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Korfball drills

At a distance of +/- 15 meters from each other, make two compartments with 4 pilons of 1.5 x 1.5 meters.

Make two teams with an equal number of players. 

  • Each team has its own compartment.
  • The other team tries to conquer the other team's square.
  • This happens when 1 striker is standing in the opponent's square and the ball is played by a team-mate.
  • They get 1 point. No other players are allowed in the box.
  • When the defence intercepts the ball, they may immediately start the attack on the opponent's square.


  • on time
  • with points
  • of both teams 1 player is allowed in the box
  • no limit on the number of defendants in box
  • no limit on the number of attackers in box
  • customize size of box
  • distance between boxes

  • One ball per groups of two/three. 
  • The players pass until they reach a post. 
  • At the post both players may shoot once. 
  • Then they have to pass again to another post. 
  • All groups just cross each other. 
  • Whichever team to achieve 15 goals first wins(optional).
  • 4 children are standing next to each other, about 5 meters apart.
  • 1 child is going to do the exercise:
  • Receives the ball at the first pilon, returns it to the player on the other side, and moves on to the second pilon and so on. 
  • At the back pilon he returns with a full sprint.
  • Then switch, everyone moves a place, number 5 does the exercise now. 
  • Everybody has their turn. Possibly everyone could go 2-3x.


  • Work in groups of 2-3 or 4 and a post. 
  • Players stand in front of each other and throw the ball to each other.
  • Player A throws to player B. 
  • Player A runs towards player B, but then backs away towards the post and gets the ball from player B (deep pass). 
  • Player A shoots the ball into the post. 
    • Make sure you run close enough to the post. 
    • Don't stop running too early and the pass must be precise.
  • You can extend the exercise further by passing the ball back to player B instead of taking a shot, 
    • then it's important that player B makes a running action to become available for a pass. 

  • There's a pilon 8 meters from the post.
  • At this pilon: 
    • Pilon 1, they touch the ground 10 times and then jump up and stretch out all the way. 
    • Then they sprint to post 1 and take a dodgeball on the left; shoot on one leg.
  • There is another pilon and post next to the pilon and post. 
    • The pilon is also at 8 meters from the post.
    • From post 1, they sprint to pilon 2 and press it 10 times. 
    • Then they sprint to the post and throw towards the passer under the post and he has a short chance behind the post.
  • There is another pilon and post next to the pilon and post. 
    • The pilon is also at 8 meters from the post.
    • From post 2 they sprint to pilon 3 and do 15 squats. 
    • Then they sprint to post 3 and take a through-ball. 
  • There is another pilon and post next to the pilon and post. 
    • The pilon is also 8 meters from the post.
    • From post 3 they sprint to pilon 4 and run 4 circles around the pilon. 
    • Then they sprint to post 4 and take a straight dodgeball; shooting on one leg. 

They have 10 minutes to get a total score of 20 with the whole group. If they don't get to this point there is a consequence.

  • 50 second full sprint, 
  • 10 push-ups, 
  • 10 crunches, 
  • 10 leg raises, 
  • Run one round around the whole field.

  • Players stand in front of each other and each has a ball in one of their hands. 
  • One in their left hand, the other in their right hand.
  • Now they are going to throw the balls to each other 
    • ...so for a certain period of time or for several times
  • Player 1 throws the ball to the oncoming player 2 who is not running straight into the ball,
  • but diagonally to the right of the player.
  • Player 1 runs to the other side, receives the ball halfway from player 2 and throws it to the pilon he came from, player 4, and connects behind the other pilon where only player 3 is.
  • Player 2 connects behind player 4.
  • Player 1 must make a quarter turn to be able to throw the ball from player 2 to player 4, this turn must be done airborne.
  • Arrange a square with a distance of about 10 meters.
  • For larger groups, pentagons can be used.
  • Player 1 throws the ball to player 2, runs after the ball and gets the ball back to player 2.
  • Player 1 throws the ball to player 3, runs after the ball, receives and throws it to player 4.
  • Arrivin at player 4, player 1 should throw a long diagonal ball to player 2 and player 1 can take up his original position.
  • Player 2 continues the exercise.
  • This exercise should be done twice each and then be done in the other direction.
  • Who is first to finish the exercise?
  • Watch out for uneven distances.
  • Shooter stand in front of the post, with a defender
  • Shooter stand in front of the post, with a defender
  • The ball is thrown in from under the post, after which the ball is handled from the outer to the inner hand for a through-ball.
  • The pilon is now placed 6 metres in front of the post, a passer with ball stands under the post.
  • A runner and defender stand at the pilon.
  • The runner goes back and forth around the pilon and starts counting how many times he or she can double the ball with the passer, without it being intercepted by the defender (everything must be done with one hand).
  • After four doubles, the through-ball is made, the defender only gives pressure and allows the through-ball if the defender passes over the right leg.
  • 4 posts in a square, pairs of two of the same sex at a post.
  • The posts are 16 meters apart lengthwise.
  • The pairs stand in front of each other at a post.
  • There is 1 runner and 1 passer per pair. The runners runs in the direction of the post on the other side, when the runners reach the middle, they turn around each other, in order to score in their own post: (changing function after an exercise)
  • A player stand with the ball well behind post
  • Attacker with defender in front of the post
  • Attacker must always run towards the line of pilons after a shot
  • Then wait until the passer throws the ball so he can run backwards and shoot
  • Switch after a goal
    • Pressure: 
      • Defender runs slowly with the attacker
      • Defender 75%
      • Defender full pressure


  • Work in groups of 3
  • Players throw the ball at each other
  • Player A throws to player B. 
  • And player A runs deep
  • Player A shoots the ball into the post
    • Make sure you run straight to the post. 
    • Don't stop running too early and the pass should be good.
  • You can extend the exercise further by passing the ball back to player B who takes a through-ball instead of taking a shot