  • Everyone starts on the same line, starting with short strides.
  • The trainer calls a color/type of line each time, which the group must run to as fast as possible. You have to tap the line on the floor with two hands.
  • Later a competition element is added to this.
  • Whoever taps the line last, drops out.
  • Player blue must get the ball to one of the 4 pawns.
  • Player red must pre-defend.
  • Player red must close ball line.
drawing Defending all-round
  • Two courses with four pairs. 1 duo starts on the side.
  • You play two against two. When the ball is intercepted the other duo takes a shot from the middle.
  • If you score through a shot, it is worth one point. A through ball is worth two points.
  • When a goal is scored, the scoring team leaves the field and a new pair enters the field. The pair that scored the goal may start.
Attention points attacker:
  • Choose an alternating running pace.
  • Try to look for your defender's backside.
Points of attention defender:
  • Predefend!
  • Try to intercept the pass.
drawing Two against two - party form
You must clear your fellow players after a long line.
The playing field is divided into 4 squares.
If you can pass to someone diagonally, you have done so after a long run.
  • Passer without a defender
  • Attacker without defender
  • Both with defender
  • Match: pass to player in adjacent box is 1 point, diagonal is 2 points.
drawing Passing after long running