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Korfball drills

  • 3 persons under the pole.
  • 1 person under the post + 2 persons in front and behind the post.
  • Ball goes from under to the person in front, who passes it back to the person in front.
  • The 3rd person is doing an in-out move and gets the ball from the indicated 3rd person shoot.
  • Signaller catches the ball and passes it back to the person who just shot and so on.
  • 6 scoring with 2 is exchanging with the person under the post.
  • 2 pawns/covers for the pole at about 8 meters.
  • The pawns are next to each other with about 2/3 meters between them.
  • The goal is to run back and forth between the pawns and to tap the pawns.
  • After x number of times the person who was between the pawns has to make a pass.
drawing .

Basic rules:

  • The attackers' first shot is 'free'.
  • It may not be defended.
  • Take the first shot, each attacker tries to stay in possession of the ball.
  • If the defender takes the ball after the first shot, the attempt is over.
  • If the defender does not take the ball after the first shot, the defender must try to prevent the second shot as soon as possible.
  • If the attackers get the ball after the first shot, they may play freely.
  • The attacker has, after the first shot, two choices: shoot himself or get the assist
  • The exercise lasts a maximum of 10 seconds.
  • Forces to act fast.


  • Try to stay in possession of the ball after the first free shot by one of the attackers.
  • If you don't, and the defender grabs the ball, your attempt is over.
  • If you do, you can play freely (3-1 or 2-2).
  • If a goal is scored or the ball is intercepted, the attempt is over.
  • After each attempt, the attackers start at a pawn and another attacker takes the first shot.
  • After 3 attempts, it is changeover time.

Forms of play:

  • 2-2, then two of the attackers are always defenders and everyone starts at their own pawn.
  • 4-2 or 4-3, next to the attacker who makes the shot, no one is a defender.
  • After the shot, anyone can be defended.
  • 4-4: There is one defender and one attacker on each teammate.

drawing stay in possession of the ball to score - running catch forms 3 and 4


  • As the attacking team, try to score in the basket for 2 points or by standing in the hoop with the al for 1 point.
  • You are allowed to walk with the ball without being tapped with the ball in your hands.
  • Passing and walking with the ball is important!
  • It's kind of like rugby, but without physical contact.


  • You may run with the ball in your hands inside the field
  • Defending goals is allowed (tapping the attacking side is smarter)
  • Only if you have the ball, you may be tapped.
  • Step 1:
    • If you are tapped with the ball, you have 2 seconds to throw the ball over.
    • If you don't, put the ball on the ground and the defending team attacks.
  • Step 2:
    • If you are tapped with the ball, you immediately put the ball on the ground and the defending side attacks.
    • The 1st pass may not be defended or tapped.
  • Scoring in the hoop is 1 point.
  • You score in the hoop by standing in it with the ball.
  • Scoring in the basket is 2 points.
  • Further normal korfball rules.
drawing korfball rugby


  • Who is the first to circle the ball or the player?


  • Everyone stands in a circle with enough space to throw a ball quickly.
  • The ball starts to the right of the child who is going to run.
  • The child who is going to run, runs at the same time as throwing the first ball on the outside of the circle.
  • Plays with 4 players around the post.
  • Player 1 takes the pass immediately after a pass.
  • Player 2 passes to player 3.
  • Player 3 passes to player 1 in the pass.
  • Player 2 turns around the forward and catches the ball.
  • Bitch passes to one of the two attacking players.
  • Player takes a shot.
  • It is important to keep a high ball tempo, to fill in quickly, to fill in the right persons and to throw in the right hand.


  • Attack:
    • Within the allotted time, choose a correct position for penalty throw or free throw.
  • Defense:
    • Position yourself properly in front of your attacker for penalty throw or free throw within the set time.


  • Leader calls if a free throw or a penalty throw is given and who will take it.
  • Attackers and defenders line up within the time limit.
  • Mistakes will be discussed positively.
  • For higher teams, only place a pawn in front of the penalty spot.
drawing free throw quick positioning

Training on tight passing.

