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Korfball drills

  • Work in pairs. (unless there is no other way)
    • Shot from 4 meter from stand.
    • Shot from movement right 4/5 meter.
    • Shot from movement left 4/5 meter.
    • Short chance left at 3 meter.
    • Short chance right at 3 meter.
    • Penalty throw.
    • Walk-through ball.
    • Shot at 6 meter.
  • Working with 2 teams you let every player shoot for 2 minutes, after that you switch functions.
  • You are 4 minutes per round.
  • Note the scores on a list, so you can see if there is improvement later in the season.
  • Working with 3 teams, you work 1 minute per shot.


Set up attacks in overtime situations


  • Make sure the offense always has 1 more person than the defense (3-2, 4-3, 4-2 etc.)
  • Gives the offense a task:
    • E.g. score within 5 passes, score after setting up an action, score from the rebound.
  • Gives the defense a task:
    • E.g. intercept the ball within 5 passes, defend in front.
  • Decide if you can go for a defensive goal.
  • Indicate with cones where the lines are.
  • Agree when offense switches with defense:
    • After X minutes, after X goals, after X interceptions.
  • Each player a hoop and a pawn.
  • Player puts the pawn about 5 metres from the hoop.
  • Player turns the hoop and sprints to the pawn.
  • Player must be back before the hoop is finished.
  • If successful, move the pawn one metre away.
  • Who can achieve the greatest distance?
  • Each pair has a ball, a basket and 3 hoops.
  • The pair stands about 10 metres in front of the basket.
  • On a signal, player 1 throws the three hoops and the ball towards the basket.
  • When the ball is thrown, player 2 sprints to the ball and shoots from each hoop until he has scored.
  • Then player 2 takes the hoops and the ball and runs back to the start.
  • Player 2 throws and player 1 shoots.
  • Who finishes first.
  • After that of course a chance for revenge.
  • A pair must make a continuous run of 10 penalty throws.
  • Missing is back to 0.
  • In the time this pair needs the other pairs will do shooting exercises e.g.
    • Distance shot. (counts for 2)
    • Pass.
    • Chance.
  • Then change.
  • Who scores the most?

Three warm-up exercises for flexible muscles.

These exercises are for back, back and hamstring and back legs, ankles and arms.

  • Dangling pose. (back)
    • Both feet hip-width apart with feet forward.
    • Hands go up sideways.
    • Tilt your pelvis forward and bring your hands to the ground.
    • Try to feel the breath in your back and hold for 1 minute.
    • Then come up at a slow pace, vertebra by vertebra.
  • Down dog. (hamstring and back)
    • Hands and knees on the ground. (Hips above the knee and hands straight under the shoulder))
    • Plank on your hands.
    • Backside up and back, leaving hands where they are.
    • Hold for 20 seconds and then back in reverse.
  • Triangle pose. (back, legs, ankles and arms)
    • Stand arms and legs wide apart. (Legs at wrist width)
    • Turn right foot 90 degrees to the right and point left foot forward.
    • Ankles stay in 1 line.
    • Reach to the right and move your right hand to your calf and look up at your left hand. (Arms stay at 180 degrees)
    • Hips stay forward.
    • Stand still and come up.
  • Exercise 1 and 2 we do 3x, exercise 3 left and right.
  • 4 hurdles against each other in a 4 side.
    • Jump with two legs over the first hurdle.
    • Jump left over the hurdle and jump back.
    • Jump straight forward over the hurdle and back again.
    • Jump right over the hurdle, turn right and make a sprint to the pawn.
    • We do this 8 times.
  • 10 hoops spread over the ground.
    • You jump alternately with your left and right leg into a hoop and stay on that one leg for 3 counts.
    • Your face is always facing the same direction.
    • After the last hoop you sprint to the pawn.
    • We do this 8 times.
  • 6 cones next to each other with 50 cm distance between them (when this group is ready, parts 4 and 5 stop).
    • You step over the pawn in the space between first your right foot and then your left foot. (keep your back straight)
    • This way you step over all 6 cones.
    • Then you sprint to the pawn.
    • The next round you face the other way and first you go over the pawn with your left foot and then with your right foot.
    • Do this 4 times right and 4 times left.
  • Hat run. (brisk pace about 50%)
    • You start at a green hat.
    • At green you go forward.
    • At orange you go left.
    • At white you go backwards.
    • With blue you go to the right.
    • At every other colour you choose your own side.
  • Pass the Frisbee and make sure it is caught.
  • 6 pawns or hats in front of the basket, swing between them and make a overhead pass 20x.
  • 6 pawns or hats in front of the basket, swing between them and make an underhand ball 20x.
  • 3 teams per pole, 1 under the pole, 1 at 6 meter in front of the pole and 1 at 5 meter next to the pole.
    • The ball is played in front of the post.
    • The passer runs to the free side and gets the ball back.
    • The returner runs to the catch.
    • The lady next to the post passes to the place of the catcher, gets the ball and scores.
    • 20x scoring.
  • Same exercise with a new triangle.
    • The ball is played out in front of the post.
    • The passer runs to the free side and gets the ball back.
    • The back player runs to the catch.
    • The lady next to the post comes on the place of the catcher, gets the ball and plays it to the lady running away from the post.
    • She shoots and the first lady out of the way catches it.
    • Scoring 20x.
  • With 2 teams take short chance.
    • Planting the ball from the basket, stepping away, getting back and scoring.
    • 20x scoring.

You need the board game "30 seconds" to do this

Posts in a square or circle, reasonable distance from each other. In the middle stands the trainer with the 30 seconds board game.

List of 5-6 simple exercises with a number of goals. Each group (2 or 3 pairs) starts with the same exercise from the list. Each group continues until they reach the number. When they have reached the number for that exercise they go to the trainer and the board.

First come, first served. The group plays a round of "30 seconds" according to the normal rules. When they are done with the card, they get the next exercise and the number of goals. If a group has already done all the exercises on the list, they start again at the top of the list. Who reaches the end first?

Example exercises

  • 6 goals from 6 meter from standstill.
  • 12 penalty points.
  • 6 goals from 5 meter on the move.
  • 12 walk-throughs.
  • 4 goals from standing 7 meters.
  • 6 goals from movement 4 meters behind the basket.

3 or 4 at a pole.

  • Play around with each other. Someone takes the catch after a pass, this is player 1.
  • Player 2 is the one who just received the ball and is going to pass the deep line.
  • Player 3 moves towards player 2, is "front defended" and runs a deep line.
  • Player 2 passes a tight ball with a small arc to Player 3.
  • Player 3 takes a shot.
  • Player 1 catches, passes out to any team-mate and rejoins.


  • Instead of shooting, player 3 makes a shooting move.
  • Player 1 steps out from the rebound.
  • Player 3 passes to Player 1 and takes a walkthrough.

  • Play 4:4 and defend 1 on 1, trying to see as many fellow players as possible.
  • When there is a shot you join the steal.
  • In the game you take care of the catch and try to double through the outlet support.
  • Run into the free space for a through ball.
  • 4 persons per pole working in pairs, each pair has a ball.
  • Two persons start shooting at the same time from, for example, 5m.
  • If you have scored twice as person you call 'yes' and the shooters exchange with the catchers.
  • The pair that has scored 10 times first wins.