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Korfball drills

Player at 2.5m in front of the basket.

Take penalty throw

2 pawns with 3 meters in between.

Player 1 starts at 1 of the hats. Player 2 starts 3 meter from the cones, in the middle.

Player 1 goes at speed from hat 1 to hat 2.

Player 2 passes the ball to player 1 when he is almost at hat 2. Player 1 catches the ball with one hand, transfers it to his other hand and passes the ball back to player 2.

Player 1 goes back to hat 1, player 2 passes the ball back to the outside hand and player 1 passes back again.

Repeat for 1 minute and change players roles.

2 pawns with 3 meters in between.

Player 1 starts at 1 of the hats. Player 2 starts 3 meter from the cones, in the middle.

Player 1 goes at speed from hat 1 to hat 2.

Player 2 passes the ball to player 1 when he is almost at hat 2. Player 1 catches the ball with one hand and passes it back to player 2.

Player 1 goes back to hat 1, player 2 passes the ball back to the outside hand and player 1 passes back again.

Repeat for 1 minute and change players roles.

Player 1 stands 3-4 m from player 2.

Player 1 throws with his right hand to the right hand of player 2.Â

Player 2 does the same (right to right).

After 10 times it went well now with left to left.

Player 1 starts at 7 m, player 2 starts under the post.

Player 1 takes a pass but does not finish it. Instead, player 2 moves backwards away from the post, player 1 passes the ball to player 2 and player 2 shoots.

After this player 1 and 2 exchange roles.

Poles in a square, hats in the middle.

2 (or more) teams at a pole, on the starting signal start shooting from 4-5 meters. when a team has made 2 goals they may take a hat and put it under their pole.

When there are no more hats in the middle they can take from other poles.

First 2 team to get 3 hats wins.


Variation in number of hats in the middle, number of hats to win, distance and number of goals.

1 attacker and 1 defender in front of the post.

Attacker starts 5-6 m from the post, attacker gets 3 goal attempts to score a goal.

If he succeeds, he switches to the passer and the defender stays. If he succeeds, the attacker becomes the defender, the passer becomes the attacker and the defender becomes the passer.

Player 1 starts at 7 m in front of the post, player 2 signals 1-2 m in front of the post.

Player 1 takes the walkthrough and moves to 7 m behind the post. Player 2 catches the ball and passes at 1-2 m behind the post.

Player 1 takes a walkthrough ball from behind the post and catches his own ball, player 2 moves to 7 m in front of the post and repeats the exercise.

  • 1 player stands at pilon 1, 
  • 1 player stands at pilon 2.
  • Person 2 chooses whether to sprint to pilon 3 or pilon 4. 
  • Person 1 stands with his back to person 2. 
  • As soon as he/she sees that person 2 has made a choice, he/she tries to tap person 2 before he/she has touched pilon 3 or 4.
drawing visual search choices
  • There are 4 pilons in front of the post. 
  • 2 pilons of the same colour
  • These pilons are in a square. 
  • 1 player is under the post and 2 players are between the pilons. 
  • The 2 players between the pilons start with a light dribble towards the post.  
  • The player under the post names the colour of 1 of the 2 colours of pilons. 
  • The following actions are possible:
    1. The players run to the back 2 pilons turn around and sprint to the post and the first one takes a through ball. 
    2. The players run to the first two pilons and tap them and run back to the post and the first one takes a through ball.
drawing pilon choice
  • 1 post less than number of shooters. 
  • As long as music is playing, players run in circles. 
  • When the music stops, they can take goal attempts. 
  • On each post a maximum of 2 attempts may be made. 
  • As soon as this is done. The attackers put the ball on the ground. 
  • Who scores first....
    • through balls
    • feint
    • shots
  • 2 posts facing each other.
  • Shooter with defender. 
  • May pass 1x before defender steps in. 
  • Then defender jumps in or allows shot. 
  • When a goal is scored, at a good rebound or at good step out, rebounder becomes attacker otherwise, the defender becomes attacker. 
  • This happens on the opposite post.