  • 2 players start at about 2 metres from each other You can increase/decrease the distance over time or depending on the variation you do.
  • Passes must be hard!
  • Make sure that you don't throw hard just for the sake of throwing hard, but that you throw hard to get the ball to the team-mate quickly and tightly.
  • Keep reminding them of this constantly.
  • Passes should also be tight.
  • No "piss bows". These passes are slow and easy to intercept.
  • When catching with one hand, make sure you move with the hand and if necessary step with the corresponding leg

Variation 1

  • Player 1 passes with his right hand to player 2's left hand.
  • Player 2 takes over and passes right back to player 1.
  • After one minute both players change their throwing and catching hand.
  • Repeat this at larger and larger distances.

Variant 2

  • Player 1 passes right to player 2's left hand.
  • Player 2 passes back with his left hand to the right hand of player 1.
  • After one minute both players change their throwing and catching hand.
  • Repeat this at larger and larger distances.

Variant 3 - with movement left-right

  • Player 1 has the ball.
  • Player 2 moves to the left or right.
  • Player 1 passes to outside hand of player 2.
  • Player 2 passes back with his outside hand.
  • After one minute, the players change positions. (Player 1 moves left/right. Player 2 passes to).
  • Repeat at increasing distances.

Variant 4 - deep line

  • Player 1 has the ball.
  • Player 2 moves towards player 1 from the side.
  • Player 2 puts his foot across and runs a deep line away from player 1.
  • Player 1 passes with a small arc (but still tight!) to player 2.
  • After one minute the players change function (player 1 starts running, player 2 passes to him).

  • Player 1 starts at 6 meters from the basket.
  • Player 2 stands between player 1 and the basket at 2 metres from player 1.
  • Player 1 starts running for a through ball.
  • Player 2 has to prevent the through ball.
  • So player 2 must bend his knees to be able to move immediately.
  • Also, the player must move immediately when player 1 starts to run.
  • If this is not done, you are too late and you will never catch up with player 1.
  • The goal is to prevent the walkthrough ball.


  • From 4-0 position to take action.


  • You play around and create an attack opportunity in front of the basket.
  • After the first action, start the second action.
  • After second action, return to 4-0 position.
  • Everyone stays in motion.

Actions to practice:

  • Behind.
  • Cross.
  • Left/right.
  • Pass from 4-0.
  • A.
  • B.
  • Opening.

See drawing for from 4-0 to 3-1 to 2-1-1.

Blue is 4-0.

  • Player 1 throws to player 2.
  • Player 1 puts in rebound.
  • Player 3 fills in place of player 1.
  • Player 4 behind the basket.
  • Player 2 throws to player 1.
  • Player 1 throws to player 2 or 3, they make an evasive move. (where possible shot).

Red is 3-1.

  • Player 4 enters the support.
  • Player 2 or 3 throws to 4.
  • Player 2 and 3 make an action for a goal attempt.
  • Player 1 catches a shot or makes sure she is away from a pass, can score via diversion after a missed pass.
  • Player 4 makes a run through after a pass through.
drawing set up actions from 4-0
  • Players run/dribble around a set square. (poles/pawns, sufficient distance from each other).
  • Players are given a list of commands in advance, with a corresponding number.
  • The trainer calls out a number randomly, players carry out the assignment.
  • You can adjust the number of missions and the missions themselves.
  • Example of assignments.
    • Tapping the ground.
    • Jump in the air.
    • Sprint to the next pole.
    • 1 burpee.
    • Backwards as if you are defending until the next pole/pawn.
  • Players play 4-0 around the post.
  • Player 1 takes the catch immediately after a pass.
  • The next player to pass the ball takes the pass, but is "defended in front" and cannot avoid it.
  • The player goes behind the post, the "defender" stays in front of the post, the player behind the post pulls away, gets the ball and shoots.
  • Ball is caught, played out and the exercise is done again.
  • This can be done with or without defenders.
  • With defenders, the defenders must over-defend and stay in front of the post when the player moves backwards.
  • Without defenders, make sure that attackers keep making the correct movements and do not immediately move backwards to move away, but only when they have been "pre-defended