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Korfball drills

Divide over the baskets (max 3 per basket). Each group gets a ball. Each player must stand within one meter of the post. The goal is to score 15 goals as a group. The ball is not allowed to fall on the ground, then the counter starts at 0 again.

  • 5 shots on the wide line
  • 10 through balls
  • 10 pull-aways



Lines with wurmpies

Walking lunge

3 push-ups per line





Rotating planks

1 arm 1 leg stretched planks

With ball abs (2 pairs)

10 push-ups

Squads with jump

Squads against the wall

Support on the side

90 degrees posture


Knee to the bank

Backward presses

On and off the bench

You work in pairs, per basket.
These pairs shoot 2 in pairs (1 per person).
When they are finished on that pole, they run to the next pole and score 2 more.
It may be that another duo is also busy on that pole, it doesn't matter. Both shoot then.

Who is the first to hit all the poles?

Pairs, running around the circle of pawns.

  • When you hear a 'YES' you try to pass the ball as fast as possible.
  • Then the other runs around the circle.
  • At a series of 4, the pair has a point.

Go up to three points.

  • At pawn 1
    • touch the groundtap the ground, jump up and stretch all the way. We do this ten times.
  • Pole 1
    • Then you take a dodge at pole 1.
    • RUN TO POLE 2.
  • Pole 2
    • 5 sit ups.
    • RUN TO POLE 2.
  • Pole 2
    • Take a run through at pole 2.
  • We do this 5 times
  • but each time change under the pole.
  • Two players facing each other at a distance of 4 meters.
  • Player 1 throws the ball, not too hard not too dear,
  • on the preferred hand of player 2
  • and player 2 tries to catch it with one hand.
  • Then player 2 does the same as player 1
  • and player 1 tries to catch with 1 hand as well.


  • The normal through ball.
    The through ball is made in one move and is fully extended.

  • The bounce pass ball.
    The walk-through ball is indicated by a bounce.

  • The prematurely declared through ball.
    The through ball is taken by floating in the air.

  • 1 forward under the post,
  • 1 attacker and
  • 1 defender in front of the post.
    • Attacker starts 5-6 m from the post,
    • attacker gets 3 goal attempts to score a goal.
    • If he fails to do so, he stays put and gets another defender.
    • This is rotated until the attacker scores.
  • The players take 10 runs from the back of the post.
  • The coach has a number in his mind and that is how many times the players must score.
  • If not, there is a consequence.
  • This is done per person and not as a team.
  • All players have to shoot 10 times from the back.
  • The coach has a number in his mind and that is how many times the players must score.
  • If not, there is a consequence.
  • This is done individually and not as a team.
  • The players are divided over two posts.
  • Per pole they take 15 short chances (about 2 meters).
  • The trainer has a number in his head and if the players have not scored as often there is a consequence.

This is done in team context