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Korfball drills

Work with 3 teams

  • Score 10 dodge balls after a move to the left.
  • Score 10 dodge balls after a move to the right.
  • Score 20 distance shots >/ 7 meter.
  • Score 10 dodge balls with full sprint.
  • Score 10 walk-throughs with running defender.
  • Score 10 penalty shots without missing.
  • Play in 1:1 with a defender.
  • The defender goes for it and tries to defend everything.
  • As attacker, create 3 chances and make the most of them.
  • Every player is 2x attacker/defender/forward.
  • Posts in a square.
  • One forward per pole.
  • Other players take a walkthrough from the centre.
  • Instead of finishing walk-through ball, pulls away behind the post and shoots.
  • Change after each shot.
  • Posts in a square.
  • One player per pole.
  • Other players take evasive balls from the centre.
  • Every time after a shot, return to the middle.
  • Swap after X number of goals, X number of goals in a series or by switching.


  • Which pair is first at x number of shots.


  • Each pair has 1 ball and takes turns shooting.
  • All teams start shooting at the same time.
  • Teams keep track of the number of goals they have scored.
  • Each team makes the same prearranged shots.


  • The game starts with each team having to score 2 goals.
  • The first team to do so calls to the trainer.
  • The coach stops the game.
  • Everyone who has 2 goals at that moment, goes for the next round for 3 goals.
  • All teams who have not scored 2 goals yet, start again with 2 goals.
  • Now the teams have different goals.
  • In the next round, each team must score one more goal than they scored in the previous round.
  • This continues until one team has scored 10 goals.
  • 1 pole with a pawn or ball on each side at 2 meters.
  • When using pawns, the ball is at the first pawn and the player takes it to the next pawn and puts it back there.
  • When using balls, the player puts the ball back at the original spot before going to the next pawn.
  • Player starts at 5 meter before the basket, on start signal player sprints to the first pawn/ball.
  • Player jumps back and forth as high as possible over the pawn/ball, catches the ball and scores from 2m.
  • If the goal is missed the player jumps back and forth over the ball again and scores.
  • If the goal is hit go to the next ball/pawn and repeat until the player has had all sides of the post.
  • Can make it a competition in various ways, increase the distance from 2m to 3 or 4m, instead of jumping left-right to front-back.
  • Original exercise is from Korfbalfit.
  • Posts in a square
  • One forward per pole
  • Other players take through balls from the middle.
  • Instead of completing the walkthrough, the player who came up to the post pulls away for a short distance.
  • The player who came up to the goal runs through, takes off one more time, gets the ball and shoots.
  • Change after every shot.


  • Attack:
    • Try to score as much as possible on baskets.
  • Defense:
    • Try to prevent as many scoring opportunities as possible without getting sidelined.


  • Attack:
    • After each goal attempt, return to the starting pawn.
    • It is not allowed to shoot defensively.
  • Defence:
    • If you cause a penalty throw (indicated by the declarer), you get one point in your rounds as attacker.
drawing keep the pressure on 2-1-1
  • Ladder exercise with run through ball
    • 1 foot in the ladder, 1 foot next to it, as fast as possible through the ladder and score 15 times
    • Sideways through the ladder with two feet in each compartment, 15 x scoring, easy pace
    • Start left of the ladder on left leg. Hop on right leg into the ladder and then next to it. Then with left leg into the ladder and next to it, then with right leg again and finish with a through ball. Do this quietly (strengthen ankle joint)
  • Ladder exercise without ball
    • With two feet in each rung, so small steps as fast as possible(5x per person)
    • Skating over the ladder from the left side outside the ladder to the right side outside the ladder.
    • 10 short sprints along the ladder with the ball. (as fast as possible)
  • Keep moving and make sure the pass comes from the space.
  • There is always room for a break-through or a shot.
  • The third player takes care of the catch and plays the ball again.
  • Make sure you are always on the move and keep space for your teammates
  • There is always one of the 4 (diagonal to the ball) who sinks to the post to be able to catch a shot
  • Try to get each other in a shooting position at a maximum of 6 metres, or indicate from the space that you want to break through because the opponent is biting.
  • The declarers give the ball to the shooter.
  • The shooter shoots.
  • As soon as the ball is loose, the next ball comes.
  • After 3/5 scores switch with 1 declarator.
  • All three score 3x3.
drawing quick shooting